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El eterno desafío de potenciar lo propio… Gentrificación y turismo de masas en la ciudad histórica: A propósito de Córdoba (Andalucía, España)

    1. [1] Universidad de Córdoba

      Universidad de Córdoba

      Cordoba, España

  • Localización: Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia, ISSN 1132-2217, Nº 71, 2020, págs. 257-272
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • The eternal challenge of empowering what is yours… Gentrification and mass tourism of a historical city: The case of Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain)
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      Breve reflexión a partir del origen histórico-arqueológico del patio urbano, en sus diversas modalidades, con perspectiva diacrónica y particular atención a la ciudad de Córdoba. Se analizan los patios como legado patrimonial y fenómeno turístico, incidiendo en sus valores y también en las amenazas que cuestionan gravemente la fiesta homónima y los hace peligrar como valor material e inmaterial, íntimamente ligados a determinadas expresiones arquitectónicas y, más en concreto, a un concepto y una forma específicos de vida, en el marco de la ciudad histórica en abstracto. Finalmente, se incide en el papel que desempeñan como seña de identidad, factor idiosincrásico y recurso propio, invocando la responsabilidad colectiva a la hora de propiciar con urgencia el consenso entre todos los agentes implicados, a fin de buscar para ellos nuevos modelos que huyan de la instrumentalización.

    • English

      Historical cities are living archaeological sites in a continual process of development. They are palimpsests that ultimately become unique units marked by eclectic albeit unique personalities stemming from centuries of syncretism of processes of abstraction and syntheses that end up yielding individual signs of identity, exclusive cultural profiles and extraordinary collections of heritage. This is the case of Córdoba, one of the most complex and extensive archaeological sites (in both space and time) of the world with an occupation spanning 5,000 years. It was a reference as the capital of Baetica, the main Roman province of the West, and later, between the 8th and 12th centuries, as the capital of Al-Andalus. It even served during the 10th century as the seat of the great Western Umayyad Caliphate. It was a melting pot fusing its own traditions with foreign influences yielding a unique blend with a particular architectural feature, the domestic patio, playing a predominant role.

      The current study offers a brief review of Córdoba’s inner patios, from their simple beginnings to the stately patios that today make up an urban landscape recognised universally by its annual patio festival, a celebration classified as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. However, like many other historic cities, Córdoba of late has fallen into the pitfalls of mass tourism, seriously questioning and threatening its carrying capacity. Always at the service of an overflow of tourism, its historic centre, also classified as a World Heritage Site, has initiated a wild process of gentrification that could lead to a significant breakdown of its natural evolution. Every urban complex has to evolve. Yet the historical centre, so admired by masses of tourists, has been shaped day by day by its original residents. Is their continued expulsion, as is occurring in many of its areas, not a sign that the city centre is being remodelled into a sort of fake decor?

    • euskara

      Hiriko patioaren jatorri historiko-arkeologikotik abiatuta egindako gogoeta laburra. Kordoba hiriari arreta berezia jarri zaio eta ikuspegi diakronikotik abiatuta egin da gogoeta. Patioak turismo-fenomeno eta ondare-legatu gisa aztertu dira, horren balioetan eta izen bereko festan eragin larria izan dezaketen eta balio material eta ez-material gisa arriskuan jar ditzakeen mehatxuetan arreta berezia jarrita. Patioak adierazpen arkitektoniko jakin batzuei hertsiki lotuta daude eta, zehatzago esanda, abstraktuan azaldutako hiri historikoaren baitan bizimodu espezifiko eta kontzeptu bati lotuta. Amaitzeko, nortasun-ezaugarri, faktore idiosinkrasiko eta baliabide propio gisa betetzen duten rola azpimarratu nahi izan da, inplikatutako eragile guztien artean adostasuna presazkotasunez errazteko garaian erantzukizun kolektiboa eskatuta. Horren helburua da haientzat instrumentalizaziotik aldentzen diren eredu berriak bilatzea.

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