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Madrid, Sílex Universidad, 2015. 155 págs. ISBN 978-84-7737-899-0 Artículo revisado por pare
Esta comunicación recoge los avances de investigación del proyecto en el que los autores de ésta participan, titulado “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)” (Programa... more
Esta comunicación recoge los avances de investigación del proyecto en el que los autores de ésta participan, titulado “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)” (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, HAR2016-79689-P, 2017-2020), en colaboración con el proyecto de formación, investigación y transferencia “Malaka_net: Bases para la rehabilitación sostenible del Patrimonio Histórico de Málaga”, desarrollado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de esta ciudad con el Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda de Málaga. Luis José García-Pulido, Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo y Mª. Isabel Alba-Dorado. “El frente marítimo de Málaga como palimpsesto”. En: Ángeles Layuno Rosas, Elena Marcos Toribio y Júlia Cristina Pereira de Faria, (coords.), Actas preliminares de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación sobre Paisaje, Patrimo...
The matter referring to the gold roman mines in the territory of Granada and Baza comes from second half of 19th century, when the auriferous deposits present in these places was treated to be exploited whit industrial techniques. We... more
The matter referring to the gold roman mines in the territory of Granada and Baza comes from second half of 19th century, when the auriferous deposits present in these places was treated to be exploited whit industrial techniques. We displayed here a summary of the sources for the global study of this issue in the province of Granada.
In 1852 were rediscovered the gold alluvial deposits of the rivers Golopón and Bodurria, in the north face of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, a few years after the California Gold Rush begun. Opposite this one, in the placers of Granada... more
In 1852 were rediscovered the gold alluvial deposits of the rivers Golopón and Bodurria, in the north face of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, a few years after the California Gold Rush begun. Opposite this one, in the placers of Granada there were obvious traces of an intense exploitation referred to remotes times. We present a summary of the preliminary data for the future study of four ancient gold mining sectors in the territory of Basti (Cerro Cepero, Baza).
Universidad de Malaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. Proyecto del Plan Nacional I+D+i (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia) entitled ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el... more
Universidad de Malaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. Proyecto del Plan Nacional I+D+i (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia) entitled ‘Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazari de Granada. Analisis y documentacion cientifica (Nazalaya)’ (HAR2016-79689-P) Proyecto de Investigacion Precompetitivo (mod. A) del Plan Propio de la Universidad de Malaga ‘La construccion de un paisaje: arquitectura de tapial en la Alta Andalucia en el siglo XIII. Estudio y analisis del sistema de torres andalusies en el valle de Segura de la Sierra’ X Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigacion de la Fundacion Publica Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la modalidad de proyectos individuales, PRY/259/17 ‘Torres medievales y modernas conservadas en Andalucia. Documentacion grafica, analisis cientifico e interrelaciones’
The Mapa topografico de la ciudad de Granada y su termino , conducted by Francisco Dalmau in 1819, combines accuracy and scientific rationality with an exquisite care in the artistic details. It was done several decades before to the... more
The Mapa topografico de la ciudad de Granada y su termino , conducted by Francisco Dalmau in 1819, combines accuracy and scientific rationality with an exquisite care in the artistic details. It was done several decades before to the earliest works of this matter drawn in other Spanish cities, which started to appear after the development of the Land Tax in Spain in 1845. Although it was not the last cartographic project of this mathematician from Barcelona established in Granada, it has to be considered one of his greatest works.
Luis Jose Garcia-Pulido y Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo. “Muslim heritage and environment: the case of the watchtowers of the nasrid kingdom of Granada (thirteenth to fifteenth century)”. En: Heritage 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International... more
Luis Jose Garcia-Pulido y Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo. “Muslim heritage and environment: the case of the watchtowers of the nasrid kingdom of Granada (thirteenth to fifteenth century)”. En: Heritage 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development (10th Anniversary Edition) Granada, Spain, 12-15 June 2018. Edited by Rogerio Amoeda, Sergio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro, Juan M. Santiago Zaragoza, Julio Calvo Serrano, Fabian Garcia Carrillo. Editorial Universidad de Granada y Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Granada, 2018. e-ISBN 978-84-338-6261-7
That place known with the name of Hoyas del Tullido, Marjales del Tullido or Hoyos de Marín, situated in Caniles’ municipal district (Granada), in the northern hillside of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, shelters the remains of a gold... more
That place known with the name of Hoyas del Tullido, Marjales del Tullido or Hoyos de Marín, situated in Caniles’ municipal district (Granada), in the northern hillside of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, shelters the remains of a gold mine with huge works on surface. In this place there were tested the hydraulic technology developed in the Antiquity in order to mining gold-bearing alluviums. Inside it there are ceramic shards and wall structures that in some cases might be dated in the High Empire. This mine is over one dozen kilometres from Basti, the main oppidum that acted as eponym of the region called Bastetania by the Greco-Roman geographers. In Roman times, it was developed as an important site in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
El Cerro del Castillo y el frontero Cerro de los Allozos (ambos con más de 1.200 m.s.n.m.), definen dos estratégicos promontorios en los que destacan los restos arqueológicos que subsisten de época ibérica (figura 1). Si en el de los... more
El Cerro del Castillo y el frontero Cerro de los Allozos (ambos con más de 1.200 m.s.n.m.), definen dos estratégicos promontorios en los que destacan los restos arqueológicos que subsisten de época ibérica (figura 1). Si en el de los Allozos se desarrolló uno de los oppida nucleares más importantes de la Bastetania, con una cronología desde el Bronce Final hasta el siglo II a.C., en el del Castillo también existen importantes restos murarios ciclópeos en su falda oriental, adscritos a una fortificación realizada en este periodo y reutilizada en época medieval islámica, cuando se acometió la construcción del castillo en la coronación de este promontorio.
Esta comunicacion recoge los avances de investigacion del proyecto en el que los autores de esta participan, titulado “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazari de Granada. Analisis y documentacion cientifica (Nazalaya)” (Programa... more
Esta comunicacion recoge los avances de investigacion del proyecto en el que los autores de esta participan, titulado “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazari de Granada. Analisis y documentacion cientifica (Nazalaya)” (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, HAR2016-79689-P, 2017-2020), en colaboracion con el proyecto de formacion, investigacion y transferencia “Malaka_net: Bases para la rehabilitacion sostenible del Patrimonio Historico de Malaga”, desarrollado en la Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de esta ciudad con el Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda de Malaga. Luis Jose Garcia-Pulido, Jonathan Ruiz-Jaramillo y Ma. Isabel Alba-Dorado. “El frente maritimo de Malaga como palimpsesto”. En: Angeles Layuno Rosas, Elena Marcos Toribio y Julia Cristina Pereira de Faria, (coords.), Actas preliminares de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Investigacion sobre Paisaje, Patrimo...
The extraction of gold deposits from the Hill of the Sun (Cerro del Sol) using hydraulic mining techniques could go back to the end of the 2nd century B.C. Much later, in the last quarter of 14th century, the Nasrid monarch Mu™ammad V,... more
The extraction of gold deposits from the Hill of the Sun (Cerro del Sol) using hydraulic mining techniques could go back to the end of the 2nd century B.C. Much later, in the last quarter of 14th century, the Nasrid monarch Mu™ammad V, one of the builders of the Alhambra, decided to locate the Palace of the Alijares well above the limit line marked by the Royal Channel (Acequia Real). The relationship between the Roman hydraulic system on the Hill of the Sun and others developed in Islamic times could contain the keys to an historical problem that has not been solved: explaining the system of water supply to this royal palace.
Fatinafar was an irrigated agricultural estate in the fertile plain of Granada, located at the Northwest end of its township. The successive agricultural survey and cadastres concerning this estate have been preserved since the 16th... more
Fatinafar was an irrigated agricultural estate in the fertile plain of Granada, located at the Northwest end of its township. The successive agricultural survey and cadastres concerning this estate have been preserved since the 16th century to nowadays, representing this case a very valuable exception that allows recomposing its configuration and morphological development during these centuries. At the end of the 19th century the site hosted San Juan refinery, and, since the beginning of the following century, the San Isidro sugar factory was also located there. They both represent one of the most important sugar manufacturing complexes of Granada´s environment and a first magnitude industrial heritage.
This paper presents some of the information obtained during the archaeological surveys carried out in 2019 in the stately fortress known as Torre de Isso, located in the municipality of Hellín (Albacete). These fieldworks have attempted... more
This paper presents some of the information obtained during the archaeological surveys carried out in 2019 in the stately fortress known as Torre de Isso, located in the municipality of Hellín (Albacete). These fieldworks have attempted to answer some questions related to the historical interpretation of the preserved monumental remains, specifically two large towers and some walls from the second half of the thirteenth or fourteenth century. The initial study and graphical documentation were carried out to obtain the data needed to draft a conservation project in line with current scientific criteria.Extending the investigation to the whole neighborhood of houses that surrounds the towers resulted in the discovery of a quadrangular fortress of 44 x 42 m, which incorporates the towers and in which different construction phases have been identified, certainly prior to and subsequent to the Christian conquest. The remains found were reused in the load-bearing walls of some of the hous...
PurposeHeritage landmarks and historical values often coexist with places and regions of remarkable environmental and landscape wealth. This article studies their capacity to generate global understanding of their territory through the... more
PurposeHeritage landmarks and historical values often coexist with places and regions of remarkable environmental and landscape wealth. This article studies their capacity to generate global understanding of their territory through the creation of cultural routes. The proposed methodology is verified through the study of the defensive features of the ancient Nasrid Kingdom, the last Islamic territory in the Iberian Peninsula from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, which shaped the Spanish region known as the Kingdom of Granada until the nineteenth century.Design/methodology/approachTo assist in the proposal of new routes, a precise collection of physical data (topography, landmarks, resources, population centres …), existing public paths and protected natural sites was carried out. Those cultural routes relevant to the area of study were also selected and mapped through GIS. A set of indicators prioritised through an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) have evaluated the proposed...
The Tower of Comares in danger of collapse. Affections in the most significant structure of the Alhambra during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesThis article develops a research on the outside layout of the Tower of Comares in the... more
The Tower of Comares in danger of collapse. Affections in the most significant structure of the Alhambra during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesThis article develops a research on the outside layout of the Tower of Comares in the Alhambra (Granada), studying its transformations. It is focused on the interventions that took place at the most critical moment in its history. Between the last decades of the sixteenth century and the first ones of the seventeenth century, its general state of abandonment, the explosion of a nearby powder mill and the bad restauration practices applied in some cases, brought it to its structural limits, threatening its ruin. This process could fortunately be reversed after several technical reports on its injuries and actual conservation estate. If neglected, it would have led to the collapse of this paradigmatic example of the Nasrid regal defensive architecture.
Due to the conflicts that existed among the kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, the territories of al-Andalus were protected with defensive architecture that played an influential role on the landscape. The... more
Due to the conflicts that existed among the kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, the territories of al-Andalus were protected with defensive architecture that played an influential role on the landscape. The development of these fortresses was necessarily linked to water, either because of the strategic control of a hydraulic resource or because of the need to provide to inaccessible places, as it is often the case of the emplacement of these constructions. The study of their implantation in the territory and the hydraulic elements that they preserve has revealed quite diverse systems of water supply. This paper presents the comprehensive overview that emerged after verifying that many of the existing cisterns, rather than being autonomous and isolated elements, as has often been considered, are strongly related to the organization and development of the fortresses, sometimes located at the end of complex and advanced hydraulic networks, closely linked to the to...
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to... more
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492. To control this frontier and establish visual communication between it and the Nasrid center at the Alhambra citadel, an extensive network of watchtowers and defensive towers was…
FORTMED 2020 is the fifth edition of the International Conference on Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast. The Conference has been held in March 26th, 27th and 28th 2020 in Granada (Spain), at the Laboratory of Archaeology and... more
FORTMED 2020 is the fifth edition of the International Conference on Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast. The Conference has been held in March 26th, 27th and 28th 2020 in Granada (Spain), at the Laboratory of Archaeology and Architecture of the City (Laboratorio de Arqueología y Arquitectura de la Ciudad, LAAC) of the School of Arabic Studies (Escuela de Estudios Árabes, EEA), a research centre that belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC). The main objective of FORTMED conferences is to exchange and share knowledge for a better understanding, assessment, management and exploitation of the built Cultural Heritage. The focus is on defensive architecture in the Mediterranean area, from the Antiquity to the present day, although it does not exclude other fortifications built overseas but high influenced by those on the Mediterranean.
RUIZ-JARAMILLO, J. y GARCIA-PULIDO, L.J., 2018. Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment. Heritage 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable... more
RUIZ-JARAMILLO, J. y GARCIA-PULIDO, L.J., 2018. Guarding the border: watchtowers of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Characterization and vulnerability assessment. Heritage 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Granada: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp. 1511-1518
The Hoya de Baza stands out for having several underground galleries that, in some cases, were designed as qanāt-s. They usually have small dimensions and were built for different purposes. They are often dug in soft marls areas, without... more
The Hoya de Baza stands out for having several underground galleries that, in some cases, were designed as qanāt-s. They usually have small dimensions and were built for different purposes. They are often dug in soft marls areas, without maintenance and shoring structures, thus their extreme fragility that risked them to completely quickly disappear after remaining abandoned and disused. We have had the possibility to meet one of its last masons, though it is a technology that goes back a long time ago, and some might have be planned originally in al-Andalus times.
That place known with the name of Hoyas del Tullido, Marjales del Tullido or Hoyos de Marín, situated in Caniles’ municipal district (Granada), in the northern hillside of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, shelters the remains of a gold... more
That place known with the name of Hoyas del Tullido, Marjales del Tullido or Hoyos de Marín, situated in Caniles’ municipal district (Granada), in the northern hillside of the Sierra de Baza-Los Filabres, shelters the remains of a gold mine with huge works on surface. In this place there were tested the hydraulic technology developed in the Antiquity in order to mining gold-bearing alluviums. Inside it there are ceramic shards and wall structures that in some cases might be dated in the High Empire. This mine is over one dozen kilometres from Basti, the main oppidum that acted as eponym of the region called Bastetania by the Greco-Roman geographers. In Roman times, it was developed as an important site in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
The tower of Agicampe is located in the easternmost point of the municipality of Loja (Granada). It may have been built during the reign of Mohammed V (second half of the 14th century), situated at less than 250 metres from the important... more
The tower of Agicampe is located in the easternmost point of the municipality of Loja (Granada). It may have been built during the reign of Mohammed V (second half of the 14th century), situated at less than 250 metres from the important spring of Agicampe (altitude 628 metres above sea level). For this reason the farmstead of Sikanb (Agicampe) was established here, and was already populated in the 8th century.

The tower has two levels and was constructed with graveled rough ashlar defining roughly horizontal courses arranged by granulometric differentiation. In addition, the vaulted brick ceilings of the main halls, both upstairs and downstairs, have been partially preserved.

In order to carry out the project to reinforce the tower, an architectural survey of the visible structures was made and analysis of the problems it has was done. As a result of these preparatory studies, a series of solutions has been proposed which aim to stabilize said problems. By means of these, reinforcement of the tower can get underway and its conservation can be guaranteed.
Comportamento bioclimatico delle abitazioni vernacolari in ambito mediterraneo: casi di studio 2 seguenti) che, citando Socrate, sollecitava a chiu-dere la parte della casa orientata a nord per evitare i venti freddi, aprendo a sud le... more
Comportamento bioclimatico delle abitazioni vernacolari in ambito mediterraneo: casi di studio 2 seguenti) che, citando Socrate, sollecitava a chiu-dere la parte della casa orientata a nord per evitare i venti freddi, aprendo a sud le sale comunicanti col patio per mezzo di portici, protetti da gron-de. d'altra parte Aristotele (Politica, VIII, 11.6) attribuirebbe al celebre urbanista Ippodamo da Mileto l'introduzione del tracciato delle strade in quadrettatura, indicando che tale pianifica-zione razionale permetteva una conveniente di-sposizione delle case al fine di ottenere il massi-mo beneficio solare. In questo modo, nel mondo greco-romano si pianificarono razionalmente le piante di alcune città e delle loro unità residen-ziali, e i criteri di comfort risposero soprattutto al raggiungimento del massimo livello d'ombra sulle facciate e della ventilazione delle strade. tale sarebbe potuto essere il caso di olinto 4 , una delle principali urbes del nord della Grecia nel V secolo a.C., o Príene, una volta che fu rifondata nel IV secolo a.C. Il tracciato delle strade seguì un orien-tamento n-S, formando isolati allungati con ap-pezzamenti quadrangolari. Le case furono sempre in generale dotate di patii, con vani costruiti su tre o quattro lati dell'appezzamento, sebbene si preferisse solitamente collocare la sala principale in una posizione e orientazione determinata, nor-malmente nel lato nord. Allo stesso modo, anche i trattatisti dell'ar-chitettura classica darebbero indicazioni nelle proprie opere sul miglioramento climatico negli edifici domestici. Così, Marco Vitruvio Pollione (De Architectura, Libro I, capitoli IV e VI) sotto-lineerebbe la necessità di scegliere un'ottima col-locazione prima di tracciare la pianta di una città "secondo gli angoli intermedi tra le due direzio-ni dei venti", evitando esposizioni a temperature, venti ed umidità estremi. Con la rapida espansione degli arabi a partire dal VII secolo verso l'Asia centrale, l'Africa e il Mediterraneo, ebbe luogo un processo d'assimila-zione e assorbimento di influenze. Il bacino medi-terraneo contava sui modelli del mondo greco-ro-mano, che avevano ricevuto anticamente elementi dalla tradizione mediorientale dell'edilizia persia-na sasanida, babilonese ed egiziana. La flessibilità della progettazione delle città e delle case che si sviluppò rese possibili soluzioni di orientamento particolari, adattate alle condizioni ambientali e al clima di ogni regione. nonostante le sue origini nomadi, rapidamente la civiltà islamica medievale si estese come una cultura prevalentemente ur-bana con città compatte, facendo leva sulle comu-nità anche rurali per prosperare e difendersi. Le disposizioni di regolamentazione urbana pratica-te dagli arabi sarebbero state sistematizzate per la prima volta in Medio oriente verso il VI secolo d.C. 5 , fatto che sancirebbe l'antichità di queste pratiche. La preoccupazione per queste questioni si ri-flettono nel Muqaddimah o Prolegomena del tu-nisino Ibn Khaldūn, dove si sottolinea la necessità del controllo dell'architettura sull'ambiente, an-ticipando la teoria del determinismo ambientale proposta da Montesquieu nel XVIII secolo 6. 2. eLeMentI deLL'edILIzIA doMeStICA trAdIzIo-nALe deL MedIterrAneo utILI AL rAGGIunGI-Mento deL CoMfort bIoCLIMAtICo 2.1. Isorientamento e molteplicità funzionale degli ambienti L'isorientamento solare che offre un miglior comfort per l'abitabilità degli spazi di una casa ed una migliore risposta ai fattori climatici nelle diverse latitudini del bacino mediterraneo è quello che prevede la disposizione della sala principale al nord con le aperture verso il lato meridionale del-la proprietà. Se questa facciata si completa con un portico si ottengono le condizioni ottime di pro-tezione naturale contro il sole estivo e si garantisce la massima ricezione di energia solare in inverno, quando l'inclinazione del sole è molto più bassa. Le facciate est e ovest ricevono due volte e mez-za più radiazione solare in estate piuttosto che in inverno, mentre la facciata meridionale della sala nord riceve in estate due volte meno radiazione rispetto all'inverno 7. L'isorientamento solare è un elemento molto comune nell'architettura tradizionale islamica, e quello che più la condiziona rispetto ad altri fat-tori come quelli relativi alla sicurezza, alla cultura, all'orografia e all'urbanistica. nelle città musul-mane medievali, l'edificazione primigenia costru-ita in un appezzamento era solita seguire prima di tutto questo criterio, adattandosi alle possibili ir-regolarità dei lotti contigui, fatto che contribuiva alla costruzione di case di differente forma e gran-dezza, caratteristica che si può vedere in alcuni degli edifici e dei centri storici che si conservano dell'Andalusia medievale islamica (al-Andalus), come Madinat al-zahra' (X secolo, Cordova), il Palazzo dell'Aljafería di Saragozza (XI secolo), il Castelletto di Monteagudo (secolo XII, Murcia) 8 , i palazzi almohadi sorti nei secoli XII e XIII nella fortezza di Siviglia o il palazzo proto-nasride di al-Qaṣr al-Ṣagīr (XIII secolo, Murcia). nelle città dei nasridi, nei secoli XIII-XV, è evidente l'iso-rientamento n-S delle residenze, anche signorili, come è il caso di quelle conservate nella capitale del Sultanato, Granada, soprattutto all'interno della cittadella fortificata dell'Alhambra (fig. 2).
The Alhambra is located at the westernmost end of an alluvial deposit known as the Cerro del Sol. On this ridge, which acts as a dividing line between the basins of the rivers Darro and Genil, there is evidence of the existence of gold in... more
The Alhambra is located at the westernmost end of an alluvial deposit known as the Cerro del Sol. On this ridge, which acts as a dividing line between the basins of the rivers Darro and Genil, there is evidence of the existence of gold in the Alhambra Conglomerate. The advent of the Romans saw the beginning of the large scale exploitation of the gold deposits in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, using various hydraulic mining techniques. In the case of Cerro del Sol, gold was extracted from the slopes of both the Genil and Darro valleys, but the most spectacular workings were at the Hoyo de la Campana where there was a large scale application of the “ruina montium” or hushing system of mining. This involved the construction of a network of channels to carry out the water from over then kilometres away to the working faces.
This paper is devoted to the study of the different towers of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (1232 to 1492) and their linked landscapes, as well as the evolution, preservation, resilience or transformation of their environment until... more
This paper is devoted to the study of the different towers of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (1232 to 1492) and their linked landscapes, as well as the evolution, preservation, resilience or transformation of their environment until present days. These late Islamic territories in medieval Iberia occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of today’s Spain. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the expansion of Castile during more than two centuries and a half. To control this frontier and establish visual communication between it and the Nasrid power centres lead by the Alhambra citadel, an extensive network of watchtowers and defensive towers linked to farmsteads was constructed. These towers are located in unique sites; being erected as reference landmarks of the territories on which they stand. These fortifications, with very diverse typology and morphology, are a faithful testimony to the different territorial structure that has taken place throughout history.
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern of the Iberian Peninsula. The frontier between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492 was controlled by an... more
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern of the Iberian Peninsula. The frontier between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492 was controlled by an extensive network of watchtowers built by Nasrid through the provinces of Granada, Malaga, Almeria and the eastern parts of Jaen, Cordoba and Cadiz. They allowed to control this frontier establishing visual communication between them and the Nasrid centre at the Alhambra citadel. Even protected by Spanish Heritage law, many of these medieval towers and their cultural landscapes are in severe risk because of anthropic action as well as natural deterioration. Within the framework of the R&D project called “Las atalayas que defendieron el reino nazarí de Granada. Análisis y documentación científica (Nazalaya)”, the towers are being studied. As a complement of planimetry obtained by procedures as photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), complete architectural surveys using non-destructive techniques are being performed as part of the analysis to obtain a global description of construction systems used.
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to... more
The Islamic Nasrid kingdom of Granada occupied the mountainous areas of the southeastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. There, a natural border was established between the Nasrid kingdom and the Christian kingdom of Castile from 1232 to 1492. To control this frontier and establish visual communication between it and the Nasrid center at the Alhambra citadel, an extensive network of watchtowers and defensive towers was constructed.

Studies have been done of individual towers, but no comparative study has been undertaken of all of them. Graphic, homogenous, and exhaustively planimetric documentation would bring together existing information on the majority of them and enable comparative analysis. For this reason, this work conducts systematic architectural surveys of all these military structures, using photogrammetry.

In addition to studying the construction typology and techniques, the structural capacity of these towers has been analyzed. It examines how they have been affected by human and natural destructive forces, especially earthquakes, which are common in eastern Andalusia. Although all the historical military architecture is protected by the Spanish and Andalusian Heritage laws, many of these medieval towers and their cultural landscapes are in severe risk.

The towers are being studied as individual specimens (emphasizing their differences) and as a unit in a typological group (looking for similarities and unifying characteristics). New technologies for Information and Communication are being used in order to disseminate the results among specialists and to make them available to the general public. Guidelines for restoration projects are also being formulated from the cases analyzed.
Montejícar Castle (Granada) occupies an area around 800m2 on top of the Cerro del Castillo, with its Summit at 1.264 metres above sea level. Such promontory has been a place of human settlement at least since the Bronze Age, with... more
Montejícar Castle (Granada) occupies an area around 800m2 on top of the Cerro del Castillo, with its Summit at 1.264 metres above sea level. Such promontory has been a place of human settlement at least since the Bronze Age, with overlapped periods from Argaric, Iberian, Roman, Medieval and Modern times.

Both the Cerro del Castillo and the Cerro de los Allozos at the opposite hill (1.265 metres above sea level) define two strategic promontories with important archaeological remains from Iberian times. If in the Allozos Hill it was developed one of the most important nuclear oppida of the Bastetani, with a chronology from the Late Bronze Age to the second century BC, in the Castle Hill there are also important remains of a cyclopean Wall in its Eastern slope. It is linked to a fortification made in this period and reused in subsequent historical moments.

The Islamic medieval occupation is attested by the remains of the castle. After the conquest, the sources mention the donation of this fortress to Diego Hernández de Ulloa, knight of the City Council of Jaen, who resided as governor. The castle would have been occupied  until April 1498, date on which the fortress would have been brought down, according to the general mandate imposed by the Catholic Monarchs.

Given the heritage and environmental assets of the Hill of the Castle of Montejícar, the City Council initiated in 2011 a diverse project with the objective of achieving the conservation, improving the value and attraction of the structures preserved in it, as well as enhancing its landscape features. This project had photography as one of the most important tools to study this heritage site. The plentiful graphical documentation carried out contributed decisively to the positive assessment of the proposal presented on 24 November 2014 to the 1,5% call of the Ministry of Development, being approved by resolution of 29 July 2015 on the granting of an aid for restoration of the Spanish historical heritage, in collaboration with the City Council of Montjeícar.
Given the heritage and environmental wealth of the Hill of the Castle of Montejicar, the Town Council initiated in 2011 a diverse project with the objective of achieving the conservation, improving the value and attraction of the... more
Given the heritage and environmental wealth of the Hill of the Castle of Montejicar, the Town Council initiated in 2011 a diverse project with the objective of achieving the conservation, improving the value and attraction of the structures preserved in it, as well as enhancing its landscape features, aiming to créate a Peri-urban Park for Montejícar. The scientific research of this multi-stratigraphic site in all its chronological phases -with settlements from Bronze to Modern Ages and important phases in Iberian, Roman and medieval periods- is also undertaken in this project.

As oppose to what happened in other historial periods, Montejícar is nowadays in conditions of relative isolation, a fact that has allowed the preservation of the heritage of the Hill of the Castle without excessive alteration. The proposed actions constribute to increasing the value of the heritage and landscape assets of this village and its attraction for programs of cultural and environmental itineraries in the shoutheast of Spain.
The Tower of Agicampe is situated on top of a small limestone promontory in between the east slope of the Sierrezuela Hill of Loja and the fertile plain of Granada. In the Middle Ages it was linked to the Islamic farmstead of Sikanb,... more
The Tower of Agicampe is situated on top of a small limestone promontory in between the east slope of the Sierrezuela Hill of Loja and the fertile plain of Granada. In the Middle Ages it was linked to the Islamic farmstead of Sikanb, which was already populated in the 8th century, though the construction of the tower may date from the 14th century, as a consequence of the refortification program of the Nasrid border with the kingdom of Castile.

This tower is inside the modern farmhouse of Agicampe, remaining almost separated from the later building that make up this hacienda. The initiative for its restorarion comes from the current owner, who is interested in its use in harmony with its denomination as a Site of Cultural Interest.

The projects goals are the documentation, archaeological study and the stabilization of the structures of this medieval tower, which is threatened by considerable damage, in order that this interesting example of the military medieval architecture from the border of the kingdom of Granada is protected, preserved, increased in value, disseminated and opened for visitors.
The Royal Water Channels are inherent part of the Cultural Landscape of the Alhambra. They flow along the river Darro valley and the Peri-urban Park "Dehesa del Generalife", and form part of much appreciated itineraries by daily visitors.... more
The Royal Water Channels are inherent part of the Cultural Landscape of the Alhambra. They flow along the river Darro valley and the Peri-urban Park "Dehesa del Generalife", and form part of much appreciated itineraries by daily visitors. The values that they encompass are very diverse; from those of a historical and heritage nature to those of an environmental landscape, ethnographic and symbolic nature.

The water running along these medieval channels stimulates the growth of a gallery forest. The filtration and the spillage keep the hillsides covered with vegetation, increasing the biodiversity and recharging the water table levels that created the existence of some springs. The last one of these Royal Water Channels stopped fulfilling its function some decades ago. From the mid-1990s the Alhambra and Generalife Trust has carried out several projects focused on the protection and valuation of this important legacy. Recently the restoration of a first section was undertaken, documenting scientifically the elements linked to these arteries of the Alhambra and safeguarding its heritage values.
The landscape that features the gold mine of the Hoyo de la Campana is the result of huge erosive processes developed during decades of mining works in Antiquity. Furthermore, it has also been a place in which small scale mining attempts... more
The landscape that features the gold mine of the Hoyo de la Campana is the result of huge erosive processes developed during decades of mining works in Antiquity. Furthermore, it has also been a place in which small scale mining attempts could have been done in the Middle Ages and in Modern Age. During the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (thirteenth to fifteenth centuries) the mining channel that supplied water to the gold mine was reused to irrigate the royal properties located in the surroundings of the Alhambra. That shows the abandon of the mining with hydraulic works. In the nineteenth century and in the first half of the twentieth century, there were carried out industrial works without success. As a consequence of these processes, this site presents a great concentration of remains of wells and galleries. After the exploration of the most difficult access hollows in the Hoyo de la Campana, a preliminary analysis has been carried out.
The Darro and Genil rivers have always been appreciated by the wealth of their mining placers and the Darro river has preserved its Latin toponym linked to aurum. The existence of alluvial gold mines is verified in several places located... more
The Darro and Genil rivers have always been appreciated by the wealth of their mining placers and the Darro river has preserved its Latin toponym linked to aurum. The existence of alluvial gold mines is verified in several places located in the surroundings of Granada (Horo de la Campana, Hoyo de Mozas, Umbría de Jesús del Valle, Barranco de las Tinajas...). Other alterations in the hillsides near to these areas such as Los Hundideros de Cenes de la Vega, the Tajo de San Pedro, the west slope of the Cerro del Pajarillo or the south hillside of the Cerro de Montejate, have several difficulties to determine if they come from natural or human causes. As a result, it is needed a particular study of the erosive processes in these valleys, to determine if they have had a natural origin or if they have been linked to the mining of the alluvial gold.
This paper is an approach to the evolution of human settlement in the Sierra de Baza from the Recent Prehistory to the Middle Ages in relation to the mining operations and the evolution of the landscape in this area.
The aim of the research program MineMet 2012-2015 financially supported by ANR (French National Agency for Research) is to study and characterise the economic implications of new mining districts on secondary deposits during the... more
The aim of the research program MineMet 2012-2015 financially supported by ANR (French National Agency for Research) is to study and characterise the economic implications of new mining districts on secondary deposits during the Antiquity. Our study is focused on two regions with Au placer deposits, one in Gaul to the Lemovices (Limousin and North Perigord) and another one in Hispania, to the Cerretanes in Cerdagne, and on tin placer deposit in Gaul to the Eduens in Morvan (Burgundy). We present here our results on gold from Cerdagne and tin from Morvan.

The project propose to identify and characterise new mining districts which are detectable in the landscape as topographical anomalies of the slopes and show similarities with certified Antique mining sites known from other locations. To accomplish the project’s purposes a new field research approach was initiated with the mapping of the supposed new mining districts and the detailed mapping of several excavated structures showing similarities with channels and water tanks, remnants of an ancient hydraulic network as well as exploitation sites. Their study involving archaeological diggings also allow identifying the dynamic of exploitation and uncovering hidden structures (channels, basins) and artifacts which together prove the presence of mining driven structures and offer clues for chronology. Metal provenance studies (geology, geochemistry/isotopes) are going on in parallel for the alluvial gold from Cerdagne and the colluvial cassiterite from Morvan. EIectrum/gold grains and cassiterite grains sampled in the vicinity of the studied mining structures will be compared with pre-Roman and Roman gold and bronze artifacts discovered in the same two regions.

The first research in Cerdagne started in 2008 in the valley of Segre between French and Catalan Cerdagne in a broad partnership between historians, archaeologists and geologists from Toulouse and Barcelona (Olesti et al., forthcoming). About 30 sites presenting deep erosional profiles and being strictly contoured on the slopes have been mapped. These negative anomalies in the landscape are very similar to the trench mining sites as are known in NW Spain or NW Romania for the alluvial gold mining during Antiquity.

These deep incisions were considered until now as traces of natural erosion along the slopes. However, several panning campaigns in Cerdagne on the Catalan side around the village of All, and on the French side NE of Sail/agouse confirmed the constant presence of electrum/gold grains in the alluvial deposits. In the frame of the MineMet program the collected electrum grains are currently prepared for geochemical and isotope analyses for traceability purposes.

Between 2010 and 2011 several diggings made in Las Guilleteres (All, Catalonia, Spain) revealed a sort of basin or water tank made of two superposed dams of stones situated on the slope upstream of deep trenches cut in alluvial deposits. The presence of common ceramic fragments found in the filling of the basin indicates an Antique occupation of the structure. It is possible to consider this structure as a water reserve for alluvial Au exploitation downstream but for the moment we did not identified any trace of channel connecting the basin with the exploitation sites. New diggings are necessary in Cerdagne to ultimately prove the surface exploitation of the alluvial gold.

South and east of Autun (Burgundy, France) BRGM discovered a significant tin anomaly (cassiterite) within secondary deposits (alluvial and arenitic deposits) developed on granite rocks. Furthermore, the forestry slopes from these areas are crosscut by a dense network of up to 4 m deep trenches which downstream pass into large cirques. These lowlands in the landscape were interpreted as surface mines in secondary deposits. These surface works were created by hydraulic mining of secondary cassiterite deposits. Upstream of cirques and trenches it is easily to follow a hydraulic network made of channels and several basins. The source of water is situated in the upper part of the hills, the so-called Montjeau domain, south ofAutun, where several lakes still exists.

Archaeological diggings were done in 2005 close to a trench exploitation for tin in the so-called La Montagne (Autun) site. A hidden channel was revealed firstly by geophysical prospection and it was afterwards confirmed during the diggings by the presence of iron hydroxides concentrated along the lowermost part of the channel. The diggings allowed us to discover two hidden channels going towards the exploitation site validating thus the hypothesis of placer mining. The ceramics discovered on the bottom of the channels date its abandon during 1st c. AD.

The trenches and cirques are located downstream of the hydraulic system (channels and basins) to which they are connected and altogether are found in a forested area and thus invisible for classical aerial investigations. The difficulty of the field covered by forests imposed the use of LIDAR technique which was finally made in the frame of MineMet ANR program. The LIDAR output obtained end 2013—early 2014 allow us to make a detailed mapping of the mining structures, i.e. channels, basins, exploitation sites until now completely hidden by the forests in the aerial views. The first results are outstanding and the field may be "read" perfectly as an unforested one.

The mining complex for tin located south of Autun comprises surface mining works covering about 300 hectares and partly active during Roman times (Cauuet and Tamas, 2009). Close to the water sources the LIDAR investigations revealed a big enclosed site situated in the vicinity of a bronze deposit from Bronze Age. Furthermore, just above the channels and exploitation sites the LIDAR results indicate two Prehistory enclosures (Bronze Age or more probably Iron Age). These dwellings associated to mining structures showing multiple crosscutting relationships which are currently identified indicate a long period of exploitation during several ancient ages. Presently, the inventory and the mapping of the mining vestiges is advancing on the basis of numerical data model generated by the acquisition of LIDAR mapping on 60 k centred on Autun.
Las minas de hierro de la llanura del Marquesado del Cenete están situadas a una altitud media de 1.160 m.s.n.m., en la vertiente norte de Sierra Nevada, comprendiendo parte de los términos municipales de Alquife, Aldeire, Lanteira y La... more
Las minas de hierro de la llanura del Marquesado del Cenete están situadas a una altitud media de 1.160 m.s.n.m., en la vertiente norte de Sierra Nevada, comprendiendo parte de los términos municipales de Alquife, Aldeire, Lanteira y La Calahorra. Los edificios construidos en el complejo minero se encuentran en su mayoría en el término de Alquife.

Los trabajos mineros contemporáneos en la zona datan de comienzos del siglo XX, cuando la sociedad minera escocesa The Alquife Mines and Railway Co. Ltd. y la británica Bairds Mining Co. Ltd. acometieron la explotación subterránea de las prolongaciones de los afloramientos del Cerro de Alquife.

En este trabajo se analizan las interesantes muestras de arquitectura surgidas en el primer momento de implantación de viviendas de la mina, así como el acondicionamiento paisajístico aplicado en los espacios públicos de las barriadas mineras y en las zonas privadas de las residencias.
This work is a first approach to the study of an interesting religious complex, probably occupied from the High Middle Ages, located in the municipality of Guadix (Granada, Spain). In this enclosure made up of a group of caves with a... more
This work is a first approach to the study of an interesting religious complex, probably occupied from the High Middle Ages, located in the municipality of Guadix (Granada, Spain). In this enclosure made up of a group of caves with a church, a hermitage tomb and other annexed structures such as adjacent water cisterns, threshing floors, other caves in the surroundings, etc., was the burial place of St Torcuato, the apostolic saint who, according to tradition, preached in this region of the Iberian Peninsula during the beginnings of Christianity. The survey done in order to map the church and caves has been decisive for its interpretation like a cave-monastery.