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Resumen de Factions and Nations: Identity and Identification in the historical Video Games set in the Middle Ages

Juan Francisco Jiménez Alcázar

  • Historical video games offer players the opportunity to choose different options for managing factions and nations of the past, with which they can come to identify. The interactive and immersive nature of the medium makes this possible, and the thrill of winning or losing is enhanced by this ability to assimilate. The study focuses on those set in the medieval period, where factions respond to the various historical stages that define it. In this identity process through the video game, the player assumes a virtual role in which individual or group feelings that historically define their identity are reflected. These titles, as products of cultural expression, are also manifestations of those who have designed them, and inaccuracies due to cultural clichés or factors to be more entertaining —playability— are often resolved by gamers through the mod phenomenon.

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