Aprovechamiento didáctico de un parque temático para generar actitudes positivas hacia el aprendizaje de las ciencias naturales.

Inside the generations of the museums of sciences, the theme parks occupy the last place of appearance In which the lemma is" prohibited not to touch ", provided that they have been designed about a specific topic claim: to report, to spread, to announce in more accessible form the history and the scientific or technological advances; which, often, combine them with attractions to invite visitors of all the ages. National park of the Agropecuari Culture PANACA is a theme park located in the municipality of Quimbaya in the Quindíos Department Colombian country. ¿Which is the object in the agrarian activity? With auto sustainable sense and a deep respect for the care of the environment, provides a great variety of issues regarding the natural sciences: as care for the environment and agricultural activity, where education can take to potentially reinforcing the themes of formal education in a positive attitude and effective results. The first part of this research presents the problematics relating to PANACA's visit for teachers and students who apparently went only for a college trip according to the results of this investigation. It is intended to optimize the use and teaching of the subject treated in the park and generates positive attitudes towards learning science in high school students. To achieve this project: 1. Diagnose the educational use of the park by teachers to link the theme with the content area of science. 2. Establish the use of teaching strategies from teachers before, during and after the visits. 3. Identify the positive attitudes towards learning science for students after the visit. It presents an investigation with a descriptive mode whos sample of study are 2 Differentiated groups. Group number one its Constituted by students and teachers that visit PANACA. With whos make the Utilization diagnostic of the thematic park with out preparation, the second group it was made by teachers and students of secondary from a school. This student hasnt visited this theme park, before this experience and the description about the process and the results are showing on the Doctoral thesis. The second chapter shows the record of the studies about the didactic use in science museums and the theoric foundation in regard to the evolution of the science museums in to the thematic park which one bring an interaction between the visitor and the topic of the park as well as the educational role of the museum of the sciences and the thematic park. Presents a thematic park PANACA description is based in the didactic of sciences in formal and no formal environments, and the generation of positive attitude to the behavior of the sciences. The chapter three has the methodological design for diagnosticate the didactic Utilization in the PANACA visit across surveys applied to teachers and students, of several colleges, in the same park, without previous notice. Also it contains a third survey which was applied later to medium term, after the visit to the students who were polled at random and others who visited the park. The aim (lens) of this survey is to know that the teachers did with the information and the experience of the visit to this place. In the chapter four there are analyzed the results of this diagnostic study, which throws the subutilization of the contents of the theme park in the different classes, in the formal environment, in the regular classroom. The obtained results show that the teachers little takes advantage of the subject matter of the park and the activities that they realize are of scanty thematic content. In the chapter five one presents the methodological design for the didactic utilization of the theme park PANACA, the general aims, the lenses of the care of the environment and of the agrarian activities. The didactic strategies before, during and after the visit to the theme park for visit to PANACA, Three didactic guides prepared themselves, in order to obtain information during the visit in the not formal environment, and later to use it in the environment formal (class). There were designed the pre-test and the post-test of attitudes of learning of the natural sciences (care of the environment and agrarian activities), in scale Likert. The chapter six presents the comparison of the results of the pre-test and the post-test, and the discussion of these results. One thinks that the students after the visit guided to PANACA, after the development of topics in the formal environment, the accomplishment of practical environmentalists as agrarian in the college and the home, have acquired applicable knowledge in the units of study there being generated learning with positive attitudes towards the learning of the natural sciences reflected in behaviors declared by the students, But there are some attitudes in some students, principally those who refer to the nourishing habits, which are difficult to change, due to the family and cultural influence. Clearly they were reflected in some of the results in spite of having appeared the alternatives in the exhibitions of the park. The chapter seven contains the conclusions and the perspectives. The teachers can use the didactic strategies of this direct experience for the development of the different topics in sciences, seeking to achieve awakening in the students the interest, as also the need and the will to generate significant learnings with positive attitudes, which transform to medium and long term always and when the motivation is kept with will Finally one presents the consulted bibliography and the annexes.
Bibliographic reference