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Resumen de Evolución climática y actividad antrópica durante los últimos 3.000 años en las tablas de Daimiel

María José Gil García, María Blanca Ruiz Zapata, Rosa María Mediavilla López, Fernando Domínguez Castro, Juan Ignacio Santisteban Navarro, Cristino José Dabrio González

  • This contribution summarizes the main vegetation changes during the last 3000 years reconstructed from the pollen record of the PVC 4.2 core located in the west margin of the Cigüela River (Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park). Some periods of noticeable impacts on the wetland are identified, some during periods of little human impact and others clearly of anthropic origin. At the beginning of the sequence, the ecological changes were controlled by the climate variability, and the system showed a natural recovery mechanism. The later intense human-made disturbances abruptly distrubed the natural recovery mechanism making difficult the regeneration of the ecosystem

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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