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Resumen de Esclaves, militaires et libéraux: les chemins de l'enseignemnet mutuel au brésil (1808-1854)

Maria Helena Camara Bastos

  • Mutual/monitorial teaching was officially introduced in Brazil under the ¿Decree of the First Letters¿ on 15 October 1827. Such a decree was the first law on National Public Instruction of the Brazilian Empire and proposed the establishment and the adoption of the Lancasterian approach in elementary schools. This study analyses the beginning of the mutual/ monitorial teaching in Brazil between 1815 and 1827 and the political-administrative obstacles to its implementation from 1827. Such an approach was influenced by the Société pour l¿instruction élémentaire, founded in France in 1815 to promote the diffusion of mutual teaching. It also analyses the teachers¿ formation based on the theoretical and practical principles of the mutual/monitorial teaching as explained in Baron de Gérando¿s book, widely diffused in Latin America, Cours Normal des instituteurs primaires, ou Directions relatives à l¿Education Physique, Morale et Intellectuelle dans les Ecoles Primaires (1832).

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