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Normas de estilo de publicación en e-Journal of Portuguese History

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación


All papers and other contributions should be submitted in digital form, preferably in WORD format, attached to an e-mail message addressed to the Editors: ejph@clix.pt

Submission of a paper to e-JPH will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers submitted to e-JPH will be assessed through a double blind refereeing system. The Editors will endeavour to inform authors as soon as possible about decisions on papers submitted. Contributions will be acknowledged upon receipt but contributors must be expected to wait up to 4 months before notification of acceptance, conditional acceptance, encouragement to revise and re-submit or rejection.

Authors are kindly requested to send a short biographical note in the body of the message accompanying the paper submitted. This note should include the author's affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number and permanent address for correspondence.

All contributions must be in English. Though the Editors will provide linguistic revisions when needed, it is the author's responsibility to ensure the quality of the English text. Where quotations in languages other than English are required, authors are asked to provide a translation into English in the main text or in a note. The use of original Portuguese terms (e.g. regimento, corregedor, sesmarias) is permitted whenever they have been explained to English readers. Articles may be edited. Contributors will be sent a copy-edited manuscript of their paper prior to publication.

Papers should not normally exceed 30.000 characters. A list of 5 keywords and an abstract of 100 words should accompany each paper.

Notes should be kept to a minimum and placed at the end of the text before the references. Tables, figures, digital images and digital photographs should be sent on separate files.

Referencing system
References should follow the Harvard system, with bibliographical references within the text listing the author's last name, date of publication and number of page, e.g. (Boxer 1969: 146).

Complete references should be listed at the end of the article in a style conforming to the following examples:

Accati, Luisa (2000). Volontà e autorità. Francisco Suarez e la naturale privazione dell'etica. Quaderni Storici, 35 (3): 623-653.

Chaunu, Pierre (1971). La Civilization de l'Europe des Lumières. Paris: Arthaud.

Engerman, Stanley L. (1981). Notes on the patterns of economic growth in the British North American colonies in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In Paul Bairoch and Maurice Lévy-Leboyer (eds.), Disparities in Economic Development since the Industrial Revolution. London: Macmillan, 46-57.

Smith, Adam (1976) [1776]. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner, 2 Volumes. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Copyright agreement

By submitting a manuscript to e-JPH, the authors agree that the exclusive rights to reproduce the article, when accepted for publication, have been granted to the Editors and the Publishers according to the terms of an Agreement for the Transfer of Copyright.

Authors are requested to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations and other copyright material prior to publication.

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