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espanolLa iconografia del lobo como carnicero es frecuente tanto en el entorno mediterraneo como en el mundo celtico, asociandose siempre con el peligro y la muerte. Su figura tambien es habitual en los bronces, estatuaria y ceramica... more
espanolLa iconografia del lobo como carnicero es frecuente tanto en el entorno mediterraneo como en el mundo celtico, asociandose siempre con el peligro y la muerte. Su figura tambien es habitual en los bronces, estatuaria y ceramica iberica, especialmente en los siglos III-I a.C. Se propone aqui que este animal cumple un papel importante en los ritos iniciaticos de paso, asociandose a las cuevas santuario y a las sepulturas. EnglishThe image of the savage and carnivore wolf is often used as a symbol of danger and death in the Mediterranean and Celtic world. It is also frequently represented in Iberian bronzes, stone sculpture and figured pottery, especially between 111-1 centuries B. C. We suggest that this animal played an important role in some rites of passage, related with cult caves and burial.
Esta comunicación sólo pretende reunir algunas reflexiones sobre el estado actual de los trabajos so-bre la religiosidad ibérica, y sobre las fórmulas que podrían emplearse para rentabilizar algo más este ti-po de estudios. Después de... more
Esta comunicación sólo pretende reunir algunas reflexiones sobre el estado actual de los trabajos so-bre la religiosidad ibérica, y sobre las fórmulas que podrían emplearse para rentabilizar algo más este ti-po de estudios. Después de haber realizado algunas pequeñas ...
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
En este trabajo se propone que las esculturas de El Macalón corresponden a leones y no a esfinges, teniendo en cuenta sus características morfológicas. El número de 5/6 ejemplares idénticos permite proponer la existencia de un único... more
En este trabajo se propone que las esculturas de El Macalón corresponden a leones y no a esfinges, teniendo en cuenta sus características morfológicas. El número de 5/6 ejemplares idénticos permite proponer la existencia de un único monumento ligado a una necrópolis, localizada en el acceso al poblado de El Macalón. Los indicios cronológicos señalan una cronología antigua, entre la segunda mitad s. VII y VI a.C. La iconografía del león tiene una fuerte implicación religiosa y política, y se relaciona con una apropiación del territorio y de las vías de comunicación por parte de comunidades que muestran importantes vínculos con productos de origen oriental. En el s. VI a.C. el yacimiento muestra signos de violencia coincidiendo con la crisis que afecta al mundo fenicio en toda la zona del sureste.
This paper describes the finding of a group of folded lead sheets in the Ibero-roman level at Castellones de Céal. As they have been traditionally used as weights for fishing nets, the practice at the site of river fishing as an economic... more
This paper describes the finding of a group of folded lead sheets in the Ibero-roman level at Castellones de Céal. As they have been traditionally used as weights for fishing nets, the practice at the site of river fishing as an economic resource is inferred. Some other archaeological examples ...
... Información general. Autores: Juan Pereira Sieso ( coord. ), María Teresa Chapa Brunet ( coord. ), Antonio Madrigal Belinchón ( coord. ... 213-238. La iconografía de la Necrópolis de Galera: a propósito de la caja cineraria de la... more
... Información general. Autores: Juan Pereira Sieso ( coord. ), María Teresa Chapa Brunet ( coord. ), Antonio Madrigal Belinchón ( coord. ... 213-238. La iconografía de la Necrópolis de Galera: a propósito de la caja cineraria de la tumba 76. María Teresa Chapa Brunet. pags. 239-254 ...
La Arqueología difícilmente puede detectar los detalles que configuraron la liturgia ibérica. Sin embargo, los restos materiales hablan también de la inmaterialidad, de las ideas y de las experiencias. Pueden trazarse los momentos en los... more
La Arqueología difícilmente puede detectar los detalles que configuraron la liturgia ibérica. Sin embargo, los restos materiales hablan también de la inmaterialidad, de las ideas y de las experiencias. Pueden trazarse los momentos en los que se desarrolla el rito, los desplazamientos necesarios para participar en él, pueden valorarse los escenarios concretos y el marco más amplio del paisaje. Igualmente, pueden describirse los ritos a través de los restos que dejaron, aunque estos sean muy incompletos. Pensemos en que las ceremonias implicaron a menudo altares y lugares con fuego, sacrificios, consumo o vertido de líquidos y aporte de objetos de muy diversa índole. Todo ello fue a parar a la tierra directamente o después de un proceso de ruina. La misma tierra que sirve de base primordial al trabajo en Arqueología.
The Iron Age societies of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, like their Greek and Etruscan counterparts, used stone sculptures to decorate their sanctuaries and cemeteries. Limestone was the raw material used. While abundant throughout... more
The Iron Age societies of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, like their Greek and Etruscan counterparts, used stone sculptures to decorate their sanctuaries and cemeteries. Limestone was the raw material used. While abundant throughout the region, it was not always of sufficient quality to implement the iconographic projects at hand. This paper describes a study of Jutia monument (fourth to second centuries BCE), an architectural structure supporting a number of zoomorphic sculptures. Located at a distance from any major city of the time, the sculptor’s workshop had to select the best materials in the surrounds. The present study aims to establish the origin of the limestone used and ascertain how decisions were made and collective work invested to build this monument. A geological study of the possible areas of origin is supplemented with the petrological characterisation of the respective outcropped materials and the archaeological elements recovered. Colour parameters, ultrasoun...
This chapter presents a landscape archaeology approach for the study of the logic underlying location of rural pre-industrial settlements in a Mediterranean region. This task entails the use of GIS for managing and analysing information.... more
This chapter presents a landscape archaeology approach for the study of the logic underlying location of rural pre-industrial settlements in a Mediterranean region. This task entails the use of GIS for managing and analysing information. The authors apply a non-reconstructive methodology that studies past societies without the need to recreate the morphology of past landscapes. They use landscape information relating to two topics: settlement and geographic data. The latter include several kinds of features. Two of them stand out: terrain morphology (studied through digital terrain model analysis) and land use, for which digital processing of remote sensing images is an important tool. Information is analysed at two scales: surroundings and region. Surroundings are landscape features that relate to settlement location; region refers to relations among settlements. Two ways of interaction between individuals and landscape are considered: mobility and visibility - respectively treated...
The aim of this paper is to present the progress that has been made in the study of the hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, in the province of Cáceres), based on a combination of non-destructive techniques. The possibility of... more
The aim of this paper is to present the progress that has been made in the study of the hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, in the province of Cáceres), based on a combination of non-destructive techniques. The possibility of cross-referencing the results obtained with different geophysical methods (magnetometry, georadar and electric tomography) raises the opportunity to formulate a reliable diagnosis on the spatial organization of this site. The most relevant results are described, and their contribution to a general interpretation of the urban structure and morphology of domestic spaces is analyzed. This information is contrasted with previously available excavation data and its framing is analysed within the existing knowledge on this type of settlements. In addition, elements of interest about the diachronic evolution of the site are added, which are relevant in relation to the hypotheses formulated about the impact of the Roman conquest. Ultimately, the potential of this type of research strategy for the study and revaluation of large and complex archaeological zones is considered.
En este trabajo se propone que las esculturas de El Macalón corresponden a leones y no a esfinges, teniendo en cuenta sus características morfológicas. El número de 5/6 ejemplares idénticos permite proponer la existencia de un único... more
En este trabajo se propone que las esculturas de El Macalón corresponden a leones y no a esfinges, teniendo en cuenta sus características morfológicas. El número de 5/6 ejemplares idénticos permite proponer la existencia de un único monumento ligado a una necrópolis, localizada en el acceso al poblado de El Macalón. Los indicios cronológicos señalan una cronología antigua, entre la segunda mitad s. VII y VI a.C. La iconografía del león tiene una fuerte implicación religiosa y política, y se relaciona con una apropiación del territorio y de las vías de comunicación por parte de comunidades que muestran importantes vínculos con productos de origen oriental. En el s. VI a.C. el yacimiento muestra signos de violencia coincidiendo con la crisis que afecta al mundo fenicio en toda la zona del sureste
The aim of this paper is to present the progress that has been made in the study of the hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, in the province of Cáceres), based on a combination of non-destructive techniques. The possibility of... more
The aim of this paper is to present the progress that has been made in the study of the hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, in the province of Cáceres), based on a combination of non-destructive techniques. The possibility of cross-referencing the results obtained with different geophys-ical methods (magnetometry, georadar and electric tomogra-phy) raises the opportunity to formulate a reliable diagnosis on the spatial organization of this site. The most relevant results are described, and their contribution to a general interpretation of the urban structure and morphology of domestic spaces is analyzed. This information is contrasted with previously available excavation data and its framing is analysed within the existing knowledge on this type of settlements. In addition, elements of interest about the diachron-ic evolution of the site are added, which are relevant in relation to the hypotheses formulated about the impact of the Roman conquest. Ultimately, the potential of this type of research strategy for the study and revaluation of large and complex archaeological zones is considered. RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar un primer avance del estudio del castro de Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, provincia de Cáceres) a partir de la combinación de técnicas no destructivas. La posibilidad de cruzar los resultados obtenidos con diversos métodos geofísicos (mag-netometría, georradar y tomografía eléctrica) plantea la oportunidad de formular un diagnóstico fiable sobre la organización espacial de este enclave. Se describen los resultados más relevantes, y se valora su aportación para una interpretación general de la estructura urbana y la morfología de los espacios domésticos. Esta información es contrastada con los datos de excavación previamente disponibles, y se analiza su encuadre dentro del conoci-miento actualmente existente sobre este tipo de asentamien-tos. Asimismo, se añaden elementos de interés acerca de la evolución diacrónica del sitio, que son relevantes en relación con las hipótesis formuladas acerca del impacto de la conquista romana. En última instancia se pondera el potencial de este tipo de estrategias de investigación para el estudio y revalorización de zonas arqueológicas grandes y complejas .
Este trabajo estudia una cabeza femenina tallada en piedra y recogida en la primera época de excavaciones en el santuario ibérico del Cerro de los Santos. Conocida como “Cabeza Cánovas”, ha sido estudiada por sus vaciados, dado que la... more
Este trabajo estudia una cabeza femenina tallada en piedra y recogida en la primera época de excavaciones en el santuario ibérico del Cerro de los Santos. Conocida como “Cabeza Cánovas”, ha sido estudiada por sus vaciados, dado que la pieza original, perteneciente a la colección de Pedro González de Velasco, ha permanecido siempre en colecciones privadas y en ocasiones incluso se ha dado por perdida. Conservada hoy en el Museo del Castell de Peralada, se revisa la compleja biografía de la pieza y se analizan sus características iconográficas
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Resumen: En este artículo exponemos la línea de trabajo que estamos desarrollando en la cuenca alta del río Segura, dentro del dominio subbético y de la comarca geográfica de las Sierras de Alcaraz y Segura. Nuestra aproximación tiene... more
Resumen: En este artículo exponemos la línea de trabajo que estamos desarrollando en la cuenca alta del río Segura, dentro del dominio subbético y de la comarca geográfica de las Sierras de Alcaraz y Segura. Nuestra aproximación tiene como objetivo el análisis de las formas de ocupación y explotación de los paisajes de montaña durante la Edad del Hierro. Para ello, planteamos el estudio de las relacio-nes sociales de estas comunidades a partir de la integración de diversas metodologías y disciplinas y de actuaciones a varias escalas, de las que subrayamos aquí el estudio de los patrones de asenta-miento, de la organización territorial y de su legitimación ideológica desde una lectura diacrónica. Palabras clave: Iberos, Edad del Hierro, Sureste de la Meseta, Escultura, Ritual, Paisajes Agra-rios, Ocupación de áreas de montaña. Abstract: In this article we expose the research work we are developing in the upper basin of the Segura River, within the geographic region of Sierra de Alcaraz and Segura, in the southeastern of the Iberian Peninsula. We emphasize the analysis of the forms of occupation and exploitation of the mountain landscapes by the Iron Age Iberian communities. To this end, we propose a study of the social relations of these communities by means of the integration of different methodologies and disciplines , using a multi-scale perspective. Among them, we focus on the study of settlement patterns, the territorial organization and their ideological legitimation from a diachronical perspective.
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These papers make it clear that agency, ideology, and power have come of age as foci in archaeological model-ing. Two of the three sets of authors here link these developments explicitly to theoretical trends labeled as varieties of... more
These papers make it clear that agency, ideology, and power have come of age as foci in archaeological model-ing. Two of the three sets of authors here link these developments explicitly to theoretical trends labeled as varieties of processual and postprocessual archaeologies. As ...
Abstract: The techniques employed in the manufacture of Iberian stone sculptures have received very little attention by the specialists. Nevertheless, this kind of research has provided important results in other Mediterranean areas,... more
Abstract: The techniques employed in the manufacture of Iberian stone sculptures have received very little attention by the specialists. Nevertheless, this kind of research has provided important results in other Mediterranean areas, offering key insights not only ...
The protohistoric settlement of Cerro de la Mesa has a strong link with both topography and landscape. Located just at the end of a confined rock stretch in the middle basin of the Tagus River, it is situated beside a natural ford on rock... more
The protohistoric settlement of Cerro de la Mesa has a strong link with both topography and landscape. Located just at the end of a confined rock stretch in the middle basin of the Tagus River, it is situated beside a natural ford on rock (also called "permanent"), from which emerges the fertile floodplain of the river. The value of these natural resources is even greater if we consider the surrounding environment of granites, arkosic sands and aeolian mantles of low fertility. The relationship between prehistoric activity and this landscape and its natural resources created a complex site, whose context is being approached from a non-destructive perspective, both geoarchaeological and geomorphological.
This chapter presents a landscape archaeology approach for the study of the logic underlying location of rural pre-industrial settlements in a Mediterranean region. This task entails the use of GIS for managing and analysing information.... more
This chapter presents a landscape archaeology approach for the study of the logic underlying location of rural pre-industrial settlements in a Mediterranean region. This task entails the use of GIS for managing and analysing information. The authors apply a non-reconstructive methodology that studies past societies without the need to recreate the morphology of past landscapes. They use landscape information relating to two topics: settlement and geographic data. The latter include several kinds of features. Two of them stand out: terrain morphology (studied through digital terrain model analysis) and land use, for which digital processing of remote sensing images is an important tool. Information is analysed at two scales: surroundings and region. Surroundings are landscape features that relate to settlement location; region refers to relations among settlements. Two ways of interaction between individuals and landscape are considered: mobility and visibility - respectively treated...
... (1) Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ESPAGNE Résumé / Abstract. The importance of locating generalised accounts of chnage in their regional contexts is illustrated by the study of the bassin of the... more
... (1) Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ESPAGNE Résumé / Abstract. The importance of locating generalised accounts of chnage in their regional contexts is illustrated by the study of the bassin of the Guadiana Menor (Jaén). ...
ABSTRACT The Archaeological Museum of Jaén's sizeable collection of Iron Age sculptures, dating from the fifth century bce, were all found at Cerrillo Blanco de Porcuna, a site in the Spanish province of Jaén. The collection... more
ABSTRACT The Archaeological Museum of Jaén's sizeable collection of Iron Age sculptures, dating from the fifth century bce, were all found at Cerrillo Blanco de Porcuna, a site in the Spanish province of Jaén. The collection comprises over 40 statues and hundreds of fragments. Incisions recently identified on some of these sculptures have been interpreted as sculptors' marks. The present archaeometric study, conducted with a 3D roughness meter, showed that the marks on several of the sculptures analysed were made with the same type of tool and the same engraving technique. While the graphological differences denote different authorship, they would appear to have been made in the same workshop. The morphological differences observed in the lines analysed on other sculptures are interpreted to indicate the use of other types of tools and engraving techniques.
RESUMEN Se presenta la elaboración, a partir de imagen Landsat e información geográfica auxiliar, de un mapa digital que muestre la distribución de los usos del suelo potenciales más adecuados para economías paleo-técnicas. Dicho mapa... more
RESUMEN Se presenta la elaboración, a partir de imagen Landsat e información geográfica auxiliar, de un mapa digital que muestre la distribución de los usos del suelo potenciales más adecuados para economías paleo-técnicas. Dicho mapa está concebido para su utilización, mediante tecnología SIG, en análisis de arqueo-logía del paisaje dirigidos al estudio de la ubicación de asentamientos pre y protohistóricos, como el aná-lisis de captación económica. El procedimiento de elaboración consta de dos fases: elaboración de un mapa de cubiertas actuales a partir de la imagen de satélite y conversión de dicho mapa en otro de usos potenciales mediante la utilización de la información auxiliar. Dicho trabajo se enmarca en una investiga-ción sobre la evolución de la sociedad protohistórica en el valle del Guadiana Menor (Andalucía oriental). ABSTRACT This paper presents the production, using Landsat image and ancillary geographic data, of a digital map that comprises the distribution of potential land uses that are more suitable for paleotechnic economies. This map is conceived to be used, through GIS technology, in landscape archaeology analyses devoted to the study of pre and protohistoric settlement location, like site catchment analysis. Production procedure has two stages: generating a map of current coverages using satellite images and transforming it into a potential land use map by means of ancillary data. This work belongs to the framework of an ongoing research about the evolution of protohistoric societies in the Guadiana Menor valley (eastern Andalusia). Palabras clave: Teledetección, clasificación de imagen, imagen Landsat, arqueología del paisaje, usos del suelo, economía paleotécnica, protohistoria, Guadiana Menor, Andalucía oriental.
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La Encuesta sobre Infraestructuras y Equipamiento Local (EIEL) es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas que a lo largo de más de 20 años ha permitido identificar las necesidades de las entidades locales de... more
La Encuesta sobre Infraestructuras y Equipamiento Local (EIEL) es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas que a lo largo de más de 20 años ha permitido identificar las necesidades de las entidades locales de prácticamente todo el Estado español. El espectacular ...
Several archaeological campaigns starting in 1972 followed the accidental finding of some Iberian sculptures at the north of the town of Elche. Among them stands the figure of a Sphinx in limestone carrying a male and a female figure. In... more
Several archaeological campaigns starting in 1972 followed the accidental finding of some Iberian sculptures at the north of the town of Elche. Among them stands the figure of a Sphinx in limestone carrying a male and a female figure. In this paper an iconographic study is performed, as well as an overview of the characteristics of the finding. The man is interpreted as the soul of a deceased, and the women as a representation of the goddess Tinnit, very popular in this area during Iberian times. The sphinx acts as a suitable transport for the journey to the underworld. These remains are understood in their regional and chronological context.
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The Orientalising Stone Bull of Porcuna (Jaén, Spain) The stone sculpture has been considered as a diagnostic feature of the Iberian Culture. Nevertheless, recent findings and re-examination of old ones suggest that it was already... more
The Orientalising Stone Bull of Porcuna (Jaén, Spain)
The stone sculpture has been considered as a diagnostic feature of the Iberian Culture. Nevertheless, recent findings and
re-examination of old ones suggest that it was already employed in pre-Iberian times. The kneeling bull from Porcuna is
presented here as an evidence of the orientalizing stone sculpture in Central Andalusia, and a dating around the end of
the 7th or the beginning of the 6th century BC is proposed. In addition to the iconographic study, the sculpture is also discussed
as a workshop product, analyzing the complex skills of design and manufacture displayed, from the stone cutter
to the master sculptor. One of the most interesting aspects is the presence of applied elements, probably made of valuable
materials. It is also proposed that the bull was placed on a cult place at the entrance of the ancient town of Porcuna.
Se analizan las posibles evidencias iconográficas de la existencia de un sacerdocio en época ibérica
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And 39 more

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Seminario de la Facultad de Humanidades, 3, 4 y 5 de marzo de 2014