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Resumen de Origen de escapolitas asociadas a doleritas triásicas del Norte de la provincia de Cádiz.

Diego Antonio Morata Céspedes, Salvador Domínguez Bella, Salvador Morales Ruano

  • Scapolites are present in sorne doleritic tectonic blocks ("ophites" )in the External Zones of the Betic Cordilleras, in Northern of Cádiz province. These scapolites fill veinlets and replace plagioclases from the dolerites in the proximity off fissures. Scapolites (Me 26-29) are partial or totally replaced by low-iron prehnites (Xfe3+ = 0.13-0. 66). Fluid inclusions found in scapolites show high salinity (40-55% wt. eq.) multications (Na-Ca-K.?) aqueous fluids. No volatil phases has been detected in microthermometric runs. Temperatures of homogeneization range from 380 to 540ºC. These scapolites filling dolerite veinlets are interpreted as a result of magma-evaporite interactions during dolerite emplacement intó the Triassic evaporitic formations.

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