Land use policy The International Journal Covering All Aspects of Land Use

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por artículos de Azadi, Hossein

Total de citas: 128

Artículo citado Citas recibidas
Land reform, land fragmentation and perspectives for future land consolidation in Estonia (2016) Núm. 57 Pág. 34-43 4
Agricultural land use sustainability in Southwest Iran : Improving land leveling using consolidation plans (2020) Núm. 94 Pág. 63 2
My land is my food : Exploring social function of large land deals using food security–land deals relation in five Eastern European countries (2019) Núm. 82 Pág. 729-741 2
Mitigating environmental risks : Modeling the interaction of water quality parameters and land use cover (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 9 2
Agricultural land use conflict management—Vulnerabilities, law restrictions and negotiation frames. A wake-up call (2018) Núm. 76 Pág. 600-610 2
The effects of rural development policy on land rights distribution and land use scenarios : The case of oil palm in the Peruvian Amazon (2018) Núm. 70 Pág. 84-93 2
Land, power and peace : Tenure formalization, agricultural reform, and livelihood insecurity in rural Rwanda (2013) Núm. 30 Pág. 186-196 2
The ‘new’ African customary land tenure. Characteristic, features and policy implications of a new paradigm (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 897-903 2
Land tenure security : Revisiting and refining the concept for Sub-Saharan Africa's rural poor (2014) Núm. 36 Pág. 231-238 2
Agricultural land use change in the Brazilian Pampa Biome : The reduction of natural grasslands (2017) Núm. 63 Pág. 394-400 2
Rural Revitalization in China : Land-Use Optimization through the Practice of Place-making (2020) Núm. 97 Pág. 84 1
Does social capital matter in climate change adaptation? A lesson from agricultural sector in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 14 1
Land use change drivers in the Hyrcanian Vegetation Area : Dynamic simultaneous equations system with panel data approach (2020) Núm. 99 Pág. 42 1
Assessing the economic marginality of agricultural lands in Italy to support land use planning (2018) Núm. 76 Pág. 526-534 1
Towards productive landscapes : trade-offs in tree-cover and income across a matrix of smallholder agricultural land-use systems (2016) Núm. 58 Pág. 152-164 1
Support tools for land use policies based on high resolution regional air quality modelling (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 2 1
Advancing climate-smart-agriculture in developing drylands: Joint analysis of the adoption of multiple on-farm soil and water conservation technologies in West African Sahel (2017) Núm. 61 Pág. 196-207 1
Land fragmentation and other determinants of agricultural farm productivity : The case of Estonia (2018) Núm. 79 Pág. 285-292 1
Land fragmentation and production diversification : A case study from rural Albania (2018) Núm. 76 Pág. 589-599 1
An analysis of the joint adoption of water conservation and soil conservation in Central Chile (2013) Núm. 32 Pág. 292-301 1
Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: Factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica (2010) Núm. 27 Pág. 1132-1142 1
The positive impacts of farm land fragmentation in Rwanda (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 565-581 1
Impact of land fragmentation, farm size, land ownership and crop diversity on : profit and efficiency of irrigated farms in India (2013) Núm. 31 Pág. 397-405 1
Capitalization by formalization? � Challenging the current paradigm of land reforms (2012) Núm. 29 Pág. 837-845 1
Perceptions regarding active management of the Cross-timbers forest resources of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas : A SWOT-ANP analysis (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 523-530 1
Review of the evolution of cultivated land protection policies in the period following China’s reform and liberalization (2017) Núm. 67 Pág. 660-669 1
Land use transitions and land management : A mutual feedback perspective (2018) Núm. 74 Pág. 111-120 1
Whereto land fragmentation–land grabbing in Romania? The place of negotiation in reaching win–win community-based solutions (2017) Núm. 64 Pág. 174-185 1
Assessing the effectiveness of land consolidation for improving agricultural productivity in China (2018) Núm. 70 Pág. 360-367 1
Classification of farmland ownership fragmentation as a cause of land degradation : A review on typology, consequences, and remedies (2016) Núm. 57 Pág. 694-701 1
Drivers of changes in agricultural intensity in Europe (2016) Núm. 58 Pág. 380-393 1
Land tenure in Brazil : The question of regulation and governance (2015) Núm. 42 Pág. 509-516 1
Land tenure security and adoption of modern rice technology in Odisha, Eastern India : Revisiting Besley’s hypothesis (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 236-244 1
Climate change risk perceptions and agricultural adaptation strategies in vulnerable riverine char islands of Bangladesh (2021) Núm. 103 Pág. 7 1
Resettlement preferences from landslide prone areas in Cameroon : Willingness to move, reasons to stay (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 17 1
Quantitative micro-scale flood risk assessment in a section of the Trotuș River, Romania (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 4 1
Public support effect on natural disaster management : A case study of ice storms in forests in Slovenia (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 5 1
Landholders’ perception of conversion of steep lands to orchard schemes : Land use policy implications in North Iran (2021) Núm. 102 Pág. 18 1
Impacts of land consolidation on rural human–environment system in typical watershed of the Loess Plateau and implications for rural development policy (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 339-350 1
The importance of creating new inheritance policies and laws that reduce agricultural land fragmentation and its negative impacts in Turkey (2016) Núm. 56 Pág. 1-7 1
Determinants of climate change adaptation strategies and its impact on the net farm income of rice farmers in south-west Nigeria (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 12 1
Sustainable agricultural practices, environmental risk mitigation and livelihood improvements : Empirical evidence from Northern Ethiopia (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 16 1
Land-use changes and land policies evolution in China’s urbanization processes375-387 (2018) Núm. 75 Pág. 375-387 1
Livelihood resilience of riverine island dwellers in the face of natural disasters : Empirical evidence from Bangladesh (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 30 1
Price volatility of agricultural land in Poland in the context of the European Union (2019) Núm. 82 Pág. 486-496 1
Applying evaluation criteria for the land consolidation effect to three contrasting study areas in the Czech Republic (2006) Núm. 23 Pág. 502-510 1
Socio-economic effects of agricultural land conversion for urban development : Case study of Hanoi, Vietnam (2016) Núm. 54 Pág. 583-592 1
Agricultural land-use dynamics : Assessing the relative importance of socioeconomic and biophysical drivers for more targeted policy (2017) Núm. 63 Pág. 53-66 1
Land use and management in Benin Republic : An evaluation of the effectiveness of Land Law 2013-01 (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 61-69 1
Patterns of revenue distribution in rural residential land consolidation in contemporary China : The perspective of property rights delineation (2020) Núm. 97 Pág. 61 1
A review of practices for sustaining urban and peri-urban agriculture : Implications for land use planning in rapidly urbanising Ghanaian cities (2019) Núm. 84 Pág. 260-277 1
Land tenure-related conflicts in peri-urban areas : A review (2019) Núm. 85 Pág. 218-229 1
Professional urban agriculture and its characteristic business models in Metropolis Ruhr, Germany (2016) Núm. 58 Pág. 366-379 1
Relationship between land tenure and soil quality : Evidence from China’s soil fertility analysis (2019) Núm. 80 Pág. 345-361 1
Synthesizing the dilemmas and prospects for a peri-urban land use management framework : Evidence from Ethiopia (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 61 1
Accounting for diverse risk attitudes in measures of risk perceptions : A case study of climate change risk for small-scale citrus farmers in Indonesia (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 15 1
Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland (2014) Núm. 39 Pág. 313-319 1
Factors influencing the use of adaptation strategies to climate change in paddy lands of Kamfiruz, Iran (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 60 1
Responsible consolidation of customary lands : A framework for land reallocation (2019) Núm. 83 Pág. 412-423 1
Spatial differentiation characteristics and driving mechanism of rural-industrial Land transition : A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China (2021) Núm. 102 Pág. 50 1
Who are the losers? Gendered-migration, climate change, and the impact of large scale land acquisitions on food security in coastal Tanzania (2021) Núm. 101 Pág. 33 1
Land use, income, and ethnic diversity in the margins of Hutan Harapan – A rainforest restoration concession in Jambi and South sumatra, Indonesia (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 268-279 1
Barriers and requirements to climate change adaptation of mountainous rural communities in developing countries : The case of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 13 1
Analysis of territorial compatibility for Seveso-type sites using different risk assessment methods and GIS technique (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 3 1
Transnational land deals : Towards an inclusive land governance framework (2015) Núm. 42 Pág. 781-789 1
Environmental protection or subversion in mining? Planning challenges, perspectives and actors at the largest gold deposit in Europe (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 10 1
Farming system diversity and its drivers in land reform farms of the Waterberg District, South Africa (2022) Núm. 117 Pág. 40 1
Socioeconomic drivers of forest loss and fragmentation : A comparison between different land use planning schemes and policy implications (2016) Núm. 54 Pág. 58-68 1
Economic evaluation of agricultural land to assess land use changes (2016) Núm. 56 Pág. 125-146 1
Strategic adjustment of land use policy under the economic transformation (2018) Núm. 74 Pág. 5-14 1
The territorial politics of land use planning in Laos (2019) Núm. 83 Pág. 346-356 1
Effect of land-centered urbanization on rural development : A regional analysis in China (2019) Núm. 87 Pág. 68-68 1
Evaluation of land administration systems (2004) Núm. 21 Pág. 371-380 1
Abandoned agricultural land and its potential for short rotation woody crops in Latvia (2015) Núm. 49 Pág. 435-445 1
Exploring the feasibility of setting up community allotments on abandoned agricultural land : A place, people, policy approach (2018) Núm. 79 Pág. 102-115 1
Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and food security threats : Effects of land tenure in Zambia (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 532-538 1
Impacts and causes of land fragmentation, and lessons learned from land consolidation in South Asia (2005) Núm. 22 Pág. 358-372 1
Owner or tenant : Who adopts better soil conservation practices? (2015) Núm. 47 Pág. 253-261 1
Coupling analysis of greenhouse-led farmland transition and rural transformation development in China’s traditional farming area : A case of Qingzhou City (2019) Núm. 86 Pág. 113-125 1
Land tenure (in)security and crop-tree intercropping in rural Xinjiang, China (2016) Núm. 50 Pág. 102-114 1
Economic analysis of land use changes in forests and rangelands : Developing conservation strategies (2019) Núm. 88 Pág. 17 1
Agricultural land fragmentation in Iran : Application of game theory (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 57 1
Scaling up to address new challenges to conservation on US farmland (2013) Núm. 31 Pág. 223-236 1
Peri-urban agriculture in Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area and its relationship with the urban socioeconomic system (2016) Núm. 55 Pág. 265-274 1
Impacts of land leases in Oromia, Ethiopia : Changes in access to livelihood resources for local people (2020) Núm. 97 Pág. 16 1
Valuing the "bundle of land rights" : On formalising indigenous people's (adivasis) land rights in Kerala, India (2013) Núm. 30 Pág. 408-416 1
Incentivizing sustainable rangeland practices and policies in Colombia’s Orinoco region (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 18 1
Keeping agriculture alive next to the city – The functions of the land tenure regime nearby Gothenburg, Sweden (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 447-459 1
Why are the Longji Terraces in Southwest China maintained well? A conservation mechanism for agricultural landscapes based on agricultural multi-functions developed by multi-stakeholders (2019) Núm. 85 Pág. 42-51 1
Risk communication, women’s participation and flood mitigation in Vietnam : An experimental study (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 8 1
Decision-making in soil conservation: application of a behavioral model to potato farmers in Sri Lanka (2004) Núm. 21 Pág. 321-331 1
Household adoption behaviour of improved soil conservation: the case of the North Pare and West Usambara Mountains of Tanzania (2000) Núm. 17 Pág. 321-336 1
Citizen response to a video experiment on values, interests and beliefs related to land. A “Stop and start over!” time for saving Romanian rural heritage (2018) Núm. 73 Pág. 468-479 1
Masculinity, men and patriarchal issues aside : How do women’s actions impede women’s access to land? Matters arising from a peri-rural community in Nigeria (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 39-48 1
Trends of soil degradation : Does the socio-economic status of land owners and land users matter? (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 11 1
Flood risk and imprudence of planning in Extremadura, Spain (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 6 1
Land tenure reforms and persistence of land conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa – The case of Botswana (2019) Núm. 81 Pág. 337-345 1
Measuring the effectiveness of land consolidation : An economic approach based on selected case studies from Poland (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 7 1
The evolution of a rural territory at plot scale : Between hyper-fragmentation and land grabbing (irrigation perimeter PC15 - Marianina Valley, Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar) (2015) Núm. 43 Pág. 170-185 1
Temporal and spatial variability of agricultural land loss in relation to policy and accessibility in a low hilly region of southeast China (2011) Núm. 28 Pág. 762-769 1
Assessing the role of policies on land use change and agricultural development since 1960s in northern Ethiopia (2013) Núm. 30 Pág. 944-951 1
Land use conversion in metropolitan areas and the permanence of agriculture : Sensitivity Index of Agricultural Land (SIAL), a tool for territorial analysis (2013) Núm. 35 Pág. 155-162 1
Spatial development policy: changing roles for local and regional authorities in the Netherlands (2003) Núm. 20 Pág. 357-366 1
Analysis and identification of abandoned agricultural land using remote sensing methodology (2019) Núm. 82 Pág. 709-715 1
Population stress : A spatiotemporal analysis of population change and land development at the county level in the contiguous United States, 2001–2011 (2018) Núm. 70 Pág. 128-137 1
Land markets and the distribution of land in northwestern Tanzania (2017) Núm. 69 Pág. 550-563 1
Impact of land fragmentation and non-agricultural labor supply on circulation of agricultural land management rights (2017) Núm. 68 Pág. 355-364 1
Property as a human right and property as a special title. Rediscussing private ownership of land (2018) Núm. 70 Pág. 273-280 1
Understanding farmers’ climate adaptation intention in Iran : A protection-motivation extended model (2020) Núm. 94 Pág. 48 1
The World Bank and market-assisted land reform in Colombia, Brazil, and Guatemala (2021) Núm. 100 Pág. 9 1
Switzerland’s transition from flood defence to flood-adapted land use–A policy coordination perspective (2020) Núm. 95 Pág. 7 1
Water crisis, drought, and climate change in the southeast United States (2019) Núm. 88 Pág. 7 1
Institutional, economic and socio-cultural factors accounting for gender-based inequalities in land title procurement in Cameroon (2018) Núm. 78 Pág. 116-125 1
The evolution of soil conservation policies targeting land abandonment and soil erosion in Spain : A review (2019) Núm. 83 Pág. 174-186 1
Urbanization, land use transformation and spatio-environmental impacts : Analyses of trends and implications in major metropolitan regions of Ghana (2020) Núm. 96 Pág. 42 1
Adaptation with climate uncertainty : An examination of agricultural land use in the United States (2018) Núm. 77 Pág. 392-401 1