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Resumen de La irresistible tentación de la búsqueda de la fortuna en las Indias: el clérigo Juan de Valladares en el sur de la Audiencia de Quito (1557-1610)

Jesús Paniagua Pérez, Deborah L. Truhan

  • The fabled riches of the Indes pulled Spaniards of all walks of life to the Andes in the sixteenth century. One of these was Juan de Valladares. A secular priest, he went first to Venezuela but soon thereafter established himself in Cuenca, in the south-central highlands of the Audiencia of Quito. His two wills reflect his career as priest, but even more his search for wealth; first in the mines, and later in urban crafts, real estate and possibly commerce. His early riches dwindled away, and at the end of his long life he had little to leave to his heirs or for the salvation of his soul.

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