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Constructing transformations of image in the Jordanian contemporary art

  • Autores: Abdullah Obeidat
  • Directores de la Tesis: Asunción Jódar Miñarro (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad de Granada ( España ) en 2013
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Carmen Lloret Ferrándiz (presid.), Sergio García Sánchez (secret.), José Miguel Puerta Vílchez (voc.), Roser Juanola i Terradellas (voc.), Dolores Pascual Buyé (voc.)
  • Materias:
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    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: DIGIBUG
  • Resumen
    • The summary: - This study one of specialized studies which discussed the contemporary Jordanian art, it focuses on the main stages of intellectual and philosophy development in the Jordanian art, it is stage characterized by the global comprehensive changes in terms of quantity and quality, it discuss the media and political changes influence on the artistic think transform for the contemporary Jordanian artist during the period between 1995 - 2012, it is a period without any studies that analyzed the images think influence on the Jordanian art, especially by existence the globalization era influence, media political troubles, the spread of human rights ideas, all that created new culture based on changing the social and cultural era concepts, they shared the political and technological changes to form one of the basic references which forms the Jordanian artist culture, which led to change the artistic image in Jordanian art on two levels, which are the artistic image material and the its mental references, the change means its presence at the local, that does not mean create an extraordinary artistic change at the global art level. The research consists of five main chapters, which are: The first chapter discuss the methodology project, which presents the research abstract, summary, the important aims, limits, the references, the previous studies and the study aims represents by the following objectives:

      - Studying the most important intellectual developments in the image at the Jordanian art, and researches the intellectual characteristics of each development stage.

      - Identifies the most important influences that led to change the image structure in Jordanian art in terms of: - Identifies the artist category which has a great change in the Jordanian art scene in terms of cultural references for each one of them.

      - Identifies the Jordanian artist who influenced by the globalization think and its influence on the artistic image identity.

      The second chapter entitled the artistic image and the consciousness, within two studies, the artistic image concept, and the artistic image history and ideology, the First section defines that the artistic image as a physical phenomenon, consists from raw materials, techniques, structure style and artistic composition and as an artistic vision. It discusses the definition of the nature image and how it changes as a result of the intellectual and cognitive developments, which the human civilizations made through the history. The second section presents some historical models of the image since the caves art and through the ancient Egyptian civilization, Greek civilization, the Renaissance, Baroque Rococo, and the neoclassical. Also the study shows the important change in technology such as the camera invention that happened in nineteenth century and its influenced on artistic image path and its goals, that changed the artistic styles and their intellectual visions, and changed the traditional and realism styles, which represented by creating the Impressionism, Cubism and futurist, abstraction and the expressionism.

      The third chapter entitled the artistic image in contemporary art, it presents within four sections, where the first one discusses the image in the light of the technology influences, and the experimental science influences to change the artistic think paths, it refers to some theoretical opinions in this field, which focused on the experimental think and the principles, it influences in patterning the visual awareness and therefore in the visual culture. Also the study touched the new styles appearance which associated with the cultural values changes,the economic systems and the industrial abundance, which led to appear the ready form, conceptual art, pop art, installation art, event art, video art, Computer art and the visual tricks in the artistic image. The study also presents some artistic models of artists which showing the artistic image reality in the light of cultural changes, which focuses on the interaction with the recipient it also imposes surprises and intellectual contradictions.

      The third section titled the artistic image and the globalized culture, it touches the globalized think influence and it spread its culture at the images at first, it has reinforced the human values neutralize which formed by the religions and institutional values, due to the large spread of Media, which was one of the global phenomenon necessities the globalized think has contributed in change the Intellectual humanity patterns, their desires and behaviors were sought a specific goals, that were economic and consumption aims, encourage the intellectual and individual freedoms or cultural diversity or melting the specificities. the researcher noted of the ideology influence in the think, achieve the profitability, pricing the humanists thought and production, as same as the researcher indicated to the culture globalization led the artist to aspires entering the human thought world trough leaving his cultural privacy which was among the subjects that many artists tried to discuss humanitarian issues that were accepted universally.

      The fourth section entitled the Jordanian art Movement, the researcher focuses on the origins and progress the Jordanian art in light of the circumstances surrounding and according to temporal series since the Ottoman occupation, England colonization and through the wars that occurred in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon, where he presented the most important features of the Jordanian art since its creation during the past decades, he discussed the most important influences in the intellectual and stylistic formula, especially the foreigners artists influences, in addition to the Jordanian students who have studied outside, the popular and political changes influences, the study discussed the successive migrations influence on the artistic texture. The study touched the universal artistic styles of realistic and impressionistic, expressionistic, surreal and abstractive at the Jordanian art, by another side the study discussed the role of Jordanians artists abroad, their experiences and their artistic styles that they bring with them, it also indicated the think development of the Jordanian artist from caring about the identity subjects or the local subjects that focus on history, women fashion, calligraphy, architecture, nature and the political struggle. It indicates to forming the mental structure and the specific features of the Jordanian art in eighties and nineties stages.

      The fifth section discussed the cultural changes that have influenced in the Jordanian art, specifically those increasing during the nineties, where the world by its various poles testified clear changes, which has accompanied by cultural systems and ranges appearance, thus, there are many consequences at the Jordanian art, the discussion of popular heritage, the culture and social life and the local nature became decreasing, and turned to interact with current issues. the researcher touched the media and technology influence on the Jordanian art orientations, beside the new artistic styles appearance as a result of the war on Iraq and the Iraqi artists enter to Jordan due to the stable security factor, which increased the artistic quantum beside the increase the exhibition halls number which in turn helped to sales some types of works and led some artists to direct their artistic styles.

      The fourth chapter has been specified to the research actions, determines the research community, its samples, its tools and its research way, it contains analysis of the 35 samples, the researcher presents the most important changes that have entered into the Jordanian art scene, either the intellectual or that concerns the artistic language, which means the new artistic style, the samples has chosen according to their influence by the changes, according to the experts opinion and according to the study goals and the theoretical part result.

      The fifth chapter was for the results of the samples analyses, the researcher concluded a set of points which identified the most important intellectual developments, which are as follows: 1 - The Jordanian art turned to introduce some universal visual symbols and codes that have the ability to understand globally, that represented by adopting the contemporary image techniques, its tools, the cultural symbols joining with the global models and works, benefits of technology, influenced by the international artistic style such as the abstraction and the formless, which means the Jordanian artist influenced directly or indirectly by the globalized think or the universal culture.

      2 ¿ The artist Jordanian changed his subjects that focus on popular life, historical aspects and local culture to represent the subjects which touched the humanitarian issues and contemporary life in general, the local identity features have been decreased greatly, this change was clear since mid- nineties, the analysis search path interrupted in the local culture, the expression turned from glorify the social values to present a critical state of some negative social values , the era feature was encourage the free expression culture, it could be noted the interesting of new bold subjects, the risks look for women, the effeminates, the woman's body, nudity, the sexual hints and the environment pollution.

      The artists influenced greatly by the consequences events whether the local or global one through the media images, thus the media was added as an essential and active component in the forming of the contemporary Jordanian artist culture, and as a communicative means artistically and intellectually with the global events and arts.

      3 - The role of studio, artistic group and discipleship was ended, which led to appear an individual orientations to each artist.

      4 - The galleries appearance helped to create the artistic and intellectual trends than others trends.

      5 - The artistic image concept developed at the Jordanian artist from using the traditional tools to use complex tools which have more than one raw and more than mediator, including the self artist, they also led to appear intellectual features in the artistic theorizing.

      6 - The identity concept turned from expression of local or spatial or popular identity to express another concept of humanity, sexuality and inseparably identity.

      7 - The new media created a clear intellectual change in the artistic scene, it created fashions in which some artists interacted with the new media, and in turn it created new intellectual features in the critical state, represented by critical theorizing of the ideas and others technical features.

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