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Resumen de Domestic religiosity in the 18th century Spanish Court: elite women, everyday life spaces and material culture. An approach to a study in progress

Natalia González Heras

  • English

    The main objective of this article is to develop an approach to issues and practices related to devotion and spirituality, concerning to women belonging to the bourgeoisie and the middle-nobility, in the framework of their domestic lives, during the late 18th century in Madrid. From these pages we focus on unravelling the ways of the group formed by the wives of the servers of the Spanish Monarchy. This investigation will be based on the analysis of the material culture appeared in their dowry letters and post-mortem inventories

  • português

    O principal objetivo deste artigo é desenvolver uma abordagem das questões e práticas relacionadas com a devoção e espiritualidade, relativas às mulheres pertencentes à burguesia e à média nobreza, no âmbito de suas vidas domésticas, durante o final do século XVIII, em Madrid. Concentrar- -nos-emos em desvendar os caminhos do grupo formado pelas esposas dos servidores da monarquia espanhola. Esta investigação será baseada na análise da cultura material que aparece nas suas cartas dote e nos inventários post-mortem.

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