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Resumen de La narrativa anti-chola en la literatura boliviana, 1880-1940: sobre caudillos, demagogos y otros "males étnicos"

Marta Irurozqui Victoriano

  • By posing a question about the anticholo prejudice, it is proposed to go deep into its characteristics - mainly the way in which the elite endeavoured to restrict and control popular political participation - through the analysis of political and literary texts of the time. By comparing the different proposals about citizenship contained in Nataniel Aguirre's novel Juan de la Rosa and in other texts written by members of the Generación de la Amargura ("the Generation of Bitterness"), it will be argued that those texts contributed to the creation of opinions and perceptions that hindered the process of converting the derogatory category "cholo" into the socially acceptable category of "mestizo". All of this took place when the Bolivians were cornmitted to their national refounding after their defeat in the Pacific War.

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