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Resumen de Conformación de las etnias prerromanas en Alava, Bizkaia y Guipuzkoa

Armando Llanos Ortiz de Landaluze

  • español

    La investigación actual diferencia entre la zona de Bizkaia y Gipúzkoa y la de Alava. Tras la estructura geográfica, se analiza el proceso formativo que da lugar a formulaciones culturales diversas. Mientras existen contactos con elementos residuales del mundo megalítico y con los primeros grupos continentales, paralelamente, en ciertas zonas predominan grups de Cogotas I.-- El poblamiento aumenta durante el Bronce Final/Hierro I, con la fundación de castros, ocupándose densamente la zona meridional por gentes del mundo cultural centroeuropeo. Posteriormente, a partir de la zona meridional hacia el norte, se conforman grupos celtibéricos con influjos iberizantes y materiales de Cogotas II. Finalmente, se alude a cromlechs y menhires y se analiza la correlación con áreas vecinas, así como la relación entre etnias y arqueología.

  • English

    Current research differences between Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and Alava.

    After looking at the geographical structure of the area, which is an important conditioning factor, the formativevprocess is analysed. A first link is established between the residual elements of the megalithic world and the first continental groups. At the same time, other groups with elements of Cogotas I predominated in certain areas, leaving traces either in caves with or without cave paintings of the diagrammatic-abstract type, in pits or in settlements. Greater density of population is detected during the Final Bronze Agel First Iron Age, with the founding of castros, the southern part being densely occupied by peoples of Central European cultural origin. These groups, starting from the southern-most part and decreasing in intensity towards the north, formed the basis for Celtiberian groups shaped by Iberianizing influences. Also at this time materials related with Cogotas II appear.

    Cromlechs and menhirs are sabsequenly referred to. Finally the correlation of this area with neighboaring arcas is analysed, and also the relationship between tribal and archaeological arcas.

Fundación Dialnet

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