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Soledad Milan
  • Departamento de Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval y Paleografía y Diplomática
    Campus Cantoblanco
    28049 Madrid (Spain)
During the Late Bronze Age, the Mediterranean was the region where a network of interactions took place as a result of the Mycenaean long-distance routes. We have chosen the microregion of the Southern Ionian Islands, Cephallenia, Ithaca... more
During the Late Bronze Age, the Mediterranean was the region where a network of interactions took place as a result of the Mycenaean long-distance routes. We have chosen the microregion of the Southern Ionian Islands, Cephallenia, Ithaca and Zacynthus as part of the Mycenaean routes towards the Western Mediterranean, which is where a series of specific interactions and cultural transmission took place.
Although since the Bronze Age we have the evidence that the Aegean and the Mediterranean where crossed by Greek and Aegean people establishing different sailing routes, it will be during the Archaic Greek period that an intensification of... more
Although since the Bronze Age we have the evidence that the Aegean and the Mediterranean where crossed by Greek and Aegean people establishing different sailing routes, it will be during the Archaic Greek period that an intensification of the movements of Greeks towards the West in connection with trade and the foundation of colonies will take place. The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the Locrians’ journey towards the south of Italy to found a colony, Epizephyrian Locris and to find out the possible routes that they could had followed considering that in addition to coastal navigation they practiced the open-sea navigation with the aid of the latitude-sealing techniques and the stars observation. Key words: Locrians. Epizephyrian Locris. Navigation. Circumpolar star. Colonization. Magna Graeca.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the interactions that took place from the Early Bronze Age onwards within the eastern Mediterranean, the Levant and Near East with the island of Crete including the mobility of people, objects and... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse the interactions that took place from the Early Bronze Age onwards within the eastern Mediterranean, the Levant and Near East with the island of Crete including the mobility of people, objects and ideas. In this regard, it is essential to scrutinize the material culture and influences coming through these interactions in order to evaluate the data available as to date. The island of Crete, in the Bronze Age, presents several characteristics that favoured the  development  of  a  sustained  growth:  agriculturally  advantageous  territory  capable  of  regional  intensification  and  generation  of  surplus  plus  an  excellent  geographical situation, in the centre of an interaction network between Anatolia, Near East, Egypt and the Aegean. Thus, the interaction network, the mobility of people and the exchange of objects, undoubtedly had an impact in the inhabitants of the island, especially in the different elite groups producing the transmission of ideas and creating a form of cultural transmission. Keywords Aegean; Anatolia; Crete; Cyclades; Early Bronze Age; Mobility; Networks; Anatolia Trade Network; Great Caravan Route
Durante la Edad del Bronce el Egeo es el escenario de una red de intercambios de materias primas, objetos e ideas entre diferentes regiones. En la isla de Creta tenemos testimonios de las relaciones que mantiene con Egipto tanto a través... more
Durante la Edad del Bronce el Egeo es el escenario de una red de intercambios de
materias primas, objetos e ideas entre diferentes regiones. En la isla de Creta tenemos testimonios de las relaciones que mantiene con
Egipto tanto a través de la cultura material como de determinadas representaciones iconográficas. Uno de los objetos que evidencian estos
contactos es un instrumento musical, el sistro, que aparece tanto en el registro arqueológico como en la iconografía minoica y que nos habla
de una transmisión no solo de objetos sino también de ideas.
Nuestro objetivo es trazar una semblanza de John D.S. Pendlebury haciendo hincapié en su contribución a la arqueología egea y su involucración en la II Guerra Mundial. El 22 de mayo de 1941, dos días después de la invasión germana de la... more
Nuestro objetivo es trazar una semblanza de John D.S. Pendlebury haciendo
hincapié en su contribución a la arqueología egea y su involucración en la II Guerra Mundial. El 22 de mayo de 1941, dos días después de la
invasión germana de la isla de Creta, en una de las operaciones más relevantes de la guerra, Pendlebury será fusilado por paracaidistas
alemanes. Ese día entró en el mito y la leyenda este joven arqueólogo británico cuyo nombre permanece para siempre vinculado a la isla de
Creta y a la arqueología egea. Destacado alumno de estudios clásicos en la Universidad de Cambridge y uno de sus más deslumbrantes
atletas. Inteligente, aventurero, distinguido, el perfecto caballero, dotado de un personal encanto capaz de generar empatía en todo aquel que
le conoció. Compartía su pasión por Grecia con Egipto donde excavará en Armant y en Tell el- Amarna, trabajos que compatibilizará con
excavaciones en el palacio de Cnoso con Sir Arthur Evans de donde será conservador. Desde el principio dio sobradas muestras de su
pericia y buen hacer tanto en el trabajo de campo como en la difusión de los resultados. Amante de la naturaleza y de la montaña, llegó a
tener un profundo conocimiento del territorio de Creta, y de la vida de sus gentes con las que mantuvo una estrecha relación. Todo ello unido
al conocimiento de la lengua griega y del dialecto cretense, le llevará a formar parte del Servicio de Inteligencia británico durante la guerra.
Su labor de preparación de la defensa de la isla ante la invasión alemana, elogiada incluso por los alemanes, acabaría con su vida, una vida corta pero plena.
La aparición de las sociedades complejas en la Edad del Bronce en el ámbito Egeo conlleva la aparición del sistema palacial que implicará un tipo de organización centralizada y una determinada estructura económica. El sistema económico se... more
La aparición de las sociedades complejas en la Edad del Bronce en el ámbito Egeo
conlleva la aparición del sistema palacial que implicará un tipo de organización centralizada y una determinada estructura económica. El
sistema económico se engloba dentro del concepto de una economía redistributiva tanto por las evidencias arqueológicas y textuales
disponibles como por las analogías con el Próximo Oriente. En el debate académico está presente si realmente tenemos suficientes
elementos para calificar el sistema económico de las civilizaciones minoica y micénica de redistributiva. El
siguiente trabajo pretende conciliar los elementos teóricos de la economía política con las evidencias a nuestro alcance para explicar el
funcionamiento de la estructura económica del sistema palacial en el Egeo que, en mi opinión, se ajusta a un modelo económico de tipo
Abstract: In this paper we intend to approach the possible routes of Mycenaean penetration into the north-western area of Greece, in particular in the Epirus region, following the testimonies that so far have appeared in the... more
Abstract: In this paper we intend to approach the possible routes of Mycenaean penetration into
the north-western area of Greece, in particular in the Epirus region, following the testimonies
that so far have appeared in the archaeological record as well as the Mycenaean evidences in the
sanctuary of Dodona.
Key Words: Dodona, Epirus, Mycenaeans, periphery, routes.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a theoretical approach to the possible palatial territory of theMinoan palace ofMalia through the application of the Spatial Archaeology models and the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) that... more
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a theoretical approach to the possible
palatial territory of theMinoan palace ofMalia through the application of the Spatial
Archaeology models and the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) that
consist primarily in a methodological tool to organize, analyze and visualize the
combined information of archeological, topographical, environmental and statistical
data. During the last decade, the use of digital cartography and GIS has
been one of the principal technical revolutions for the study of the landscape in
During theMiddle Bronze Age, in the Protopalatial period, a number of architecturalmonumental
buildings sharing several features arise in different parts
of Crete and are generally known as ‘palaces’. The appearance of thesemonumental
structures implies the existence of a special form of political, economic and social
power with a specific functionality. Probably, theMinoan palace was a centralized
redistributive center for a wider hinterland and that is why some scholars
identify its emergence with the origin of a centralized state in Crete. Thus, the
palatial system, for itsmaintenance and development, needs a territory for its support
that exceeds the exploitation of its immediate environment.We start from
what we are certain of, and that is the existence of the threemainMinoan palaces
that are evidenced in the Protopalatial period, Knossos, Phaistos andMalia, and
we apply the two models borrowed from the disciplines of Spatial Analysis and
Ecology, that are very much suitable for our objectives: the site catchment analysis
related to the exploitation areas from a site in relation to its distance; and the
nearest neighbor analysis that allows us to obtain the grouping or dispersion of a
distribution of points. The analysis is also based on the fact that the establishment
of settlements is not a matter of chance but the result of the application of certain
rules of human behaviour that determine the settlement of groups within a
certain area. In addition, we analyze and evaluate the currently available archaeological
data, paying special attention to the distribution of ceramics and their different
styles. The combination of the spatial analysis approach, GIS tools, and the
available ceramic studies allows, under a theoretical point of view, to design this
territory, measure it and outline a possible hierarchical settlement model.
Abstract: The Aegean from the beginning ofthe second millennium, and specifically in the island ofCrete, will be the seenario ofthe use ofthree different writing systems, related between them: Cretan Hieroglyphic, Linear A, and Linear B... more
Abstract: The Aegean from the beginning ofthe second millennium, and specifically
in the island ofCrete, will be the seenario ofthe use ofthree different writing systems,
related between them: Cretan Hieroglyphic, Linear A, and Linear B scripts. The first
use of a writing system will coincide with the emergence of Cretan palatial centers
and a consequent need for an administrative system. Under the Minoan palatial system,
the Cretan Hieroglyphic and the Linear A writing systems coexisted, both remain
undeciphered. The Linear B script is an adaptation of former Cretan Linear A, has
been deciphered and we know that the language of the Linear B texts is Greek and
was used by the Mycenaean palatial civilization, which developed in the second half
ofthe second millennium within the Greek mainland and the island ofCrete. In this
paper we will explain the features of each system and the problems we face analyzing
and interpreting the available documents.

Keywords: Minoan Civilization, Mycenaean Civilization, Crete, Cretan Hieroglyphic
Script, Linear A, Linear B.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Although since the Bronze Age we have the evidence that the Aegean and the Mediterranean where crossed by Greek and Aegean people establishing different sailing routes, it will be during the Archaic Greek period that an... more
Although since the Bronze Age we have the evidence that the Aegean and the Mediterranean where
crossed by Greek and Aegean people establishing different sailing routes, it will be during the Archaic
Greek period that an intensification of the movements of Greeks towards the West in connection with
trade and the foundation of colonies will take place. The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the
Locrians’ journey towards the south of Italy to found a colony, Epizephyrian Locris and to find out the
possible routes that they could had followed considering that in addition to coastal navigation they practiced
the open-sea navigation with the aid of the latitude-sealing techniques and the stars observation.
Key words: Locrians. Epizephyrian Locris. Navigation. Circumpolar star. Colonization. Magna Graeca.
Research Interests:
Within the boundary of the probable territory of the palace of Malia a peculiar type of vases have appeared. This paper reviews the presence of this small juglet, the contexts where they have been found as well as the dating and its... more
Within the boundary of the probable territory of the palace of Malia a peculiar type of vases have appeared. This paper reviews the presence of this small juglet, the contexts where they have been found as well as the dating and its functionality in order to determinate if the distribution of same could enlighten us to determinate the extent of the possible  state of Malia in the proto-palatial period  if  it ever existed.
Keywords: Malia, Chamaizi, minoan palaces,  juglet, proto-palatial, hieroglyphic inscription.
Abstract: The issue of minoan naval expansion has been widely debated since long time ago supported by the mythological tradition that shows the Cretans as a maritime power and has also generated a great controversy over the... more
The issue of minoan naval expansion has been widely debated since long
time ago supported by the mythological tradition that shows the Cretans as a
maritime power and has also generated a great controversy over the widespread
belief, inspired by the first investigations, that the Minoan civilization,
as opposed to the Mycenaean that follows, was a peaceful society
without conflicts. Nevertheless from the eighties a number of scientific
meetings and new archaeological discoveries have changed and questioned
earlier conceptions.
Book Chapter
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the territory of Cassopaea and its political organisation according to the sources available, ancient authors, epigraphy, archaeology and the support of the spatial analysis and GIS tools to... more
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the territory of Cassopaea and its political organisation according to the sources available, ancient authors, epigraphy, archaeology and the support of the spatial analysis and GIS tools to have a more comprehensive idea of the geographical limits of the region, the locations of the sites and to ascertain de possible relationship between the different poleis included in the Cassopean territory.
Keywords: Cassopaea, ethnos, polis dependency, Thesprotia.