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Resumen de El Plistocè superior del Frontó des Molar (Manacor, Mallorca)

Damià Vicens Xamena, Miquel McMinn Grivé, Francesc Gràcia Lladó, Joan Cuerda Barceló

  • català

    Es fa l'estudi del registre paleontológic d'un petit, peró interessant jaciment del Plistoce superior, situat al Frontó des Molar (Manacor, Mallorca). Es citen fóssils deis següents tiuwns: Rhodophyceae, Foraminifera, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Crustacea, Bryozoa, Echinoidea, Osteichthyes i Aves. Alvania geryonia, Rissoa auriscalpium, Erosaria spurca, Muricopsis diadema, de la classe Gastropoda, són noves cites pel Quaternari de les Balears. Fasciolaria lignaria, també un gastrópode, és cita nova pel Plistoce superior de les Balears.

    La Baldritja, Puffinus mauretanicus, de la classe Aves, es cita nova per al Quaternari de Mallorca. És la primera vegada que es troben restes d'aus fóssils en un dipósit no carstic a les Illes Balears.

  • English

    We describe the fauna found in this small, but very interesting, palaeontological site from the upper Pleistocene of Mallorca.

    The deposit is located on the southeast coast of the island, Frontó des Molar, Manacor. The taxa des'cribed from this locality include: Rhodophyceae, Foraminifera, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Crustacea, Bryozoa, Echinoidea, Osteichthyes and Aves. The following species of Gastropoda are new citations for the Quaternary of the Balearic islands: Alvania geryonia, Rissoa auriscalpium, Erosaria spurca, Muricopsis diadema. The Gastropoda, Fasciolaria lignaria is a new citation for the upper Pleistocene of the Balearics.

    The seabird, Puffinus mauretanicus, is found for the first time in a Quaternary deposit of Mallorca, and it is also the first discovery of fossil bird remains in a non-karstic deposit.

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