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Resumen de Nuevos datos sobre la edad del Buntsandstein de la Cordillera Cantábrica

Yolanda Sánchez Moya, Eduardo Barrón, Alfonso Sopeña

  • Palynological data from the Buntsandstein of the Reinosa (Santander) and Verbio (N of Palencia) areas, has allowed establishing a Ladiniense-Carniense age for the upper part of these facies. Two palynological assemblages have been identified. The first one is characterized by Triadispora spp., Ovalipollis pseudoalatus and Duplicisporites spp. The second one is characterized by Vallasporites ignacii and Enzonalasporites sp. This age questions the correlation and equivalence of the carbonates that appear in this region, with the Muschelkalk facies of the rest of Spain.

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