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La arqueología en zonas de alta montaña ha experimentado un notable desarrollo en los últimos 20 años, con numerosos programas de campo en diversas cordilleras del sur de Europa. En estos medios se ha registrado una gran cantidad de... more
La arqueología en zonas de alta montaña ha experimentado un notable desarrollo en los últimos 20 años, con numerosos programas de campo en diversas cordilleras del sur de Europa. En estos medios se ha registrado una gran cantidad de estructuras arquitectónicas visibles en prospección de superficie. Este artículo presenta una propuesta teórico-metodológica para la clasificación temporal y funcional, así como la interpretación sociohistórica de este tipo de vestigios. Seguidamente se aplica al registro arqueológico descubierto en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes y Estany de Sant Maurici en el Pirineo Central (Lleida, Catalunya). Los resultados nos informan de una notable diversidad de prácticas ganaderas a lo largo de la historia en esta región pirenaica.
This paper investigates ancient pastoral mobility in a high mountain area of the Pyrenees. Firstly, modern transhumant routes were analysed using GIS tools in order to understand possible determinant factors (such as terrain slope and... more
This paper investigates ancient pastoral mobility in a high mountain area of the Pyrenees. Firstly, modern transhumant routes were analysed using GIS tools in order to understand possible determinant factors (such as terrain slope and altitude, water courses and possible nodes) in the layout of a route used for seasonal livestock movements. The observations obtained were then used to model optimal paths which may have been used by ancient shepherds. Subsequently, an analysis was made of the spatial relationship between the simulated paths and the dispersion pattern of archaeological sites in two time periods: Late Antiquity-Medieval (3rd-14th centuries AD) and Modern-Contemporary (18th-20th centuries AD). The results show significant differences in the spatial distribution of the sites throughout both periods in terms of accessibility and proximity to possible pathways. This variability provides information concerning historical changes in the social structure of pastoral alpine landscapes over long periods of time.
Este artículo trata sobre los sitios arqueológicos de época medieval descubiertos en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, que se localiza en el Pirineo occidental catalán. A través del análisis arqueológico,... more
Este artículo trata sobre los sitios arqueológicos de época medieval descubiertos en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, que se localiza en el Pirineo occidental catalán. A través del análisis arqueológico, combinado con los estudios paleoambientales, se discute sobre el rol histórico de la ganadería estacional en los valles pirenaicos de alta montaña y cómo esta actividad, juntamente con la agricultura, estructuró el territorio y modificó el paisaje. Asimismo, se presentan algunas hipótesis que contextualizan históricamente la materialidad arqueológica expuesta en este trabajo. En definitiva, se pone en valor el estudio arqueológico de las zonas de alta montaña para las investigaciones sobre el pastoreo en época medieval y los orígenes de la trashumancia.
Este artículo trata sobre los sitios arqueológicos de época medieval descubiertos en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, que se localiza en el Pirineo occidental catalán. A través del análisis arqueológico,... more
Este artículo trata sobre los sitios arqueológicos de época medieval descubiertos en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, que se localiza en el Pirineo occidental catalán. A través del análisis arqueológico, combinado con los estudios paleoambientales, se discute sobre el rol histórico de la ganadería estacional en los valles pirenaicos de alta montaña y cómo esta actividad, juntamente con la agricultura, estructuró el territorio y modificó el paisaje. Asimismo, se presentan algunas hipótesis que contextualizan históricamente la materialidad arqueológica expuesta en este trabajo. En definitiva, se pone en valor el estudio arqueológico de las zonas de alta montaña para las investigaciones sobre el pastoreo en época medieval y los orígenes de la trashumancia.
International audienc
Se presentan los resultados de la investigación efectuada en el Parque Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. En esta zona de alta montaña pirenaica el año 2000 no había prácticamente ningún yacimiento arqueológico documentado.... more
Se presentan los resultados de la investigación efectuada en el Parque Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. En esta zona de alta montaña pirenaica el año 2000 no había prácticamente ningún yacimiento arqueológico documentado. En la actualidad el panorama ha cambiado mucho, siguiendo unas pautas homologables a lo que está sucediendo en otras zonas de los Pirineos orientales, en Andorra o Aquitania donde se han llevado a cabo programas de investigación sostenidos en el tiempo.Peer reviewe
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
This study investigates changes in human occupation and pastoralism in a zone of the central Pyrenees (Spain) from their first occurrences to the present day, based on an analysis of archaeological structures recorded at sites in the... more
This study investigates changes in human occupation and pastoralism in a zone of the central Pyrenees (Spain) from their first occurrences to the present day, based on an analysis of archaeological structures recorded at sites in the study area. Huts, enclosures, rock-shelters and other architectural remains were analysed and compared in order to develop a typological classification, and morphological similarities and differences between sites in terms of size and number of structures were also noted. The study proposes a sociohistorical interpretation of the differences in the archaeological record within a long-term chronological framework, in this way building  a historical sequence of livestock practices and human occupation in the Pyrenees.
Obra colectiva realizada por la asociacion Foro por la Memoria de Granada. Los tres autores que figuran se deben a imperativo legal. Ano 2012.
Page 1. 2010 EBRE 38 267 Ebre 38, N??m 4: 267-283 ISSN 1696-2672 ARQUEOLOGIES DE LA GUERRA CIVIL David Garc??a Casas Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres Departament de Prehist??ria Universitat Aut??noma de Barcelona ...
Aquest article presenta els resultats preliminars d’una prospecció superficial realitzada als voltants del camí dels Monjos, a la Serra de Galliners (Sant Quirze del Vallès, Vallès Occidental). L’actuació pretenia descobrir possibles... more
Aquest article presenta els resultats preliminars d’una prospecció superficial realitzada als voltants del camí dels Monjos, a la Serra de Galliners (Sant Quirze del Vallès, Vallès Occidental). L’actuació pretenia descobrir possibles restes de la Guerra Civil a la zona, en el marc d’un treball de final de grau universitari. Al llarg de la recerca
es van poder documentar fins a tres trinxeres de defensa bèl·lica i un possible pou de tirador. A continuació es presenta la descripció dels resultats obtinguts, així com algunes reflexions sobre el potencial valor patrimonial de les restes arqueològiques i una proposta per a la conservació i difusió dels elements estudiats.
In this poster, I focus on two case studies located in alpine environments. I examine the archeological record of the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Southern Central Pyrenees) and the archaeological record of Ubaye... more
In this poster, I focus on two case studies located in alpine environments. I examine the archeological record of the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Southern Central Pyrenees) and the archaeological record of Ubaye Valley (French Alps). I examine the features of open-air structures in these zones. Finally, I discuss similarities and differences in all zones in two ways: in the features of empirical record and in terms of the evolution of subsistence practices and long-term sociohistorical dynamics.

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Depuis une dizaine d’années, il existe en Espagne un débat sur la récupération de la mémoire historique concernant les événements qui se sont déroulés durant la guerre civile espagnole et durant la dictature qui s’en est suivie. Ce débat... more
Depuis une dizaine d’années, il existe en Espagne un débat sur la récupération de la mémoire historique concernant les événements qui se sont déroulés durant la guerre civile espagnole et durant la dictature qui s’en est suivie. Ce débat se développe au sein de la Société civile, à la faveur due, dans la majorité des cas, à l’exhumation des fosses communes de disparus républicains, victimes de la répression franquiste. De notre point de vue, la localisation et l’exhumation de ces fosses s’inscrivent dans une reconquête de dignité et de justice, non seulement pour l’ensemble des victimes de toutes les exactions commises mais pour l’ensemble de la société espagnole. Dans cette communication, nous aborderons de façon synthétique la complexité et la dynamique de ces processus de démocratisation de l’Histoire. Par ailleurs nous serons amenés à nous poser quelques questions qui pour nous, archéologues, nous apparaissent comme fondamentales dans la récupération de la mémoire antifasciste et dans la lutte contre l’impunité et le terrorisme d’État.
En esta comunicación ofreceremos una reconstrucción de cómo la arqueología y la sociedad se han relacionado entre sí a través de la historia, así como discutiremos nuestras preferencias acerca de una Arqueología Social sobre una... more
En esta comunicación ofreceremos una reconstrucción de cómo la arqueología y la sociedad se han relacionado entre sí a través de la historia, así como discutiremos nuestras preferencias acerca de una Arqueología Social sobre una Arqueología Pública. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es presentar ejemplos teóricos y prácticos de este tipo de arqueología como Acción Política, cuyos resultados deben ser utilizados como herramienta a las clases populares y trabajadoras de las que formamos parte, y constituirse así como medio para una transformación social desarrollada.
During the last 10 years, the Group of Archaeology of the High Mountain of the Department of Prehistory of the Autonomous University of Barcelona has carried out several archaeological researches in the Parc Natcional d’Aigüestortes i... more
During the last 10 years, the Group of Archaeology of the High Mountain of the Department of Prehistory of the Autonomous University of Barcelona has carried out several archaeological researches in the Parc Natcional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. These archeological works have consisted fundamentally in archaeological surface prospections accompanied of archaeological drillings and excavations.  In this communication we present the methodology of research in zones of high mountain and several archaeological sites dated between the 2nd-4th centuries XIV calNE that highlight for his multiple architectural structures related to livestock. His morphological features inform us of changes in the shape of management of the herds and probably these features are archeological marks of changes in the social framework of animal husbandry.
Research Interests:
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to... more
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to pastoral activities. In this work we want to describe the enormous variability that we can observe in this type of deposits, expose the methodology that has followed for the study of this type of remains and to present the empirical documentation obtained in 4 deposits that consist of big sets of architectural structures.
During the last decade, surveys and researches in the high-altitude areas of Catalan Western Pyrenees, in the territories of the Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM), lead to the discover of an extensive... more
During the last decade, surveys and researches in the high-altitude areas of Catalan Western Pyrenees, in the territories of the Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM), lead to the discover of an extensive archaeological record above 1500 m. For the Middle and Late Holocene, the observed pattern of human settlement seem to favour the occupation of natural cavities, however, during the last 2500 yr. mountain areas were characterized by an increasing number of open-air site. This tendency is interrupted only between 2300 and 300 calANE, a moment in which we register a gap in the archaeological record. Nevertheless, even if there is a lack of evidences for human settlements, other data suggest that human populations were still living in the Pyrenees high-altitude zones. Pottery deposits dated to the II millennium have been found hidden in stony areas, while a wide series of burial evidences, dated after the I millennium calANE, have been found at high-altitudes. Palaeoecological records from lakes and peats also show that human impact on mountain environment was still strong between III and I millennium calANE. In our opinion, this discrepancy could be explained as a consequence of a change in the settlement pattern, due to the introduction of a new economic model for the exploitation of the high-altitude areas, more systematic and intensive.
STORIES OF SHEEP AND PASTURES. ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE LAST CENTURIES OF HIGH MOUNTAIN CATTLE Archaeology may partially offset the lack of oral or documentary data of some aspects of past human life. Precisely this absence is a major to... more
Archaeology may partially offset the lack of oral or documentary data of some aspects of past human life. Precisely this absence is a major to resolve concerning the study of livestock transhumance in mountain areas. The archaeological research at the Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici uncovered an extensive archaeological record of thousands of years of human occupation and exploitation of this Pyrenean area. These evidences also allow an archaeological approach to farming practices during the last centuries, in showing significant changes since the Late Middle Age. Mountain farming practices were dynamic, with historically changing forms. These changes prevent to overuse against the ethnographic forms to build historically decontextualized images of transhumance. More, at the same time open the discussion on the relation of these transformations and the social and economic changes that have marked the general evolution of the Catalan society over the last centuries.
This article presents the results of a research project intended to verify the existence of various models of settlement in the high mountain areas of the Pyrenees along the history. For this purpose has been contrasted the ethnographic... more
This article presents the results of a research project intended to verify the existence of various models of settlement in the high mountain areas of the Pyrenees along the history. For this purpose has been contrasted the ethnographic documentation on transhumant pastoralists collection at the beginning of the twentieth century with the archaeological record obtained during various campaigns of prospecting carried out in the National Park of Aiguestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lérida). The research results verify the existence of at least three models of settlement based on different farming practices to the existing traditional transhumance in the area during the past two centuries. Below is a description of the research carried out followed by a proposal for sequencing of the settlement in the studied area from prehistoric times to contemporary age.
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to... more
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to pastoral activities. In this work we want to describe the enormous variability that we can observe in this type of deposits, expose the methodology that has followed for the study of this type of remains and to present the empirical documentation obtained in 4 deposits that consist of big sets of architectural structures.
This paper try to check changes in the pattern of settlement in the high mountain areas of Central Pyrenees. The study area was given National Park Aigüestortes and St Maurice and the chronological framework is between prehistory and the... more
This paper try to check changes in the pattern of settlement in the high mountain areas of Central Pyrenees. The study area was given National Park Aigüestortes and St Maurice and the chronological framework is between prehistory and the twentieth century. In this research we compare the ethnographic data collected in the early twentieth century with the record obtained in several campaigns of archaeological exploration in the area. The results we report the existence throughout the history of several different models of livestock population that the traditional transhumance
Research Interests:
In this paper we present our approach for research to verify the existence of different patterns of settlement in the high Pyrenean mountain areas, particularly in the Pallars (Lleida, Catalan Pyrenees Western)as well as providing the... more
In this paper we present our approach for research to verify the existence of different patterns of settlement in the high Pyrenean mountain areas, particularly in the Pallars (Lleida, Catalan Pyrenees Western)as well as providing the first results that confirm this hypothesis . To do this we have compared the works write by an anthropologist of the early twentieth century on lifestyles in the region with the archaeological record found in archaeological survey campaigns in the National Park Aigüestortes. The intention is to compare the archaeological register with the nomadic livestock model described in the ethnographic sources for try to infer changes in social practices throughout history.
Settlements, Pyrenean, Aigüestortes
The archaeological excavations in contexts of Civil War and Francoism during the last years have provoked a large political and specially social debaté about the lacks of democracy that nowadays exist in Spanish state and how the past... more
The archaeological excavations in contexts of Civil War and Francoism during the last years have provoked a large political and specially social debaté about
the lacks of democracy that nowadays exist in Spanish state and how the past should be treated. This article tries to discuss about how archaeology is involved in this discussions, alço to explain what the archeology can contribute at this debaté, what methodology it uses and if this practices arè only one
application of archaeological aims or we should speak about a rise of a new discipline. Finally this paper gives han account about the problems that this archaeological practices have found in its application.
In this paper I study possible transhumant pathways used to move people and animals from the lowlands in Low Provence in Winter to summer grasslands in summer. These seasonal movements are attested from at least Late Middle Ages. But even... more
In this paper I study possible transhumant pathways used to move people and animals from the lowlands in Low Provence in Winter to summer grasslands in summer. These seasonal movements are attested from at least Late Middle Ages. But even when we know the existence of transhumance and his role to structure the landscape but usually it is difficult to identify the trace of the paths. In this contribution I present some possible pathways modelised with digital tools taking in account physical constraints to the movement as slope, altitude or water courses. In the second part of the paper I used the same models in the Ubaye Valley in order to explore possible paths to connect different plateaus. The location of archaeological sites is compared with the layouts of these pathways generated by GIS. The main goal is to explore how the mobility structures the social landscape in the Alpine Regions.
The National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici is located in the Central Pyrenees (Spain), in a high-altitude mountain zone. During the last 15 years, the Grup d'Arqueologia de l'Alta Muntanya research group from Universitat... more
The National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici is located in the Central Pyrenees (Spain), in a high-altitude mountain zone. During the last 15 years, the Grup d'Arqueologia de l'Alta Muntanya research group from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has carried out archaeological surveys and test excavations that provides a large and quite continuous sequence of human occupation from the Mesolithic to the 20th century. In this area is possible to observe signs of seasonal herding management that are quite different from the extensive transhumance recorded by the ethnographic sources. Furthermore, it is possible to observe other activities such as agriculture or coal yard.
This paper presents the results of an investigation that involves the architectural characteristics of open-air structures, the ethnoarchaeological modelling of traditional land uses and use Geographical Information Systems to explore spatial relationship between the archaeological sites and its surrounding environment and other signs of human occupation in the surrounding areas. In addition, the palynological data obtained in the territory has been integrated to analyse the social construction of mountain landscape considering human and natural insights in a long-term perspective, from Prehistory to Modern Age.
The results of these investigations show how human groups inhabited the high mountain environments and their relationship with valley floors. Moreover, the conclusions invite to discuss the connection between historical evolution in regional scale and the changes that archaeology permit to observe in mountain contexts.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
En esta comunicación queremos presentar una propuesta de aplicación de la etnoarqueología en el estudio de los restos arqueológicos vinculados a la ganadería en las zonas de alta montaña del Pirineo. Como abordar el estudio arqueológico... more
En esta comunicación queremos presentar una propuesta de aplicación de la etnoarqueología en el estudio de los restos arqueológicos vinculados a la ganadería en las zonas de alta montaña del Pirineo.
Como abordar el estudio arqueológico de las sociedades que practican la ganadería móvil ha sido una cuestión tratada frecuentemente en arqueología (Cribb, 1991). El uso de la etnografía ha sido recurrente para tratar del registro material generado por sociedades pastoras móviles, un registro sensiblemente diferente a los asentamientos agrícolas tradicionalmente estudiados por nuestra disciplina (Chang y Tournelotte, 1993).
Sin pretender resolver definitivamente el debate, en esta comunicación pretendemos exponer un planteamiento de análisis etnoarqueológico destinado a secuenciar e interpretar los restos arqueológicos presumiblemente vinculados a actividades ganaderas descubiertos en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lérida). Este estudio pretende interpretar dichos restos usando la información recogida por diversos etnógrafos en el Pirineo de forma crítica, evitando la analogía ahistórica y estableciendo que aspectos de la vida social de los pueblos ganaderos pueden ser inferidos desde la arqueología, que aspectos pueden ser extrapolados desde la etnografía y bajo qué condiciones y cuáles son los aspectos más difíciles de resolver desde ambas disciplinas.
El objetivo es doble, por un lado pretendemos interpretar funcionalmente las estructuras arquitectónicas descubiertas mediante prospección arqueológica en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes intentando inferir las relaciones sociales que las generaron, por otro lado pretendemos definir posibles cronologías relativas para estas estructuras a partir de variaciones en su arquitectura. Con ello pretendemos establecer una secuencia histórica sobre el poblamiento en los altos valles del Pirineo Central.
Quan parlem dels Pirineus molt sovint ens ve al cap un paisatge verge no tocat per la mà de l’home, poblat per una gent rustica, aïllada de la civilització i que viuen com als temps passats. Aquesta concepció ha estat ben present en les... more
Quan parlem dels Pirineus molt sovint ens ve al cap un paisatge verge no tocat per la mà de l’home, poblat per una gent rustica, aïllada de la civilització i que viuen com als temps passats. Aquesta concepció ha estat ben present en les ciències socials, al parlar dels Pirineus molt sovint s’ha vist com una terra habitada per societats arcaiques poc permeables als canvis. En la següent xerrada presentarem la recerca que el Grup d’Arqueologia de l’Alta Muntanya de la UAB ha desenvolupat a les comarques del Pallars i la Ribagorça. La lectura dels seus resultats ens mostren que en aquestes zones, com a la resta del món,  paisatge i essers humans s’han relacionat entre sí a través d’una llarga  historia de canvis i evolucions que per res ha estat aïllada dels seus veïns.
MÉS DE 2000 ANYS D’ARQUITECTURA RAMADERA AL PARC NACIONAL D’AIGÜESTORTES I ESTANY DE SANT MAURICI L'arqueologia en zones de muntanya En aquesta ponència volem exposar l'estat actual de les investigacions sobre els canvis en els... more

L'arqueologia en zones de muntanya

En aquesta ponència volem exposar l'estat actual de les investigacions sobre els canvis en els modes de poblament i gestió ramadera de les societats que han habitat el Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (d'ara en endavant PNAESM) al llarg de la Història. Aquesta investigació utilitza les dades arqueològiques que el Grup d'Arqueologia de l'Alta Muntanya ha obtingut en successives campanyes de prospecció i excavació al PNAESM .

Després de 8 anys d'actuacions arqueològiques disposem  de més de 200  punts d'interès arqueològic localitzats mitjançant prospecció de superfície i de varies excavacions en extensió. Tot  plegat ha suposat el descobriment d'un patrimoni arqueològic inèdit en varis sentits. Per una banda perquè fa tot just 10 anys hi havien molts pocs jaciments arqueològics registrats a les comarques  on es troba el PNAESM (Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Alta Ribagorça i Vall d'Aran),  a més els pocs vestigis que es coneixien es trobaven situats en les zones més baixes d'aquestes comarques. Per l'altre banda l'estudi d'aquest patrimoni arqueològic descobert remet a una problemàtica força recent en l'arqueologia europea: L'estudi de les formes de vida de les societats que van habitar les zones muntanyoses (Rendu, 2003); (Foradori, 2012). Aquests nous estudis permeten discutir certs tòpics que tradicionalment s'havia atribuït als modes de poblament de les zones de muntanya com ara el suposat aïllament de les societats que les habitaven en el passat o l'analogia directa que remuntava a la Prehistòria els models de ramaderia transhumant que es practicaven a principis del segle XX.

Malgrat que durant els primers anys, l'activitat del GAAM es va centrar en el coneixement del poblament prefeudal de l'alta muntanya (Gassiot i Jiménez, 2006),  la quantitat de vestigis arqueològics documentats en prospecció que pertanyen a èpoques històriques ens porta a la necessitat d'ordenar en el temps la variabilitat de formes arquitectòniques que presenten els assentaments registrats en les successives campanyes.  A més, segons els nostres plantejaments teòrics i metodològics, la investigació arqueològica no s'ha de limitar a classificar l'expressió material sinó que ha d'utilitzar aquesta variabilitat per proposar i contrastar explicacions sobre els canvis en les pràctiques ramaderes de les societats que van habitar el PNAESM.

La investigació sobre l'arquitectura ramadera al PNAESM

En el present treball exposar uns primers resultats en aquesta línia d'investigació. Hem utilitzat bàsicament dos tipus de dades:  El registre arqueològic obtingut en successives campanyes de prospecció arqueològica al PNAESM  i el registre etnogràfic elaborat per diversos autors (Violant, 2001); (Krüger, 1995) que  a principis del segle passat van estudiar el mode de vida dels pastors dels Pirineus. Combinant ambdós registres hem elaborat una primera seqüència de l'evolució de les pràctiques ramaderes al PNAESM. El marc cronològic de la investigació compren des dels primers indicis d'arquitectura ramadera a l'aire lliure fins al segles.

Pel que fa a les dades arqueològiques, en aquesta investigació hem seleccionat els jaciments  amb estructures que podem vincular amb seguretat a pràctiques ramaderes i que en el moment de començar la investigació estaven processats. A partir de la morfologia de la planta hem fet una classificació argumentada de les estructures assignant-lis una funció, bàsicament hem distingit entre estructures d'habitat per als pastors que conduïen el ramat i estructures per a la gestió d'aquest ramat (corrals, munyidores...). Un cop fet això s'ha calculat l'àrea de cada estructura assumint que aquesta te a veure amb el numero de persones o animals que l'utilitzaven. Amb aquestes observacions hem elaborat una base de dades per tal de fer comparacions estadístiques. Pel que fa a les dades etnogràfiques ens hem fixat sobretot en el cicle anual ramader, en quins processos de treball es duien en les diferents èpoques de l'any i en quin pis altitudinal es situa cada part del cicle ramader. Ens hem fixat també en el producte que obtenien els pastors a través de la ramaderia, en com gestionaven el ramat, quants pastors i quants caps de ramat estaven involucrats en el procés i finalment ens hem fixat en com eren i que es feia a les estructures dels pastors en els prats d'estiu, ja que segons el cicle ramader tradicional, el PNAESM només seria utilitzat en el període estival.

Comparant dades etnogràfiques i dades arqueològiques ens hem fixat que existeixen jaciments que per les seves característiques corresponen al tipus de ramaderia transhumant que descriuen les fonts etnogràfiques. Tanmateix trobem un altre seguit de jaciments amb una arquitectura que no es correspon a les restes arqueològiques que generen les pràctiques ramaderes descrites a l'etnografia. Aquests assentaments ens informen de l'existència de modes de poblament ramaders anteriors en el temps i diferents tant pel que fa al numero de caps de ramat i el numero de persones que el gestionaven com pel que fa al producte obtingut, l'especialització econòmica i el mateix cicle ramader.

Els resultats de la investigació ens informen també d'una notable variabilitat en l'arquitectura d'aquests jaciments que no es corresponen a la ramaderia existent a la zona en els segles XVIII-XX. Així doncs hem pogut determinar l'existència de com a mínim 3 modes de poblament anteriors a l'etnogràfic que hem anomenat respectivament “agrupat”, “petita ramaderia” i “antic”. En la ponència presentem també una primera proposta per seqüenciar el canvi en el temps d'aquestes pràctiques ramaderes.


Foradori, G; Carrer. F; Angelucci, D. (2012). “Archeologia della pastorizia nelle alte quote alpine: stato dell’arte e nuove prospettive”. A: Frammenti: conoscere e tutelare la natura bellunes. 4. p. 21 – 25.

Gassiot, E; Jiménez, J. (2006). “El poblament prefeudal de l'alta muntanya dels Pirineus Occidentals Catalans (Pallars Sobirà i Alta Ribagorça) “. A: Tribuna d'arqueologia 2005.

Krüger, F. (1995): Los Altos Pirineos. Volumen I. Comarcas, Casas y Hacienda. Tremp: Gobierno de Aragón, Diputacion de Huesca y Garsineu Edicions.

Rendu, Ch. (2003). La Montage d'Enveig: Une estive pyrénéenne dans la longue durée. Perpinyà: Trabucaire

Violant, R. (2001). La vida pastoral al Pallars. Tremp: Garsineu Edicions.
After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has considerably increased. In the southern central Pyrenees, some previously unknown Neolithic sites have been discovered at subalpine and alpine... more
After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has considerably increased. In the southern central Pyrenees, some previously unknown Neolithic sites have been discovered at subalpine and alpine altitudes (1,000-1,500 m a.s.l.). One of them is Cueva Lóbrica, 1,170 m a.s.l., which has an occupation phase with impressed pottery dated ca. 5400 cal BCE. Another is Coro Trasito, 1,558 m a.s.l., a large rock shelter that preserves evidence of continuous occupations in the Early Neolithic, 5300-4600 cal BCE. Evidence of human occupation at higher altitudes has also been documented. In the Axial Pyrenees, at the Obagues de Ratera rock shelter, 2,345 m a.s.l., an occupation has been dated to around 5730-5600 cal BCE. At Cova del Sardo, in the Sant Nicolau Valley, at 1,780 m a.s.l., a series of occupations have been excavated, dated to ca. 5600-4500 cal BCE. These sites allow us to discuss patterns of occupation of the mountainous areas between the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic. Recent data suggest that the last hunter-gatherer occupied all altitudinal stages of the Pyrenees, both in the outer and inner ranges. A change in the settlement pattern seems to have occurred in the Early Neolithic, which consisted of a concentration of occupations in the valley bottom and mid-slopes, in biotopes favourable to both herding and agriculture.
Recent archaeological research in the mountains of Ibe ria is beginning to document extensive sequences of occu pation during de Holocene. In the Pyrenees stands out the location of a considerable number of sites date to 3350 and 2350 cal... more
Recent archaeological research in the mountains of Ibe ria is beginning to document extensive sequences of occu pation during de Holocene. In the Pyrenees stands out the location of a considerable number of sites date to 3350 and 2350 cal BC (Late Neolithic / Chalcolithic). This phenome non seems to link with the consolidation of the livestock exploitation in the alpine and subalpine zones. This work undertakes a the dispersion pattern analysis of archaeolog ical sites of this period in the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, in the Central Pyrenees. Using GIS it defines influence areas around the sites and the opti mal paths between them so as to evaluate two important variables in any livestock practice: the accessibility to the settlements and grazing areas. For comparative purposes the dispersion pattern of modern and contemporary sites is analysed as well. This study allows to conclude significant differences in the distribution of the sites both ancient and recent in relation to pastures and roads.
The initial presence of humans in the high mountains almost since 8000 years ago shows more elements of domestication than initially estimated. Although the geographic extent of archaeological explorations is still limited, there is... more
The initial presence of humans in the high mountains almost since 8000 years ago shows more elements of domestication than initially estimated. Although the geographic extent of archaeological explorations is still limited, there is evidence of domestic livestock use and, in some cases, likely mixed-cereal agriculture at intermediate altitudes. It has not been possible to verify an impact of this activity on the landscape yet. In the Pyrenees, the distribution of archaeological sites in the high mountain changes associated with climate in the middle of the Holocene. The occupation of shelters and the number of archaeological sites decline. However, the human impact on the landscape is evident in some palaeoecological registers during the Bronze Age and involves the forest opening for grazing, probably using fire, on many occasions. The Middle Ages constitute the definitive transformation of the landscape and an organization of the use of the territory that has remained largely to present. A greater variety of land use, such as mining and metallurgy, added to livestock also with strong impact on forests. In the Sierra Nevada, the development of the irrigation ditch system by the Andalusians modified the hydrology to the present, with other implications on the landscape yet to be determined. Likely, the medieval imprint is still present in the current distribution of the species and the edaphic processes that occur tin the high mountain. From the initial mosaic of incipient  transformations to the forcefulness and diversity of the Middle Ages, the spatial projection and temporal continuity on how the landscape acculturation of the high-mountain took place still require a deeper exploration throughout the territory.
Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocupaciones de época neolítica (VI y V milenio calANE) y de la Edad del Bronce (mediados del II milenio calANE). En ellas, y especialmente en... more
Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocupaciones de época neolítica (VI y V milenio calANE) y de la Edad del Bronce (mediados del II milenio calANE). En ellas, y especialmente en las primeras, el asentamiento humano se llevó a cabo en el marco del uso de la cavidad como redil, tal y como hace evidente la sucesión de capas de “fumier” que conforman la secuencia estratigráfica. Sin embargo, la presencia de fosas en las diferentes fases de ocupación muestra, también, que junto a la estabulación de ganado en el lugar también se llevaron a cabo prácticas de almacenamiento a la vez que, seguramente, se introdujeron elementos para diferenciar espacios. En este trabajo se presenta este aspecto de las ocupaciones prehistóricas documentadas hasta la fecha en
Coro Trasito. Se describen las principales características morfológicas de estas estructuras, se detallan los elementos diferenciales de las fosas de la Edad del Bronce y del neolítico y se aportan elementos para inferir su funcionalidad y comprender su distribución espacial dentro de la cavidad. Así mismo se detallan otros elementos constructivos que, posiblemente, completaron la estructuración del espacio.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Neolítico; Edad del Bronce; Cueva redil; Almacenaje; Excavación en extensión; Pirineo.

Extended diggings in cave’s area are showing occupations from Neolithic (VI and V Millennium calBC) and Bronze Age (middle of II Millennium calBC). About that, especially in the former, human settlement has to do with their use like a fold cave. We could see this fact in the “fumier” layers. Nevertheless, the presence of storage silos shows the presence of storage activities on the different phases of occupation, cattle stabling and distinction of cave space. We will present the prehistorical occupations in Coro Trasito at the moment. We will show morphological attributes of structures, distinctive features of Neolithic and bronze age silos too. We would like to understand their functionality and spatial distribution, and we will characterize other spatial features.

KEY WORDS: Neolithic; Bronze Age; Fold Cave; Storage; Open area excavation; Pyrenees.
This paper presents the results of the archaeological and palaeoecological research conducted between 2000 and 2014 in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM). This included the systematic survey of the most of... more
This paper presents the results of the archaeological and palaeoecological research conducted between 2000 and 2014 in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM). This included the systematic survey of the most of the National Park territory, included at altitudes between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l. During the surveys, 350 archaeological sites have been detected and 78 radiocarbon dates have been realized, providing a sequence of human occupation from 10700 cal BP to modern times. In addition, three archaeological sites with stratified deposits have been fully excavated: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l’Estany de la Coveta I and Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. In parallel, 5 sedimentary cores have been extracted from lakes and one pigbog, from the Natural Park of Alt Pirineu (PNAP) and National Park (PNAESM) areas, providing a full palaeoecological sequence from the last 17.000 years cal BP. This archaeological and palaeoecological dataset (e.g. soil-sites and lake records) allowed advancing new models about the anthropization of the high-altitude areas and the social construction of pastoral landscapes.

At the current state of research, the first signs of an anthropic input on the mountain landscape in the Pyrenees date back to ca. 5000 cal
BC. The last 15 years of survey and research in the area have demonstrated that first human presence is mainly related to the development of an agro-pastoral economic system, also known as ‘Neolithic’. In this context, mid- and high-altitude areas do not appear to be isolated spaces. In contrast, the latest archaeological data suggests a strong connection between mountains, plains and coastal areas of the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. This area is transitional between the relatively arid inland plains and the alpine landscapes. Here, during a period of 3000 yrs, the palaeoecological and archaeological data shows an increase of anthropic pressure. In this paper we discuss the results of a multidisciplinary research project carried out in the Sant Nicolau valley, a glacial valley located in the western Catalan Pyrenees at altitudes between 1500 to 3000 m a.s.l., and in the rest of the Nacional Park (PNAESM). Our research involves several complementary approaches and disciplines: 1) an extensive survey of the area and the integration of all types of archaeological evidences on a regional GIS; 2) a diachronic study of all the excavated sites, which includes an economic approximation of the archaeological materials and integrated archaeobotanical analyses; 3) an analysis of the landscape evolution through palaeosols and lacustrine sedimentary cores.
The first results of this integrated approach are encouraging, showing dynamics in the occupation of the mountains that otherwise would be
impossible to detect. In the Nacional Park area human presence seems to be sporadic until the first half of the V millennium cal BC. The first
signs of anthropogenic fires, dated between 5200 and 4940 cal BC, seem to anticipate of only a few hundred years the appearance of a major archaeological record at Sant Nicolau button valley. A clear human occupation is dated between 4802 and 4368 cal AC at Cova del Sardo site, and is mainly associated with the exploitation of the subalpine stage for pastoral purposes by groups of southern provenance. Successively, the human presence becomes more discontinuous between 4229 and 3375 cal AC. Gradually moves toward higher altitudes. Indeed an increasing number of sites are established above 2000 m a.s.l., between 3484 and 2345 cal AC. The analysis of the archaeological artefacts suggests that the catchment area of these Neolithic pastoral groups goes from the Ebro Basin to the alpine areas of the Axial Pyrenees. We suggest that the modern landscape, far from being a ‘natural’ environment, is the result of a long-term process of anthropic transformation, starting VII millennia ago.
The archaeological research carried out at Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park in the last ten years has substantially increased our knowledge of the human groups that inhabited the territory of the National Park in the... more
The archaeological research carried out at Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park in the last ten years has substantially increased our knowledge of the human groups that inhabited the territory of the National Park in the past. This paper presents the current state of
research on the archaeological sites in the National Park as a whole, their classification and location characteristics, and the guidelines we are following to build an inventory in the form of a geodatabase with spatial and alphanumeric data from all the archaeological sites with the
aim of improving management and furthering research.
Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han evidenciado la existencia de un importante patrimonio arqueológico en las zonas altas de la cordillera. Estos vestigios se localizan en... more
Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han evidenciado la existencia de
un importante patrimonio arqueológico en las zonas altas de la cordillera. Estos vestigios se localizan en muchas ocasiones
por encima los 2.000 m. de altitud en zonas vinculadas, en los últimos siglos, a actividades ganaderas. Generalmente se tratan
de restos de construcciones, cabañas y cercados. No obstante también se han localizado elementos funerarios, arte rupestre,
depósitos de cerámica, explotaciones mineras, etc.
El año 2015 el grupo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña (GAAM) inició en el valle de Goriz, dentro del Parque Nacional de
Ordesa-Monte Perdido, prospecciones arqueológicas siguiendo una metodología similar a la que lleva implementando desde
hace más de 10 años en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. Fruto de esta primera intervención se han
registrado diversos yacimientos arqueológicos inéditos, aparentemente vinculados a actividades ganaderas. Este registro se ha
llevado a cabo siguiendo los parámetros consensuados en el marco de la red internacional DEPART Dinámicas de los Espacios
Pirenaicos de Altitud. Un SIG del patrimonio arqueológico y la modelización de los territorios pastorales.
Además de la exposición de los resultados obtenidos, el trabajo presentado detalla tanto la metodología seguida en el campo de
reconocimiento del terreno y de registro de las evidencias arqueológicas. Así mismo ilustra la integración posterior de los datos
en una geobase de datos espacial.
Until the last twenty years, high mountain areas have been excluded from the attention of archaeological research. This is primarily because it was taken for granted that in Europe over 2000 m a.s.l., climatic and environmental settings... more
Until the last twenty years, high mountain areas have been excluded from the attention of archaeological research. This is primarily because it was taken for granted that in Europe over 2000 m a.s.l., climatic and environmental settings precluded a stable human settlement. Secondly, the steep and sharp slopes of the mountain areas are really hard to systematically survey. Nevertheless, this last point is only partially true. Although it is difficult to implement successfully in high mountain zones the same sampling strategies adopted for plain or hilly regions, recent research projects in Alpine and Pyrenean areas demonstrated that alternative sampling strategies can be applied with promising outcomes. This paper discusses the methodological organization of the surveying of mountainous areas located between 1700 and 2900 m a.s.l. in the Central Pyrenees and, more precisely, in the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. Not only the fieldwork organization and the sampling strategies adopted, but other issues, referred to survey-data recovering and recording, are discussed as well, e.g., how to record dispersed but continuous evidence over space. As a result of this methodological reflection, surveys in high mountain environments are revealing humanized past landscapes, hard to imagine even a few years ago; new scenarios that challenges the traditional (pre)conceptions deduced from archaeology and ethnography.
Research Interests:
with a chronological density, diversity and breadth that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. This fact has opened the door to understanding the processes of ocupation and settlement in mountain areas above 1,500 m.... more
with a chronological density, diversity and breadth that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. This fact has opened the door to understanding the processes of ocupation and settlement in mountain areas above 1,500 m. Combining archaeological research with other paleoenvironmental studies has also enabled correlating the sequences of human occupation with the climatic dynamics and evolution of paleovegetation. The excavation of a small cave at Lake Coveta and the dolmen at Font dels Coms and, in recent years, the cave in Sardo complete the dataset currently available for this area, illustrating the main vectors that could have guided the Neolithic occupation of these high mountain areas.

KEYWORDS: Landscape archaeology, paleoecology, high mountains, livestock.
Research Interests:
During the last decade, surveys and researches in the high-altitude areas 01 Catalan Western Pyrenees, in the territories 01 the Pare Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM), lead to the discover of an extensive... more
During the last decade, surveys and researches in the high-altitude areas 01 Catalan Western Pyrenees, in the territories 01 the Pare Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM), lead to the discover of an extensive archaeological record above 1500 m. For the Middle and Late Holocene, the observed pattern of human settlement seem to favour the occupation 01 natural cavities, however, during the last 2500 yr. mountain areas were characterized by an increasing number 01 open-air site. This tendency is interrupted only between 2300 and 300 calAN E, a moment in which we register a gap in the archaeological record. Nevertheless, even if there is a lack of evidences for human settlements, other data suggest that human populations
were still living in the Pyrenees high-altitude zones. Pottery deposits dated to the 11 millennium have been lound hidden in stony areas, while a wide series 01 burial evidences, dated alter the I lllillenniulll calAN E, have been lound at high-altitudes. Palaeoecological records lram lakes
and peats also show that human impact on mountain environment was still strang between II and I millennium caIANE. In our opinion, this discrepancy could be explained as a consequence as a change in the settlement pattern, due to the introduction as a new economic model lor the
exploitation of the high-altitude areas, more systematic and intensive.
n this paper I study possible transhumant pathways used to move people and animals from the lowlands in Low Provence in Winter to summer grasslands in summer. These seasonal movements are attested from at least Late Middle Ages. But even... more
n this paper I study possible transhumant pathways used to move people and animals from the lowlands in Low Provence in Winter to summer grasslands in summer. These seasonal movements are attested from at least Late Middle Ages. But even when we know the existence of transhumance and his role to structure the landscape but usually it is difficult to identify the trace of the paths. In this contribution I present some possible pathways modelised with digital tools taking in account physical constraints to the movement as slope, altitude or water courses. In the second part of the paper I used the same models in the Ubaye Valley in order to explore possible paths to connect different plateaus. The location of archaeological sites is compared with the layouts of these pathways generated by GIS. The main goal is to explore how the mobility structures the social landscape in the Alpine Regions.
In this poster I focus on two case studies located in alpine environments. I examine the archeological record of the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Southern Central Pyrenees) and the archaeological record of Ubaye... more
In this poster I focus on two case studies located in alpine environments. I examine the archeological record of the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Southern Central Pyrenees) and the archaeological record of Ubaye Valley (French Alps). I examine the features of open-air structures in these zones. Finally, I discuss similarities and differences in all zones in two ways: in the features of empirical record and in terms of the evolution of subsistence practices and long-term sociohistorical dynamics.
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to... more
The archaeological explorations realized inside the National Park have discovered more than three hundred points of archaeological interest a good part of which correspond to architectural structures in open air linked provisionally to pastoral activities. In this work we want to describe the enormous variability that we can observe in this type of deposits, expose the methodology that has followed for the study of this type of remains and to present the empirical documentation obtained in 4 deposits that consist of big sets of architectural structures.
En este artículo presentamos los resultados de los trabajos de investigación arqueológica y paleoambiental llevados a cabo entre 2000 y 2014 en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) y en su área periférica.... more
En este artículo presentamos los resultados de los trabajos de investigación arqueológica y paleoambiental llevados a cabo entre 2000 y 2014 en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) y en su área periférica. Dichos trabajos comprenden la pros-pección sistemática de la mayor parte del territorio, entre 1500 y 3000 m de altitud, que ha permitido documentar 350 sitios arqueológicos, proporcionando 78 dataciones radiocarbónicas que comprenden una secuencia de ocupación de la zona de 10700 años. Asimismo, se ha completado la excavación de tres yacimientos arqueológicos: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I y el Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. El análisis arqueológico y paleoambiental de los sitios, de diversos perfiles y de 5 registros lacustres permiten modelizar la historia de las actividades económicas humanas en la alta montaña y el proceso de construcción de los primeros paisajes pastorales. LABURPENA Artikulu honetan, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) parke nazionalean eta parkearen eremu periferikoan 2000. urtetik 2014ra eginiko ikerketa arkeologiko eta paleoanbientalen emaitzak aurkeztuko ditugu. Eginiko lanen artean daude lurraldearen zatirik han-dienaren prospekzio sistematikoa, 1.500-3000 m-ko altitudean egina, eta horri esker, 350 gune arkeologiko dokumentatu eta 78 datazio erradiokarboniko eskuratu ditugu, gunean 10700 urtean izandako okupazioaren sekuentziari lotutakoak. Era berean, hiru aztarnategi arkeolo-gikoren indusketa ere burutu dugu: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I eta Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. Guneen, profilen eta 5 aintzari-erregistroren inguruan egindako azterketa arkeologiko eta paleoanbientalak aukera ematen dute goi mendietako giza jarduera ekonomikoen historia eta lehen artzantza-paisaien eraikitze-prozesua modelizatzeko. ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of the archaeological and palaeoecological research conducted between 2000 and 2014 in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM). This included the systematic survey of the most of the National Park territory, included at altitudes between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l. During the surveys, 350 archaeological sites have been detected and 78 radiocarbon dates have been realized, providing a sequence of human occupation from 10700 cal BP to modern times. In addition, three archaeological sites with stratified deposits have been fully excavated: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I and Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. In parallel, 5 sedimentary cores have been extracted from lakes and one pigbog, from the Natural Park of Alt Pirineu (PNAP) and National Park (PNAESM) areas, providing a full palaeoecological sequence from the last 17.000 years cal BP. This archaeological and palaeoecological dataset (e.g. soil-sites and lake records) allowed advancing new models about the anthropization of the high-altitude areas and the social construction of pastoral landscapes. At the current state of research, the first signs of an anthropic input on the mountain landscape in the Pyrenees date back to ca. 5000 cal BC. The last 15 years of survey and research in the area have demonstrated that first human presence is mainly related to the development of an agro-pastoral economic system, also known as 'Neolithic'. In this context, mid-and high-altitude areas do not appear to be isolated spaces. In contrast, the latest archaeological data suggests a strong connection between mountains, plains and coastal areas of the NE of the Iberian
Research Interests:
Le développement récent des recherches archéologiques sur les dynamiques des systèmes pastoraux d'altitude a engendré, tout au long du massif pyrénéen, la constitution d'une dizaine de zones ateliers interdisciplinaires, conçues comme... more
Le développement récent des recherches archéologiques sur les dynamiques des systèmes pastoraux d'altitude a engendré, tout au long du massif pyrénéen, la constitution d'une dizaine de zones ateliers interdisciplinaires, conçues comme autant de laboratoires d'étude des interactions entre les sociétés, leur espace et leur environnement, dans la longue durée. La quantité de données amassées permet aujourd'hui de dépasser le cadre des monographies, pour se lancer dans une véritable approche comparée des trajectoires de ces territoires d'altitude sous l'angle du pastoralisme. Ce projet, qui se fonde sur la modélisation et la création d'un Système d'Information Géographique (SIG), nécessite un important travail d'élaboration, technique et théorique, tant en termes de construction de la base de données spatialisée, que de formalisation des processus à étudier. Le réseau DEPART, créé dans cette perspective, s'est fixé comme premiers objectifs de construire et tester un SIG partagé sur un échantillon du corpus, et d'élaborer les outils et les questions structurant la comparaison. Après une présentation synthétique des différentes zones ateliers, cet article expose les résultats des discussions actuelles, sur les choix de structuration de la base et les questions appelées à sous-tendre l'analyse comparative.
Research Interests:
This volume investigates the changes in human occupation in Central Pyrenees from the first occupations to the 20th century. The main goal is to analyze the architectural structures related to seasonal livestock recorded by research group... more
This volume investigates the changes in human occupation in Central Pyrenees from the first occupations to the 20th century. The main goal is to analyze the architectural structures related to seasonal livestock recorded by research group of Grup d’Arqueologia de l’Alta Muntanya during archaeological fieldworks such as prospections and excavations.

The investigation has adopted an interdisciplinary perspective, using mainly the archaeological methods, but also the ethnoarchaeology focused on traditional transhumance, paleoecological data and, even so, the historical knowledge found in written sources.

The first goal in this dissertation has been to elaborate a typological classification of the archaeological sites recorded in the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici and then, to compare them with theoretical models of seasonal livestock and to correlate its material. The aim is to understand the livestock practices related to the different types of settlements.

The research understands the area of the National Park as a social space. The spatial relations between the different archaeological sites have been modelled as well as the distance from the sites to physical elements, such as the kind of soil or the watercourse. The links between the archaeological settlements have also been modelized with other territorial elements as least cost pathways. The aim has been to study the changes in the social space's elements, in order to understand how human communities managed the territory and made the Pyrenean landscape that can be seen nowadays.

The main contributions of this doctoral thesis are the historical sequence about the ways of life in the Pyrenean mountain areas and the relation of their changes with the general processes in northeast of Iberian Peninsula during a long interval of time: From the changes at the end of Prehistory, Romanization, the rise of feudalism, the crisis of Late Middle Ages and the transformations in rural spaces from modern times to Industrial Revolution.
WORKSHOP "Arqueoloxía en áreas de montaña: últimos desenvolvementos e retos de futuro na Península Ibérica"
Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela
Mércores, 27 de marzo de 2019
Archaeological research in the National Park has documented an archaeological sequenceof human presence in this area of high Pyrenean mountains that covers the entire Holocene. Its earliest phases were characterized by hunter-gatherer... more
Archaeological research in the National Park has documented an archaeological sequenceof human presence in this area of high Pyrenean mountains that covers the entire Holocene.
Its earliest phases were characterized by hunter-gatherer populations with a marked mobility that occupied small rock shelters as a refuge during hunting expeditions. During the early Neolithic this pattern persists although with much more episodic occupations. In this period, it appears that the higher areas continue to be exploited as hunting territories, in this case as a
complement to more stable occupations of settlements at lower altitudes.