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Olga Torres-Hostench
  • Edifici K
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Work placements are considered the natural step to take prior to obtaining full-time employment. Students would therefore benefit from instruments to guide them in their work placements and to invite them to reflect on their experience.... more
Work placements are considered the natural step to take prior to obtaining full-time employment. Students would therefore benefit from instruments to guide them in their work placements and to invite them to reflect on their experience. This article is not a research work but a “food for thought ” exercise for students, tutors and work placement coordinators in order to make technology visible and show that technological competences are inseparable from the other professional competences identified by the expert group for the European Master’s in Translation.
éruditest un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'Université de Montréal, l'Université Laval et l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la... more
éruditest un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'Université de Montréal, l'Université Laval et l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.éruditoffre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit:
espanolEl articulo presenta una propuesta didactica para poseditar errores de traduccion automatica (TA) que se ha evaluado mediante pretest/postest con grupo de control y grupo experimental. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se... more
espanolEl articulo presenta una propuesta didactica para poseditar errores de traduccion automatica (TA) que se ha evaluado mediante pretest/postest con grupo de control y grupo experimental. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se observa que la posedicion a una segunda lengua es factible, si bien es recomendable una formacion en posedicion orientada a tipos de errores especificos y mucha practica. catalaL'article presenta una proposta didactica per a la postedicio d'errors de traduccio automatica (TA), avaluada mitjancant pretest/postest amb grup de control i grup experimental. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s'observa que la postedicio cap a una segona llengua es factible, tot i que s'aconsella una formacio en postedicio orientada a tipus d'errors especifics i, tambe, molta practica. EnglishThis paper presents a training proposal to postedit machine translation (MT) mistakes. The proposal has been assessed by pretest/postest with a control group and an exper...
L’article presenta una proposta didactica per a la postedicio d’errors de traduccio automatica (TA), avaluada mitjancant pretest/postest amb grup de control i grup experimental. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’observa que la... more
L’article presenta una proposta didactica per a la postedicio d’errors de traduccio automatica (TA), avaluada mitjancant pretest/postest amb grup de control i grup experimental. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’observa que la postedicio cap a una segona llengua es factible, tot i que s’aconsella una formacio en postedicio orientada a tipus d’errors especifics i, tambe, molta practica.
This article presents the research carried out at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) to evaluate how prepared its postgraduates were for employment. First, students were given an... more
This article presents the research carried out at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) to evaluate how prepared its postgraduates were for employment. First, students were given an initial test to evaluate their competences related to knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to occupational integration. Next, an improvement program was designed accordingly, implemented and evaluated. Finally, a posttest was given and we compared the results of the pretest and the posttest. The research suggested that there was a need to incorporate into master’s and postgraduate courses not only content on knowledge of the translation market and the profession but also content to help students develop specific skills and attitudes for finding a job in translation. This research may interest translation course designers and lecturers, who may want to consider including employment programs in translation courses.
The aim of this study is to analyse whether translation trainees who are not native speakers of the target language are able to perform as well as those who are native speakers, and whether they achieve the expected quality in a “good... more
The aim of this study is to analyse whether translation trainees who are not native speakers of the target language are able to perform as well as those who are native speakers, and whether they achieve the expected quality in a “good enough” post-editing (PE) job. In particular the study focuses on the performance of two groups of students doing PE from Spanish into English: native English speakers and native Spanish speakers. A pilot study was set up to collect evidence to compare and contrast the two groups’ performances. Trainees from both groups had been given the same training in PE and were asked to post-edit 30 sentences translated from Spanish to English. The PE output was analyzed taking into account accuracy errors (mistranslations and omissions) as well as language errors (grammatical errors and syntax errors). The results show that some native Spanish speakers corrected just as many errors as the native English speakers. Furthermore, the Spanish-speaking trainees outper...
En este informe se presentan los resultados de una investigacion sobre el uso de la traduccion automatica (TA) y la posedicion (PE) en las empresas de servicios linguisticos espanolas. El estudio forma parte del proyecto ProjecTA,... more
En este informe se presentan los resultados de una investigacion sobre el uso de la traduccion automatica (TA) y la posedicion (PE) en las empresas de servicios linguisticos espanolas. El estudio forma parte del proyecto ProjecTA, financiado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (FFI2013-46041-R). ProjecTA parte de la constatacion de que la necesidad de implantar servicios y procesos relacionados con la TA en las empresas esta cambiando radicalmente el perfil profesional del traductor.
El catala juridic existeix des de l'edat mitjana. De fet va neixer com a traduccio dels textos juridics redactats en llati. En el seu origen el catala juridic es feia servir en institucions que eren multilingues (llati, frances,... more
El catala juridic existeix des de l'edat mitjana. De fet va neixer com a traduccio dels textos juridics redactats en llati. En el seu origen el catala juridic es feia servir en institucions que eren multilingues (llati, frances, aragones, castella…) a on els documents juridics i administratius es redactaven normalment en una llengua i despres es traduien cap a les diferents llengues reconegudes com a oficials. Aixi va ser durant la vigencia del comtat de Barcelona, la Corona d'Arago i tambe durant el regnat dels Austries a Espanya. A banda del catala juridic com a fruit de la traduccio, la terminologia juridica en catala tambe va tenir un gran desenvolupament quan les institucions juridiques catalanes tenien la capacitat de legislar i administrar el dret propi de Catalunya. Per aixo podem afirmar que el desenvolupament del catala juridic i dela terminologia juridica van en paral·lel al reconeixement oficial de la llengua catalana per part de les institucions politiques de l&...
La formacio del traductor especialitzat inclou tant materies sobre l'aprofundiment i practica en traduccio com materies de caire instrumental. L'objectiu d'aquestes materies, com no podia ser de cap altra manera, es el de... more
La formacio del traductor especialitzat inclou tant materies sobre l'aprofundiment i practica en traduccio com materies de caire instrumental. L'objectiu d'aquestes materies, com no podia ser de cap altra manera, es el de contribuir al desenvolupament de les competencies necessaries per exercir la professio traductora. El contingut de totes aquestes assignatures es complementa, ja que sovint presenten diferents metodologies per abordar problemes de traduccio i la seva resolucio. Tanmateix, en tractar-se de continguts de diferents assignatures, sovint els alumnes no els assimilen de forma conjunta, cosa que perjudica el desenvolupament de les seves competencies estrategiques en tant que futurs professionals. Per aquest motiu hem dissenyat uns instruments formatius i d'autoavaluacio pensats per ser utilitzats de forma autonoma per l'alumne durant el seu treball individual que vinculen els continguts de diferents assignatures: Terminologia Aplicada a la Traduccio (a...
This document is the output of the Work Package 2 which aims to establish the conceptual framework and the pedagogical methodology for foreign language learning through the interaction of verbal signs (written and spoken language) and... more
This document is the output of the Work Package 2 which aims to establish the conceptual framework and the pedagogical methodology for foreign language learning through the interaction of verbal signs (written and spoken language) and image (still or moving) and/or sounds (music, noises, etc.) The resulting rationale will provide the educational specifications for the web platform which in turn will serve as the basis for the design of the web platform (WP3) and the design of the captioning and revoicing activities for foreign language learning (WP4). The templates, samples, and criteria will serve as guidance for the development of activities (WP4). The activity authors (teachers of partner and associate partner institutions) will use them to produce their own activities. The target audience of this document includes project members, teachers, and activity authors. It will be also included in the legacy of the project as it will be available for use beyond the project duration, add...
This article presents a comparative study evaluating and comparing the quality of machine translation (MT) output of Chinese gastronomy nomenclature. Chinese gastronomic culture is experiencing an increased international acknowledgment... more
This article presents a comparative study evaluating and comparing the quality of machine translation (MT) output of Chinese gastronomy nomenclature. Chinese gastronomic culture is experiencing an increased international acknowledgment nowadays. The nomenclature of Chinese gastronomy not only reflects a specific aspect of culture, but it is related to other areas of society such as philosophy, traditional medicine, etc. Chinese dish names are composed of several types of cultural references, such as ingredients, colors, flavors, culinary techniques, cooking utensils, toponyms, anthroponyms, metaphors, historical tales, among others. These cultural references act as one of the biggest difficulties in translation, in which the use of translation techniques is usually required. Regarding the lack of Chinese food-related translation studies, especially in Chinese-Spanish translation, and the current massive use of MT, the quality of the MT output of Chinese dish names is questioned. Fif...
... penso que el que fa especialment interessant aquest llibre és la incorporació d'articles amb raonades anàlisis i punts de vista dis-pars sobre les repercussions en la traducció de les desiguals relacions de poder entre... more
... penso que el que fa especialment interessant aquest llibre és la incorporació d'articles amb raonades anàlisis i punts de vista dis-pars sobre les repercussions en la traducció de les desiguals relacions de poder entre les llengües menys traduïdes i les llengües majo-ritàries. ...
En este informe se presentan los resultados de una investigacion sobre el uso de la traduccion automatica (TA) y la posedicion (PE) en las empresas de servicios linguisticos espanolas. El estudio forma parte del proyecto ProjecTA,... more
En este informe se presentan los resultados de una investigacion sobre el uso de la traduccion automatica (TA) y la posedicion (PE) en las empresas de servicios linguisticos espanolas. El estudio forma parte del proyecto ProjecTA, financiado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (FFI2013-46041-R). ProjecTA parte de la constatacion de que la necesidad de implantar servicios y procesos relacionados con la TA en las empresas esta cambiando radicalmente el perfil profesional del traductor.
En aquest article presentem una serie de principis estrategics que permeten elaborar un model generic efectiu de proces de gestio de projectes de localitzacio de programari, un model que es pugui adaptar posteriorment a cada projecte de... more
En aquest article presentem una serie de principis estrategics que permeten elaborar un model generic efectiu de proces de gestio de projectes de localitzacio de programari, un model que es pugui adaptar posteriorment a cada projecte de localitzacio especific.
En aquest informe es presenten els resultats d’una recerca sobre l’us de la traduccio automatica (T A) i la postedicio (PE) en les empreses de serveis linguistics de l’Estat espanyol. L’estudi forma part del projecte ProjecT A, financat... more
En aquest informe es presenten els resultats d’una recerca sobre l’us de la traduccio automatica (T A) i la postedicio (PE) en les empreses de serveis linguistics de l’Estat espanyol. L’estudi forma part del projecte ProjecT A, financat pel Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat (FFI2013-46041-R). L’objectiu d’aquest estudi es establir un diagnostic sobre el grau d’implantacio de la TA en les empreses, de les actituds cap a aquesta tecnologia, i dels avantatges i els inconvenients que es perceben. L’estudi forma part d’un projecte mes ampli els resultats del qual hauran de servir per a elaborar recomanacions sobre la incorporacio de T A i PE en el flux de treball de les empreses. Aquestes recomanacions haurien de ser utils tambe per als responsables del disseny curricular de les facultats de traduccio i d’interpretacio de les universitats de l’Estat espanyol, per tal de prendre decisions sobre la incorporacio de continguts de T A i PE als plans d’estudis.
Kanjingo is a post-editing application for iOS devices developed at the ADAPT Centre (formerly CNGL) at Dublin City University (DCU). The first stage of user testing was conducted in 2014 (reported in O'Brien, Moorkens & Vreeke,... more
Kanjingo is a post-editing application for iOS devices developed at the ADAPT Centre (formerly CNGL) at Dublin City University (DCU). The first stage of user testing was conducted in 2014 (reported in O'Brien, Moorkens & Vreeke, 2014), and improvements were made based on the initial feedback. This abstract describes further exploratory testing based on the second iteration of the Kanjingo application. The new tests were designed with several aims: (1) testing Kanjingo for post-editing using the phone's keyboard (2) testing Kanjingo for post-editing with voice input; (3) testing Kanjingo for revision of post-edited texts; (4) testing Kanjingo general usability; and (5) testing Kanjingo interface design. This paper presents the results of the various tests, issues identified, and ideas for improvements. For example, the use of Kanjingo for post-editing with voice input, one of the most innovative forms of interaction with MT in the test, worked much better than participants ex...
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT A number of initiatives have sought to better prepare Master’s in Translation graduates for employment in the language industry: from the European Master’s in Translation network and Optimale to schemes offering internships such... more
ABSTRACT A number of initiatives have sought to better prepare Master’s in Translation graduates for employment in the language industry: from the European Master’s in Translation network and Optimale to schemes offering internships such as ELIA Exchange, Agora and the European Graduate Placement Scheme (EGPS), the subject of this paper. Traditionally, internships have complemented work in the classroom by adding practice to theory. EGPS instead takes an integrated approach to the curriculum, with theory and practice in both classroom and workplace. Students move from basic instruction to authentic projects in the classroom, leading naturally into a work placement which, supported by occupational standards for translation, incorporates self-reflection and prepares for lifelong learning. The benefits of the scheme for universities, employers and students have been evaluated through questionnaires, interviews and case studies, and much has been learned. It was expected that the database of work placements would attract the most attention from universities. In fact, there has been almost equal interest and debate over the curriculum model, which different universities are adapting to suit their needs. Originally developed by a partnership of five institutions, EGPS now has 40 member universities and over 60 employers. The scheme has led to a range of useful spin-offs and recommendations.
EULAs (End-User License Agreements) present specific translation challenges, ones contingent on how the EULAs will be used. In a recent study, the decisions made by forty-seven translation students while translating a EULA were observed... more
EULAs (End-User License Agreements) present specific translation challenges, ones contingent on how the EULAs will be used. In a recent study, the decisions made by forty-seven translation students while translating a EULA were observed and analyzed. The aim of the study was threefold: (1) to observe the criteria used for decision-making when translating a EULA; (2) to observe how decision-making criteria changed after using specific resources designed for translating EULAs (; and (3) to evaluate the overall usefulness of the resource. Results suggest that by providing translators with a single website portal of specific resources, they were able not only to find the equivalents they needed but also to consult the relevant legal and translation information that ultimately helped them develop more solid criteria for translation decision-making. Decisions were guided by principles of law applicability, terminology, legislation, and translation studi...
This article deals with professional profiles and professional opportunities for translation and interpreting graduates in the legal sector. For each profile, we present the training required, job characteristics, salary, pros and cons,... more
This article deals with professional profiles and professional opportunities for translation and interpreting graduates in the legal sector. For each profile, we present the training required, job characteristics, salary, pros and cons, etc. The following profiles will be described: ...
Research Interests:
1. Introducció Els estudiants de traducció jurídica estan envoltats de dret. L'organització del seu món està regulada pel conjunt de normes que anomenem “dret”: la seva organització familiar, l'habitatge, la feina, els... more
1. Introducció Els estudiants de traducció jurídica estan envoltats de dret. L'organització del seu món està regulada pel conjunt de normes que anomenem “dret”: la seva organització familiar, l'habitatge, la feina, els estudis, el consum, etc. Tanmateix, quan arriben a l' ...
Research Interests:
1-Participació en les Jornades IDES 2007 i 2008 2-Co-organització amb RED-U del Simposi Intnal sobre l'autonomia en l'aprenentatge, UPF 2007 3-Objetivos de aprendizaje y actividades cooperativas: experiencias... more
1-Participació en les Jornades IDES 2007 i 2008 2-Co-organització amb RED-U del Simposi Intnal sobre l'autonomia en l'aprenentatge, UPF 2007 3-Objetivos de aprendizaje y actividades cooperativas: experiencias para favorecer el aprendizaje autónomo en el área de ...
Olga Torres-Hostench/Jose Ramon Biau Gil/Pilar Cid Leal/ Adria Martin Mor/Bartolome Mesa-Lao/Mariana Orozco/ Pilar Sanchez-Gijon TRACE: Measuring the Impact of CAT Tools on Translated Texts 1. Introduction The information society and the... more
Olga Torres-Hostench/Jose Ramon Biau Gil/Pilar Cid Leal/ Adria Martin Mor/Bartolome Mesa-Lao/Mariana Orozco/ Pilar Sanchez-Gijon TRACE: Measuring the Impact of CAT Tools on Translated Texts 1. Introduction The information society and the new technologies it ...
ABSTRACT Se parte de la capacidad del alumno de actuar en autonomía en su aprendizaje para regular y co-regularse el mismo, en un proceso colaborativo. Los actuales escenarios educativos van asociados a recursos de aprendizaje virtuales.... more
ABSTRACT Se parte de la capacidad del alumno de actuar en autonomía en su aprendizaje para regular y co-regularse el mismo, en un proceso colaborativo. Los actuales escenarios educativos van asociados a recursos de aprendizaje virtuales. Pero afrontan un doble condicionante: contenidos y materiales informativos e individualizados y muchos grupos de tamaño mediano e incluso grande El modelo @Portfolio 2.0 facilita afrontar dichos condicionantes para incrementar la calidad y la colaboración en el aprendizaje. Con este recurso, las relaciones de aprendizaje potencian la capacidad de agencia individual y grupal de los estudiantes en su propio desarrollo formativo.
Research Interests:
With a view to providing an overview of current research being conducted in the field of translator and interpreter training, we regularly include abstracts of recently completed doctoral theses. If you have recently finished a PhD in... more
With a view to providing an overview of current research being conducted in the field of translator and interpreter training, we regularly include abstracts of recently completed doctoral theses. If you have recently finished a PhD in this field and would like it to be included, please send an abstract of 200-300 words, along with details of the institution where the doctorate was completed, the name of your supervisor, the language in which it was written, the date on which it was submitted in its final form, and details of its availability. Submissions should be sent to John Kearns, at
En el contexto del tránsito de la sociedad de la información al ciber-humanismo, se explora la relación persona-máquina desde una perspectiva psico-traductológica centrada en el usuario. Comprender la causa de los errores de la traducción... more
En el contexto del tránsito de la sociedad de la información al ciber-humanismo, se explora la relación persona-máquina desde una perspectiva psico-traductológica centrada en el usuario. Comprender la causa de los errores de la traducción automática (TA) ampliando la conciencia lingüístico-cognitiva permite optimizar la recepción del mensaje. A partir de ejemplos reales de uso de la TA se distinguen tres tipos de usuarios y formulamos un nuevo matiz del concepto de ‘compensación’ (empatía cognitiva) que completa el esquema de la comunicación de Jakobson. Las respuestas empático-cognitivas a los errores de la TA, activas y proactivas, son un factor clave de la comunicación multilingüe.
Les practiques es consideren el pas previ a la insercio laboral. Per aquest motiu val la pena elaborar instruments que guiin els estudiants en el seu proces de reflexio i aprofitament de les practiques. Aquest article no es un treball de... more
Les practiques es consideren el pas previ a la insercio laboral. Per aquest motiu val la pena elaborar instruments que guiin els estudiants en el seu proces de reflexio i aprofitament de les practiques. Aquest article no es un treball de recerca, sino un exercici de reflexio per a estudiants, tutors i coordinadors de practiques que, d’una banda, intenta donar visibilitat a les tecnologies que es fan servir durant les practiques i, d’altra banda, relaciona l’us de la tecnologia amb les competencies professionals proposades pel grup d’experts de l’European Master’s in Translation.

And 28 more

Esta obra se ha llevado a cabo en el marco del Máster en Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios Interculturales de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona e incluye un conjunto de artículos académicos elaborados por profesoras que imparten... more
Esta obra se ha llevado a cabo en el marco del Máster en Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios Interculturales de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona e incluye un conjunto de artículos académicos elaborados por profesoras que imparten docencia en el mismo.
El objetivo es dar a conocer una parte de la producción científica del profesorado y a la vez mostrar algunos de los contenidos, experiencias y competencias que se enseñan a los estudiantes durante un curso académico. Por ello, las autoras han reflexionado y debatido
sobre la formación que deben tener traductores e intérpretes en el espacio multicultural e intercultural que se genera por medio de la traducción y de la interpretación. Los ámbitos que se analizan son los fundamentos teóricos de la docencia en traducción e interpretación y los criterios que deben tenerse en cuenta en la preparación de material
didáctico destinado a los alumnos de traducción e interpretación; el proceso de adquisición de competencias necesarias para la interpretación y la traducción esºpecializada, así como el papel relevante del estudiante durante este proceso; el respeto hacia las necesidades
del cliente y la importancia de adecuarse a las características de los receptores de la traducción; y finalmente el lector hallará también dos artículos sobre la aplicación de los estudios interculturales a la traducción y la interpretación.
Research Interests:
The literature on translation and technology has generally taken two forms: general overviews, in which the tools are described, and functional descriptions of how such tools and technologies are implemented in specific projects, often... more
The literature on translation and technology has generally taken two forms: general overviews, in which the tools are described, and functional descriptions of how such tools and technologies are implemented in specific projects, often with a view to improving the quality of translator training. There has been far less development of the deeper implications of technology in its cultural, ethical, political and social dimensions. In an attempt to address this imbalance, the present volume offers a collection of articles, written by leading experts in the field, that explore some of the current communicational and informational trends that are defining our contemporary world and impinging on the translation profession. The contributions have been divided into three main areas in which translation and technology come together: (1) social spheres, (2) education and training and (3) research. This volume represents a bold attempt at contextualizing translation technologies and their applications within a broader cultural landscape and encourages intellectual reflection on the crucial role played by technology in the translation profession.
Research Interests:
CFP Revista Tradumàtica Revista Tradumàtica (2018) will feature a special “Dossier” section with the theme ‘Translation and Disruption: Global and Local Perspectives’. Guest Editors: Akiko... more
Revista Tradumàtica

Revista Tradumàtica (2018) will feature a special “Dossier” section with the theme ‘Translation and Disruption: Global and Local Perspectives’.

Guest Editors: Akiko Sakamoto (University of Portsmouth), Jonathan Evans (University of Portsmouth), Olga Torres Hostench (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Since Clayton Christensen expounded in his seminal book Innovator's Dilemma how a small-scale but innovative digital technology can overthrow large established businesses overnight, the idea of digital disruption has been causing both excitement and concern in businesses worldwide, from financial and legal services to entertainment distribution and the taxi industry. The world of translation is not immune to such upheavals and the notion of digital disruption is useful for understanding changes in translation practice. Translation is a double-edged sword in the digital world: producers, users and observers of translation can either disrupt or be disrupted.........
Research Interests: