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... El anónimo protagonista tiene que luchar contra sus recuerdos sobre el telón de fondo de una ciudad presente y ausente a ... concentran en un protagonista masculino que tiene que cumplir un viaje metafórico hacia el centro de su alma... more
... El anónimo protagonista tiene que luchar contra sus recuerdos sobre el telón de fondo de una ciudad presente y ausente a ... concentran en un protagonista masculino que tiene que cumplir un viaje metafórico hacia el centro de su alma para conocerse de ... Música Dizzy Gillespie ...
En sus novelas, cuyo argumento se inspira en la civilización portuguesa, como es el caso de “Requiem” (1991), “Sostiene Pereira” (1994), y la más reciente “La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro” (1997), Tabucchi utiliza abundantemente el... more
En sus novelas, cuyo argumento se inspira en la civilización portuguesa, como es el caso de “Requiem” (1991), “Sostiene Pereira” (1994), y la más reciente “La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro” (1997), Tabucchi utiliza abundantemente el recurso narrativo de las ...
This article aims to show how it is possible to transform a real urban space into a metaphor, an oneiric space, or a simple literary image. Spanish and Latin American contemporary writers and poets, linked to a major literary tradition,... more
This article aims to show how it is possible to transform a real urban space into a metaphor, an oneiric space, or a simple literary image. Spanish and Latin American contemporary writers and poets, linked to a major literary tradition, set their works in Istanbul because of its history, its charming natural landscapes, its complicated urban layout, and its ethnic, cultural, and religious mixing. Their strategies oscillate between the descriptions of the city's rivers, palaces, sunsets, local people, and neighborhoods in realistic terms and the capacity to create an imaginary and metaphoric city that has no relationship with the historical place most tourists visit every year. The Turkish city has achieved a special renown in recent decades in Spanish and Latin American literature due to the novels, short stories, and poems written by authors whose purpose is to involve their readers in an irrational atmosphere made of dreams, parallel realities, and imagined spaces.
Resumen La ciudad de Maputo, capital de Mozambique, se configura desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX como un auténtico palimpsesto literario, en el que las sucesivas escrituras superpuestas durante décadas crean un espacio en ocasiones... more
Resumen La ciudad de Maputo, capital de Mozambique, se configura desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX como un auténtico palimpsesto literario, en el que las sucesivas escrituras superpuestas durante décadas crean un espacio en ocasiones sugerente y en otras abiertamente hostil ante la mirada del espectador. Se distinguen, en este proceso de trasformación del espacio real en un espacio imaginario, tres momentos fundamentales. El primero es el periodo colonial, retratado en los versos de Noémia de Sousa, donde la ciudad construida de madera y cinc se reivindica como el germen de su esencia africana. El segundo nace tras la independencia, en un espacio convulso que busca una nueva identidad, como en la narrativa de João Paulo Borges Coelho. El tercero se perfila en los años más recientes, con una ciudad distópica en la que el crimen y la protesta colectiva constituyen la base de la última narrativa mozambiqueña.
In the late 90’s and the first decade of this new century, Romanian publishing houses have increased remarkably the amount of volumes dedicated to the Romanian Royal Family, including many biographies about the four kings and four queens... more
In the late 90’s and the first decade of this new century, Romanian publishing houses have increased remarkably the amount of volumes dedicated to the Romanian Royal Family, including many biographies about the four kings and four queens that have reigned until World War II, with the purpose of reaching a wider readers’ target than ever.This paper analyses the biographies that many French, English and especially Romanian writers have published about Carmen Sylva, the first queen of Romania. Princess Elisabeta, born in Neuwied in 1843, got married in 1869 with Prince Carol, who became the first king of Romania in 1881. The young princess was a very good writer and she used to read European literature and to translate unknown pieces from Romanian to German and French language. She also used to write her own diaries and autobiographies about her public and private experiences, such as Les penseesd’unereineand and Mein Penatenwinkel, both published during her life. In order to separate her literary activity from the public role of princess and queen of Romania, she adopted an artistic name, taken from the Latin language, which reminded a poem (Carmen) and the forest, the typical landscape of her birthplace (Sylva). She has always been considered as one of the most interesting personalities of the European nobility during the last century, because of her character and her eccentricity as well as for her literary skills. Carmen Sylva sponsored musicians, poets and artists such as the musician George Enescu, the French writer Pierre Loti, and the great Romanian authors Mihai Eminescu and Vasile Alecsandri. On the one hand, her first biographers provided an image of the Romanian queen as an amateur writer, whose principal aim was to be reminded as a poet and a novelist, and focused their attention on her rough private life. On the other hand, most of the contemporary biographies about the life of Carmen Sylva adopt a different stance and underline the importance that she had as a cultural link between opposite worlds, due to the undeniable cultural sponsorship that she carried out during her stay in Romania. Historians such as Gabriel Badea-Păun or critics such as Silvia Irina Zimmermann provide a new look on the queen’s life and works, and make clearer how and why Carmen Sylva became one of the most popular members of the Romanian Royal Family.
... Un paralelo entre Hititas y Órficos 33-42 Alberto BERNABÉ Enoc, viajero celeste más allá de la muerte 43-58 Luis VEGAS MONTANER Viajes de verdad, viajes de mentira: literatura de viajes del período helenístico 59-75 ... 399-408 Emilia... more
... Un paralelo entre Hititas y Órficos 33-42 Alberto BERNABÉ Enoc, viajero celeste más allá de la muerte 43-58 Luis VEGAS MONTANER Viajes de verdad, viajes de mentira: literatura de viajes del período helenístico 59-75 ... 399-408 Emilia GARCÍA ESCALONA Sumario 8 ...
Estudio comparado y trasversal, por parte de los profesores y alumnos participantes, de la figura de la Bruja en las principales literaturas europeas, como la inglesa, la francesa, la alemana, la rusa, la hebrea, la rumana, la italiana y... more
Estudio comparado y trasversal, por parte de los profesores y alumnos participantes, de la figura de la Bruja en las principales literaturas europeas, como la inglesa, la francesa, la alemana, la rusa, la hebrea, la rumana, la italiana y las literaturas romanicas medievales.
El proyecto propone el estudio comparativo de autores contemporaneos de similares caracteristicas en los dos continentes, introduciendo la practica del debate como herramienta critica para los alumnos de Grado y Master de la Facultad de... more
El proyecto propone el estudio comparativo de autores contemporaneos de similares caracteristicas en los dos continentes, introduciendo la practica del debate como herramienta critica para los alumnos de Grado y Master de la Facultad de Filologia.

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Catálogo de una exposición celebrada en la Biblioteca de Castilla- La Mancha, de Toledo.