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Los depósitos con restos óseos animales enterrados bajo el pavimento en ámbitos domésticos forman parte de prácticas rituales bien conocidas en la Protohistoria peninsular, tradicionalmente asociadas a la fundación o remodelación de... more
Los depósitos con restos óseos animales enterrados bajo el pavimento en ámbitos domésticos forman parte de prácticas rituales bien conocidas en la Protohistoria peninsular, tradicionalmente asociadas a la fundación o remodelación de nuevos edificios o a ritos vinculados a la propiciación y la fertilidad. Aunque los ejemplos mejor estudiados se encuentran en la zona levantina, el fenómeno también se conoce en yacimientos del interior. Este artículo tiene por objeto presentar un depósito ritual excavado en el poblado vetón del Cerro de la Mesa, en el valle medio del Tajo, cuyas características formales lo emparentan con las ofrendas domésticas de la zona ibérica. Se trata de un hoyo situado en el umbral de la Casa 1, que contiene los restos seleccionados de varios ovinos y un pequeño cuenco cerámico colocado en posición invertida. El análisis de los restos óseos, el contenido del cuenco y el estudio del contexto arqueológico en que se situaba el depósito han permitido relacionarlo con...
In 2012, the launched an archaeological project dedicated to explore the medieval site of Tusculum. The effort made over the past four years to experiment in Tusculum –in particular in the area of the medieval fortress– using a highly... more
In 2012, the launched an archaeological project dedicated to explore the medieval site of Tusculum. The effort made over the past four years to experiment in Tusculum –in particular in the area of the medieval fortress– using a highly multidisciplinary approach and pursuing an integrated interpretation of data by specialists with different backgrounds, has enable for the first time the formulation of an historical framework that is not limited to the reconstruction of a single monument, but aims, instead, to read it within a larger framework of reference: notably the reconstruction of the medieval town planning (arx and civitas), Tusculum’s relationship with its landscape, and the daily life of its inhabitants. This paper presents the results from the 2015 season of excavation.
Se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueozoológico del material recuperado de una unidad de poblamiento localizada en la Zona Arqueológica de Cercadilla, en el sector periurbano de madīnat Qurṭuba, frecuentada durante el s. XII. Los... more
Se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueozoológico del material recuperado de una unidad de poblamiento localizada en la Zona Arqueológica de Cercadilla, en el sector periurbano de madīnat Qurṭuba, frecuentada durante el s. XII. Los datos que se analizan se derivan, de un lado, de un conjunto faunístico identificado como residuos de alimentación y, de otro lado, de una valva derecha perforada de vieira procedente de un nivel de frecuentación. La elevada frecuencia de restos de porcino refleja un comportamiento alimentario que transgrede la principal norma dietética de la ortopraxis islámica; mientras que la valva fue identificada como una concha de peregrino vinculada al universo simbólico del mundo cristiano medieval. Tomados conjuntamente, y en coherencia con la historia ocupacional de Cercadilla, ambos resultados permiten sugerir la adscripción sociocultural o etnorreligiosa cristiana de al menos una parte del grupo que residió en este espacio, enriqueciendo y complejizando ...
Sheep remains constitute the main archaeozoological evidence for the presence of Early Neolithic human groups in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees but understanding the role of herding activities in the Neolithisation process of this... more
Sheep remains constitute the main archaeozoological evidence for the presence of Early Neolithic human groups in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees but understanding the role of herding activities in the Neolithisation process of this mountain ecosystem calls for the analysis of large and well-dated faunal assemblages. Cova de Els Trocs (Bisaurri, Huesca, Spain), a cave located at 1564 m a.s.l on the southern slopes of the Central Pyrenees, is an excellent case study since it was seasonally occupied throughout the Neolithic (ca. 5312–2913 cal. BC) and more than 4000 caprine remains were recovered inside. The multi-proxy analytical approach here presented has allowed us to offer new data elaborating on vertical mobility practices and herd management dynamics as has not been attempted up until now within Neolithic high-mountain sites in the Iberian Peninsula. For the first time, δ18O and δ13C stable isotope analyses offer direct evidence on both the regular practice of altitudinal...
El estudio del cambio agrario operado en la Península a raíz de la conquista árabo-islámica del 711 se ha centrado principalmente en el proceso de difusión de la agricultura irrigada. Sin embargo, resulta sorprendente el escaso número de... more
El estudio del cambio agrario operado en la Península a raíz de la conquista árabo-islámica del 711 se ha centrado principalmente en el proceso de difusión de la agricultura irrigada. Sin embargo, resulta sorprendente el escaso número de estudios sobre otras prácticas agrarias como las que conciernen al aprovechamiento de las cabañas ganaderas, un tema de investigación que ha sido solo superficialmente explorado debido en parte a suposiciones apriorísticas, como la que presupone la disociación existente entre ganadería y agricultura irrigada en al-Ándalus. En este trabajo se propone una reconsideración del papel de la ganadería en la economía agraria andalusí. En primer lugar, se exponen una serie de reflexiones que cuestionan la validez de algunos de los argumentos que han contribuido a lastrar el estudio de la actividad pecuaria en al-Ándalus. En segundo lugar, se alude al papel que la práctica ganadera desempeña en el contexto de la producción agraria tradicional, destacando la i...
este trabajo presenta los resultados preliminares de la excavación de la Cova de Els Trocs, desarrollada dentrop del proyecto de investigación "Los Caminos del Neolítico". La minuciosa labor de excavación y de registro, han... more
este trabajo presenta los resultados preliminares de la excavación de la Cova de Els Trocs, desarrollada dentrop del proyecto de investigación "Los Caminos del Neolítico". La minuciosa labor de excavación y de registro, han permitido establecer una compleja secuencia estratigráfica con una veintena de dataciones radiocarbónicas sobre eventos de vida corta que permiten seguir la evolución de la ocupación del lugar desde Finalñes del sexto milenio, hasta finales del cuatro a. C. También permite seguir el proceso de colonización neolítica de las tierras más altas del Pirineo, para su aprovechamiento como pastos de altura por grupos familiares de pastores trashumantes, posiblemente originarios de las tierras situadas al sur, en el prepirineo o sierras exteriores.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary information on the excavation of El Khil Caves (Achakar, Tanger, Morocco)carried out in September 2011. The aim was to obtain detailed data on the first farming communities in the northern part of... more
ABSTRACT This paper presents preliminary information on the excavation of El Khil Caves (Achakar, Tanger, Morocco)carried out in September 2011. The aim was to obtain detailed data on the first farming communities in the northern part of Morocco. Two test pits were dug in Grotte B and Grotte C and bioarchaeological samples (both archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological) were taken with the aim of reconstructing the subsistence system of these communities and the origins of farming. In addition, geoarchaeological sampling was also carried out which will allow reconstructing the palaeoenvironmental history of the region.
Research Interests:
RESUMO: Recentes intervenções arqueológicas levadas a cabo no Baixo Alentejo (Portugal), no âmbito do Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva (EDIA), têm proporcionado a identificação de importantes vestígios do Bronze Pleno do... more
RESUMO: Recentes intervenções arqueológicas levadas a cabo no Baixo Alentejo (Portugal), no âmbito do Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva (EDIA), têm proporcionado a identificação de importantes vestígios do Bronze Pleno do Sudoeste. ...
En este articulo se presenta un estudio arqueologico preliminar del sitio ST-J1, localizado en la margen derecha de la desembocadura del ued Asaca (provincia de Sidi Ifni) en el curso de los trabajos arqueologicos llevados a cabo en el... more
En este articulo se presenta un estudio arqueologico preliminar del sitio ST-J1, localizado en la margen derecha de la desembocadura del ued Asaca (provincia de Sidi Ifni) en el curso de los trabajos arqueologicos llevados a cabo en el marco del proyecto de cooperacion hispano-marroqui Investigaciones arqueologicas en la region de Sus-Tekna . La estratigrafia y los materiales arqueologicos asociados confirman, junto con los datos suministrados por la toponimia y las fuentes escritas, que los depositos mas superficiales del yacimiento se corresponden, sin ningun margen para la duda, con los restos del fuerte de San Miguel de Asaca, construido en el ano 1500 por las tropas expedicionarias hispano-canarias comandadas por Alonso Fernandez de Lugo. Bajo los restos de esta torre y en posicion estratigrafica primaria, estas labores han sacado a la luz, ademas, una acumulacion antropica de conchas de Stramonita haemastoma fechada en epoca romana. Este singular hallazgo, que todo apunta a in...
En este articulo se exploran una serie de conjuntos arqueofaunisticos andalusies fechados entre los siglos IX y XIII con el fin de evaluar las herramientas que la arqueozoologia ofrece para reconocer practicas ganaderas y aprovechamiento... more
En este articulo se exploran una serie de conjuntos arqueofaunisticos andalusies fechados entre los siglos IX y XIII con el fin de evaluar las herramientas que la arqueozoologia ofrece para reconocer practicas ganaderas y aprovechamiento de recursos pecuarios. Tras valorar la representatividad de las muestras y la informacion contextual disponible, se analiza la abundancia relativa de las cabanas domesticas principales: ovina, caprina, vacuna y porcina. El dominio absoluto de los ovicaprinos se relaciona con las preferencias dieteticas de diferentes grupos de consumidores, tal como evidencian las fuentes documentales y la abundancia de las cohortes mas jovenes. Sin embargo, se observan variaciones locales en los perfiles de mortalidad a lo largo del tiempo que sugieren la practica de diferentes estrategias ganaderas. Tomando como caso de estudio la muestra del Castillo de Albarracin, Teruel, se incorporan al analisis nuevas variables: la disponibilidad de pastos, la estacion de naci...
EnglishMany worked bone objects from archaeological sites exhibited or stored in museums lack anatomical and taxonomical identification. This was not the case for the Conimbriga Roman wind musical instrument identified as "probably... more
EnglishMany worked bone objects from archaeological sites exhibited or stored in museums lack anatomical and taxonomical identification. This was not the case for the Conimbriga Roman wind musical instrument identified as "probably belonging to the tibia of a long-legged bird" (Pessoa et al., 2000, p. 24). Here we suggest that it was misidentified. It is made from a bird ulna, one of the bones that constitute the wing. The two most likely species are: Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) and Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus). Differences in the location of the nutrient foramen in the diaphysis of the ulna in these species allow us to suggest that the Conimbriga aerophone was made from a Griffon ulna. In the Iberian Peninsula, there is a long tradition of using bird ulnae to make wind instruments which survives to the present day. It may be related to the survival of these birds of prey in Southern Europe. The excellent state of preservation of this instrument makes it unique and ...
The archaeological excavation of Torre Velha 3 was recently carried out by Palimpsesto – Estudo e Preservação do Património Cultural Lda. under the project Minimização de Impactes sobre o Património Cultural decorrentes da Construção da... more
The archaeological excavation of Torre Velha 3 was recently carried out by Palimpsesto – Estudo e Preservação do Património Cultural Lda. under the project Minimização de Impactes sobre o Património Cultural decorrentes da Construção da Barragem da Laje (Serpa), responsibility of the EDIA SA. The prehistoric occupation of this site is characterized by a small number of contexts from the Chalcolithic period. The Bronze Age period is characterized by sepulchral and habitation contexts. The most significant funerary contexts consists in a set of 25 hypogea, whose burial rituals and architectural morphology, contributes to reveal a different approach, in the study of funerary practices of the Southwestern Bronze, on the left bank of the Guadiana.
EnglishWe review the interpretations that archaeologists have made of a kind of curiously marked bones recovered from Portuguese archaeological sites since the middle of the 20th century. They comprise mainly bovid metapodials which... more
EnglishWe review the interpretations that archaeologists have made of a kind of curiously marked bones recovered from Portuguese archaeological sites since the middle of the 20th century. They comprise mainly bovid metapodials which feature rows of V-shaped punctures on one or several faces that had been previously whittled down and smoothed. Recent ethnographic studies in Spain found out their true function. They were traditionally used by blacksmiths as anvils, on which iron sickles were anchored while they were being given saw teeth. In this paper, 46 new Portuguese bone anvils are recorded, adding up to five samples previously published. Their registration in individual forms constitutes the starting point for a database which it is hoped will allow us to explore further archaeological, archaeozoological, technological and ethnographical issues in the near future. portuguesApresentamos a revisao bibliografica de um tema que suscitou a comunidade arqueologica variadas interpretac...
... Autores: Marta Moreno García; Localización: La trashumancia en la España mediterránea : historia, antropología, medio natural, desarrollo rural / coord. por José Luis Castán Esteban, Carlos Serrano Lacarra, 2004, ISBN 84-87333-74-5 ,... more
... Autores: Marta Moreno García; Localización: La trashumancia en la España mediterránea : historia, antropología, medio natural, desarrollo rural / coord. por José Luis Castán Esteban, Carlos Serrano Lacarra, 2004, ISBN 84-87333-74-5 , págs. 233-262. Fundación Dialnet. ...
espanolSe pretende realizar un acercamiento a las formas de explotacion ganadera de un asentamiento prehispanico desde una perspectiva arqueozoologica, con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento de su organizacion socioeconomica. Para... more
espanolSe pretende realizar un acercamiento a las formas de explotacion ganadera de un asentamiento prehispanico desde una perspectiva arqueozoologica, con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento de su organizacion socioeconomica. Para ello se ha elegido el yacimiento costero de El Lomo Los Melones (Telde), datado entre los siglos XIV y XV d.C. Las dos estructuras estudiadas han proporcionado un valioso registro faunistico, lo que ha permitido explicarlas como un espacio domestico, vinculado al tratamiento de los animales, con actividades de carniceria, preparacion alimenticia y consumo. El ganado domestico, formado por cabras, ovejas y cerdos, muestra unas pautas de explotacion similares a las estudiadas en otros emplazamientos. Existen algunas evidencias que sugieren un posible contacto entre aborigenes y europeos. EnglishThis paper aims to make an approach to the forms of livestock farming, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the socio-economic organization of a coastal ...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Este capítulo apresenta os resultados do estudo arqueozoológico dos restos faunísticos de origem terrestre (mamíferos, aves e herpetofauna) recuperados em três Áreas intervencio‑nadas no Concheiro de Toledo (Lourinhã) entre 1 995 e 1... more
Este capítulo apresenta os resultados do estudo arqueozoológico dos restos faunísticos de origem terrestre (mamíferos, aves e herpetofauna) recuperados em três Áreas intervencio‑nadas no Concheiro de Toledo (Lourinhã) entre 1 995 e 1 997/8: Área A, Área B e Talude ...
Abstract Although the frequency of pastoral activities involving vertical sheep mobility has decreased over the last century, this is a herding strategy still used in the Ebro basin, where animals move from overwintering valley locations... more
Abstract Although the frequency of pastoral activities involving vertical sheep mobility has decreased over the last century, this is a herding strategy still used in the Ebro basin, where animals move from overwintering valley locations up to the Pyrenees from late spring to early autumn. Such practice allows herders to avoid the worst climatic conditions, seasonally balancing the great contrast between ecological zones in this region, from dry lowland Mediterranean steppe to wet mountain subalpine grasslands. As recent regional archaeological works have suggested, the altitudinal movement of flocks may have begun with the first early Neolithic groups settled in this territory. Here we investigate through stable isotope analyses one of the last flocks that still performs this activity. Sheep specimens were analyzed by sequential analyses (δ13C and δ18O) in bioapatite of tooth enamel, allowing detection of seasonal changes. Tooth series are interpreted according to rainfall distribution, seasonal patterns in δ 18O of meteoric water, vegetation changes and δ13C values in pastures along the altitudinal gradient in the area. Vertical movements in sheep sequential series are recognized by an inverse relationship between δ13C and δ18O values. Monthly δ18O values in meteoric water obtained in valley and mountain locations describe the same type of seasonal oscillation, with high values during the warm months and low values during the cold months. Pastures analyzed along the altitudinal gradient showed a decrease in δ13C values with altitude, linked to the seasonal availability of precipitation and vegetation differences among locations. These results define a new analytical and conceptual framework for the interpretation of archaeological samples in this region.
Although the frequency of pastoral activities involving vertical sheep mobility has decreased over the last century, this is a herding strategy still used in the Ebro basin, where animals move from overwintering valley locations up to the... more
Although the frequency of pastoral activities involving vertical sheep mobility has decreased over the last century, this is a herding strategy still used in the Ebro basin, where animals move from overwintering valley locations up to the Pyrenees from late spring to early autumn. Such practice allows herders to avoid the worst climatic conditions, seasonally balancing the great contrast between ecological zones in this region, from dry lowland Mediterranean steppe to wet mountain subalpine grasslands. As recent regional archaeological works have suggested, the altitudinal movement of flocks may have begun with the first early Neolithic groups settled in this territory. Here we investigate through stable isotope analyses one of the last flocks that still performs this activity. Sheep specimens were analyzed by sequential analyses (d 13 C and d 18 O) in bioapatite of tooth enamel, allowing detection of seasonal changes. Tooth series are interpreted according to rainfall distribution,...
Research Interests:
Este trabajo presenta los resultados del estudio pluridisciplinar de un asentamiento temporal preeuropeo situado en la Reserva Natural Especial de las Dunas de Maspalomas (Gran Canaria). Carece de estructuras estables de habitación, pero... more
Este trabajo presenta los resultados del estudio pluridisciplinar de un asentamiento temporal preeuropeo situado en la Reserva Natural Especial de las Dunas de Maspalomas (Gran Canaria). Carece de estructuras estables de habitación, pero conserva de manera excepcional una estructura de combustión sobre la arena dunar. El sitio se ocupó en el cambio del I al II milenio AD, una etapa para la que se cuenta con escasos paralelos en la isla. Allí se desarrollaron actividades ligadas a la explotación estacional de pastos y recursos marinos, reflejando un comportamiento oportunista y austero, a juzgar por la sencillez del ajuar documentado.
Recent archaeological excavations in the Portuguese region of Baixo Alentejo, carried out under the implementation of the irrigation project connected with the Alqueva Dam (EDIA), have brought to light important finds dated to the... more
Recent archaeological excavations in the Portuguese region of Baixo Alentejo, carried out under the implementation of the irrigation project connected with the Alqueva Dam (EDIA), have brought to light important finds dated to the Southwestern Bronze Age. In this article, the first data of one of the largest funerary hipogea assemblages, found in Torre Velha 3 (Serpa), are presented. The funerary contexts show similarities with those from the Argaric Culture, namely as far as the rituals, architecture and offered items are concerned. Each funerary structure is composed of an atrium connect with a chamber (an artificial cave cut into the rock) closed by vertical slabs. Normally individuals were inhumated in a flexed position inside the chamber. Grave goods consist in pottery, metal artifacts and also meat offerings which point out to a ritual of commensality performed when the burial took place. Radiocarbon dating of bone samples taken from the meat offerings allowed ascribing to the...
An experimental study was conducted to assess the taphonomic signature derived from anthropic activities on rabbit bones. Nine wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) individuals were butchered using lithic tools, four were cooked... more
An experimental study was conducted to assess the taphonomic signature derived from anthropic activities on rabbit bones. Nine wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) individuals were butchered using lithic tools, four were cooked and three of them were consumed by people. Cut marks resulting from skinning, disarticulation and defleshing as well as cooking damage and tooth marks caused by consumption were analysed and evaluated. Results show that butchery marks can be relatively abundant. Their location, intensity and orientation may differ according to the activity that caused them: skinning, disarticulation or defleshing of the carcass. Cooking damage is evidenced by specific burnt areas on the extremities of the bones. Tooth marks are scarce and often difficult to detect. They occur especially on long bones, with tooth pits being the most abundant type of damage. Finally, we attempt to address the way in which these marks can be archaeologically identified.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
11 paginas, 8 figuras, 5 tablas.-- Trabajo presentado en el 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen (Holanda) en Agosto del 2008.
This paper presents the results of the first excavation campaign of the Artusia rock shelter in Unzu e, Navarre, Spain. Chronocultural andarchaeobiological analyses revealedfive different occupationphases (Artusia IeV) within the regional... more
This paper presents the results of the first excavation campaign of the Artusia rock shelter in Unzu e, Navarre, Spain. Chronocultural andarchaeobiological analyses revealedfive different occupationphases (Artusia IeV) within the regional Mesolithic timeline, specifically in the Mesolithic of Notches and Denticulates (Artusia I and II) and theGeometricMesolithic (Artusia III, IV, andV). In addition, the studyof the sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental evolution in the entire record helped to clearly define several climatic events which developed around 6550 cal BCe8500 cal BP and 6250 cal BCe8200 cal BP. Here, we present a description of these events and their (pre)historical interpretation with the aim of recognizing how they influenced the Mesolithic hunteregatherer groups living in the Ebro Basin of the Iberian Peninsula. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. Lydia Zapata, in memoriam

And 147 more

Research Interests:
La historia de las zonas de montaña en nuestro Pirineo no empezó con el termalismo, a principios del siglo XX, ni se corresponde solo con las anotaciones de las primeras ascensiones a sus cimas o los relatos de los grandes rebaños... more
La historia de las zonas de montaña en nuestro Pirineo
no empezó con el termalismo, a principios del siglo XX,
ni se corresponde solo con las anotaciones de las primeras
ascensiones a sus cimas o los relatos de los
grandes rebaños recorriendo las cabañeras arriba y
abajo: es más bien la historia de las personas que las
poblaron. Pero estas zonas altas han sido muy poco exploradas
en busca de vestigios arqueológicos, más allá
de manifestaciones puntuales como castillos e iglesias
medievales, y particularmente Sobrarbe. En los últimos
diez años, no obstante, se han realizado en la comarca
nuevas excavaciones y prospecciones arqueológicas
cuyos resultados intenta compilar este libro, a partir
de los trabajos presentados en 2013 en las jornadas
Sobrarbe antes de Sobrarbe, en su contexto geográfico
de alta montaña.
Sheep remains constitute the main archaeozoological evidence for the presence of Early Neolithic human groups in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees but understanding the role of herding activities in the Neolithisation process of this... more
Sheep remains constitute the main archaeozoological evidence for the presence of Early Neolithic human groups in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees but understanding the role of herding activities in the Neolithisation process of this mountain ecosystem calls for the analysis of large and well-dated faunal assemblages. Cova de Els Trocs (Bisaurri, Huesca, Spain), a cave located at 1564 m a.s.l on the southern slopes of the Central Pyre-nees, is an excellent case study since it was seasonally occupied throughout the Neolithic (ca. 5312-2913 cal. BC) and more than 4000 caprine remains were recovered inside. The multi-proxy analytical approach here presented has allowed us to offer new data elaborating on vertical mobility practices and herd management dynamics as has not been attempted up until now within Neolithic high-mountain sites in the Iberian Peninsula. For the first time, δ 18 O and δ 13 C stable isotope analyses offer direct evidence on both the regular practice of altitudinal movements of sheep flocks and the extended breeding season of sheep. Autumn births are recorded from the second half of the fifth millennium cal. BC onwards. Age-at-death distributions illustrate the progressive decline in caprine perinatal mortality together with the rising survival rate of individuals older than six months of age and the larger frequency of adults. This trend alongside the 'off-season' lambing signal at the implementation of husbandry techniques over time, probably aiming to increase the size of the flocks and their productivity. Palaeoparasitological analyses of sediment samples document also the growing reliance on herding activities of the human groups visiting the Els Trocs cave throughout the Neolithic sequence. In sum, our work provides substantial arguments to conclude that the advanced herding management skills of the Early Neolithic communities PLOS ONE PLOS ONE |
This paper presents the preliminary results of the excavation of the Valmayor XI rock shelter, in the context of the research proyect "The pathways of the Neolithic". Through the analysis of the radicarbon dates and a detailed... more
This paper presents the preliminary results of the excavation of the Valmayor XI rock shelter, in the context of the research proyect "The pathways of the Neolithic". Through the analysis of the radicarbon dates and a detailed stratigrafhic interpretation three occupations have been established with chronologies wuthin different periods of the VI milenium cal BC.
The islamic conquest of Iberia at the beginning of the 8th century was a far-reaching process that implied the profound transformation of the social and cultural structures of former Visigothic Hispania. From 711AD and during the... more
The islamic conquest of Iberia at the beginning of the 8th century was a far-reaching process that implied the profound transformation of the social and cultural structures of former Visigothic Hispania. From 711AD and during the following two or three centuries most part of the Iberian Peninsula –known from that point onwards as al-Andalus– was incorporated into a wider islamic cultural and religious koiné that encompassed North Africa, the Levant and far beyond. Two of the most remarkable historical processes of this period were the islamisation and arabisation of the indigenous population.
This paper deals with the presentation of a set of worked bovid scapulae dated between the 8th and the 10th centuries recovered from two different sites of Madinat Qurtuba, the capital of al- Andalus at that time. While some of them bear parallel lines engraved on the bone suggesting their use as writing supports, one shows an Arabic inscription. Our aim is to review similar findings from other areas of al-Andalus and to provide a sociocultural interpretation of these artefacts as material markers of the religion (islam) and language (Arabic) imposed by the incomer rulers. From this perspective, they may have been conceived as ideological expressions of the new society that was in the making during the early medieval period in Iberia.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
No nos podíamos imaginar a finales de junio de 2009 que aquellos rebaños que veíamos aparecer por el paso de las Aras y se diseminaban como mancha de aceite por los claros de las montañas, primero hacia las crestas de los “dosmiles” para... more
No nos podíamos imaginar a finales de junio de 2009 que aquellos rebaños que veíamos aparecer por el paso de las Aras y se diseminaban como mancha de aceite por los claros de las montañas, primero hacia las crestas de los “dosmiles” para bajar paulatinamente a las planicies de mil quinientos metros, podrían ser los herederos directos de una tradición ancestral que nos disponíamos, sin ser conscientes todavía de ello, a descubrir.
Iniciábamos entonces la primera campaña de excavación en la Cova de
Els Trocs bajo los auspicios del Gobierno de Aragón y el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR 2009-09027) que nos habían concedido financiación para un proyecto pluridisciplinar, que intentaba profundizar en el conocimiento de la introducción de la economía de rendimientos diferidos en las tierras del Interior peninsular y que llevaba por título “Los Caminos del Neolítico” (Rojo y otros, 2012).
No pretendemos en este trabajo realizar una descripción pormenorizada
de la arqueología de la cueva con sus estratos, sedimentos, estructuras y demás artefactos y ecofactos que, a lo largo ya de cinco campañas, se acumulan en nuestras bases de datos y que han sido objeto de una reciente publicación (Rojo y otros, 2013). Nuestra intención aquí es, simplemente, utilizar una serie de argumentos arqueológicos y arqueobiológicos que nos permitan plantear la hipótesis de que quienes ocuparon la Cova de Els Trocs desde el último cuarto del VI mileno cal ANE hasta finales del IV (ibídem, Tab. I) eran unos grupos humanos
poco numerosos que practicaban una economía primordialmente pastoril.
This paper aims at providing insights on the subsistence practices developed by the communities inhabiting the site of La Noguera (Tudelilla, La Rioja, Spain) from the Roman period to almost the 19th century AD. Through the analysis of... more
This paper aims at providing insights on the subsistence practices developed by the communities inhabiting the site of La Noguera (Tudelilla, La Rioja, Spain) from the Roman period to almost the 19th century AD. Through the analysis of plant and animal remains, the study reveals the evolution of agriculture throughout time, showing the progressive incorporation of new crops (millets, rye, oat) to the agricultural system of the site. The animal remains, although more limited in sample size, show not only a considerable diversity of species but they do also provide information on the economic orientation (meat, wool production, etc) of the various animal species. The combination of approaches helps to disentangle the strategies adopted by these groups for their own subsistence.
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