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Resumen de Construíndo a Igrexa galega: O cura Barreiro na longa década dos sesenta

José Ramón Rodríguez Lago

  • galego

    Seminarista brillante, medalla de ouro en dereito canónico pola Universidade Gregoriana na Roma do Concilio, capelán obreiro na Galicia do desenvolvemento industrial, promotor inicial do Concilio Pastoral de Galicia e presidente da Asemblea Rexional do clero galego. A singular travesía de Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández no seo dunha Igrexa galega liderada entón polo cardeal Quiroga Palacios permite interpretar mellor non só a súa vida e obra, senón tamén a da historia de Galicia entre os anos 50 e 70 do pasado século.

  • English

    A brilliant seminarian, awarded with the gold medal in Canon Law from the Pontifical Gregorian University in the Rome of the Second Vatican Council, a chaplain in Galicia committed to industrial development, the initial promoter of the Pastoral Council of Galicia and president of the Regional Assembly of the Galician clergy. Understanding the unique journey of Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández within a Galician Church then led by Cardinal Quiroga Palacios enables a better interpretation not only of his life and work, but also of the history of Galicia from the 1950s to the 1970s.

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