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La historia del pueblo gitano está sin hacer y es una ocasión para revisar críticamente los paradigmas historiográficos naturalizados en la disciplina. También para plantear investigaciones auténticamente... more
La  historia  del  pueblo  gitano  está  sin  hacer  y  es  una  ocasión  para  revisar  críticamente  los  paradigmas  historiográficos  naturalizados  en  la  disciplina.  También  para  plantear  investigaciones  auténticamente  transdisciplinares.  Este  artículo  revisa  las  aportaciones  existentes  en  dos  campos,  el  de  la  historia  del  antigitanismo  y  el  de  la  formación  de  los  estereotipos  culturales  sobre  «lo  gitano».  Apuesta  también  por  avanzar más allá de esta historia de las reacciones de la sociedad mayo-ritaria  ante  la  minoría  romaní,  pensando  la  historia  gitana  desde  den-tro.  Esto  supone  tanto  una  tarea  de  imaginación  historiográfica  como  una  preocupación  por  hacer  del  conocimiento  científico  un  conoci-miento  público,  abriendo  los  lugares  de  enunciación  a  las  comunida-des  históricamente  interpeladas  como  gitanas
This article studies the political discourse of Helios Gómez, a Romani artist, who committed first to anarchism and then to communism in the interwar period. The analysis sets his account of the new Soviet society as a model to follow in... more
This article studies the political discourse of Helios Gómez, a Romani artist, who committed first to anarchism and then to communism in the interwar period. The analysis sets his account of the new Soviet society as a model to follow in the context of the large body of literature on the genre and at the same time interprets it in the light of the political cultures on which it draws. Moreover, it sets out to understand the Romani identity of this graphic artist as the key to his capacity for transforming a common discourse into a utopian discourse full of projective boldness, one that called for ethnic equality as part of social justice. The article addresses the different intersecting identitarian contexts-political, class, ethnic-that constitute the framework from which to claim recognition of rights for the Roma minority, marginalized in the processes of political modernization.
This article examines the political formula of Romanestan as conceived by Ionel Rotaru (1918-1982), a Romanian refugee in France after the Second World War. Romanestan is the most visible aspect of an ambitious plan demanding rights for... more
This article examines the political formula of Romanestan as conceived by Ionel Rotaru (1918-1982), a Romanian refugee in France after the Second World War. Romanestan is the most visible aspect of an ambitious plan demanding rights for those labelled Gypsies throughout the world. This study is of interest because it sheds new light on the problems of social and political readjustment after the Second World War from the standpoint of racial exclusion. Rotaru's project was both the response to longstanding historical racist aggression and also a crucial turning point in the formation of Romani ethnic identity. What makes its study interesting is that the formula of the Romanestan wove the right to exist of those regarded as Gypsies into a creative transnational political project. Based on classified documents, this article highlights the political nature of processes of ethnicization and assesses the performative power of symbols.
dedicated to the study of emotions, showing its origin, achievements and possibilities. For this, the text is organized in three sections which explore: 1) the explanatory paradigms 2) the interest that affect has provoked in contemporary... more
dedicated to the study of emotions, showing its origin, achievements and possibilities. For this, the text is organized in three sections which explore: 1) the explanatory paradigms 2) the interest that affect has provoked in contemporary historiography from the early 20th century to the arrival of the so-called «affective turn»; and 3) the plurality of theoretical approaches and categories of analysis which historians of emotions have been offering in the last few decades. Taking the above into consideration, this article defends how appropriate it is to create a dialog between the history of emotions and different categories of analysis, such as gender or race, and approaches, such as biographical history.
One of the many stereotypes included in the generally negativeoccasionally Romanticrepresentations and discourses that have burdened the Romani people is the alleged existence of a natural link between the 'Gypsy' way of life and... more
One of the many stereotypes included in the generally negativeoccasionally Romanticrepresentations and discourses that have burdened the Romani people is the alleged existence of a natural link between the 'Gypsy' way of life and anarchism. This article studies the extent of an actual historical relationship between anarchism as a political worldview and the 'Gypsy'-Roma ethnic status beyond reductionist stereotypes. It investigates, on the one hand, the agency of Romani subjects in the labour movement and anarchism by means of a case study of Spain in the interwar years, and, on the other, it examines the cases of a number of European emigrants who chose to closely link anarchism as a political option to a Romani identity in their struggle against capitalism and fascism. Both sets of case studies are used to reflect on the political nature of racial-ethnic identity constructions, to question the dilemmas of cultural appropriation and to propose a dense analysis that reveals the historicity of identities of this type.
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This article examines the emotional aspects of Western Romantic discourse on Spanish Gitanos, starting from the assumption that this is a cultural construction that contributed to the civic marginalization and political persecution of the... more
This article examines the emotional aspects of Western Romantic discourse on Spanish Gitanos, starting from the assumption that this is a cultural construction that contributed to the civic marginalization and political persecution of the Romani people. By examining the emotive language of observers and the emotional ’nature’ they attributed to this community, the stereotyped emotional foundation of ’gypsiness’ can be dismantled. It is argued that his discourse, which reveals the affective anxieties of majoritarian society, linked emotions attributed to the Gitanos with their alleged inability to adapt to modern society, thus  justifying that they are  an unassimilable community.
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JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact
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Este artículo se sitúa en una encrucijada historiográfica en la que la historia de las emociones se combina con otros enfoques con el objeto de indagar en las claves culturales profundas de la acción política. No entiende la historia de... more
Este artículo se sitúa en una encrucijada historiográfica en la que la historia de las emociones se combina con otros enfoques con el objeto de indagar en las claves culturales profundas de la acción política. No entiende la historia de las emociones tanto como un campo específico de estudio sino antes bien como una sensibilidad analítica que puede ser empleada transversalmente y potenciada con los aportes de otros enfoques.
Desde estos planteamientos, se aproxima al Romanticismo como un “régimen emocional”, tomando pero a la vez discutiendo el concepto acuñado por William Reddy. En este marco, se considera la masculinidad como una cuestión fundamental en la configuración del orden político y sentimental liberal posrevolucionario, analizándose algunos espacios de creación de la virilidad burguesa. En la última parte del artículo, se confronta el conjunto de normativas que configuran este régimen con las líneas de fisura y fractura existentes en paralelo a su misma imposición. Para ello, se extraen de la historia biográfica algunas preguntas y posibles respuestas sobre los factores culturales que posibilitaron el desbordamiento y superación de este régimen emocional, apuntando finalmente una interpretación sobre el Romanticismo como estilo emocional.
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en María Sierra, juan Pro y Diego Mauro: Desde la Historia. Homenaje a Marta Bonaudo
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Los numerosos estudios sobre el desarrollo del régimen de la Restauración en Andalucía publicados durante las últimas décadas permiten ya realizar una síntesis reflexivas que abandone los tópicos y sitúe en su verdadera dimensión los... more
Los numerosos estudios sobre el desarrollo del régimen de la Restauración en Andalucía publicados durante las últimas décadas permiten ya realizar una síntesis reflexivas que abandone los tópicos y sitúe en su verdadera dimensión los fenómenos del caciquismo y el clientelismo. En este trabajo se huye de la vieja imagen de una Andalucía singular y esencialista y se analiza esta etapa histórica a la luz de la comparación con otras regiones y en el contexto de las deformaciones y deconstrucciones propias del liberalismo decimonónico.
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Gender and Emotions in Romanticism. The Theatre of Bretón de los Herreros In the middle of the 19th century a successful Spanish writer created plays that explored the concepts of femininity and manliness built inside the cultural... more
Gender and Emotions in Romanticism. The Theatre of Bretón de los Herreros

In the middle of the 19th century a successful Spanish writer created plays that explored the concepts of femininity and manliness built inside the cultural framework of Romanticism. In plays like Ella es él (She is him), Bretón de los Herreros sought ways out of the institution of marriage considered as a jail, by suggesting that true women could be powerful and authentic men could be submissive. 

His life and works are the start point for a historiographical proposal focused in the social modulation of emotions and sexual identities. Through the biographical approach we take into account the social production of feelings usually considered natural and private, assessing the freedom of those who talked against prevailing models.

This book stands out the historicity of emotions and gender identities, as well as their changeable relationship.
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Este artículo presenta una reflexión crítica sobre la historiografía dedicada al estudio de las emociones, mostrando su origen, sus logros y sus posibilidades. Para ello, el texto se organiza en tres recorridos que exploran 1) los... more
Este artículo presenta una reflexión crítica sobre la historiografía dedicada al estudio de las emociones, mostrando su origen, sus logros y sus posibilidades. Para ello, el texto se organiza en tres recorridos que exploran 1) los paradigmas explicativos de lo emocional que más han influido en los planteamientos historiográficos; 2) el interés que los afectos han suscitado en la historiografía contemporaneísta desde principios del siglo XX hasta la llegada del llamado «giro afectivo»; y 3) la pluralidad de enfoques teóricos y categorías de análisis que los historiadores de las emociones han ido ofreciendo en las últimas décadas. Teniendo todo ello en cuenta, este artículo defiende lo oportuno de poner a dialogar la historia de las emociones con diferentes categorías de análisis, como el género o la raza, y lo ventajoso de abordar estos estudios desde otros enfoques, como la historia biográfica.