Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education. S. García-Sánchez & R. Clouet (Eds.) 2022. IGI-Global Publishers.

We would like to thank Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis for their foreword, the editorial board members for their committed work and the contributors of this edited book for their chapters in Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education. S. García-Sánchez & R. Clouet (Eds.) 2022. IGI-Global Publishers.

Readers are welcome to access Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education, which reviews and reports the current research methods and theoretical advances in English language learning linked to applied technologies and action research. The book considers the most innovative approaches to English language education from an intercultural and communicative perspective that covers key concepts such as collaborative ubiquitous learning and multimodal communication. Covering topics such as social networks, virtual environments, and intercultural awareness, this reference work is crucial for academicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students. More information is available on:

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CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education (IGI-Global)

This Call for Chapters (CFC) calls for submissions to the edited book, Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education (IGI-Global). All the necessary information about the objectives of the book, the suggested topics, the submission procedure, and the deadlines is in the following link:

Click here and submit your proposal (between 1000-2000 words) before July 15, 2021, clearly explaining the mission and concerns of your proposed chapter. If accepted (you will be notified by July 29, 2021), full chapters are expected to be submitted by January 20, 2022.

For any further inquiries, please contact us.

Dr Soraya García-Sánchez and Dr Richard Clouet (The editors)

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“COVID-19 y preferencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje: Inglés en Ing. Telecomunicación en la ULPGC”

COVID-19 y preferencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje: Inglés en Ing. Telecomunicación en la ULPGC” fue el título de la comunicación telemática impartida por Soraya García-Sánchez y Carmen Luján-García en InnoEducaTIC 2020 (nov 2020). Se trata de un estudio comparativo de resultados en 2 asignaturas obligatorias (Inglés y Competencias comunicativas en Inglés) del Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnología de la Telecomunicación de la ULPGC para conocer la preferencia por parte del alumnado entre educación presencial y educación no presencial. Se presentó en InnoEducaTIC 2020: VII Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Innovación Educativa en el ámbito de las TIC y las TAC.

Puede acceder al vídeo de nuestra breve comunicación aquí.

Puede leer el artículo completo aquí.

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Debates in English Language Education: A Multimodal, Collaborative Ecosystem

In this article, I argue that collaborative debates are engaging tools in CALL/MALL that allow higher education students to enhance their cognitive learning and communicative skills in English language education. The empirical data suggests that interactive patterns and argumentative rebuttals in English encourage a multimodal educational and professional ecosystem for 21st century learners, who use face-to-face communication and technological devices to interact with each other and to access ubiquitous information.

You can see and share the full reference to the article by clicking on the links below.

“Debates in English Language Education: A Multimodal, Collaborative Ecosystem”. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), Vol. 10.4: 33-50. 2020. Link Link2

En este artículo, defiendo que los debates colaborativos son herramientas atractivas en CALL / MALL que permiten a los estudiantes de educación superior mejorar su aprendizaje cognitivo y sus habilidades comunicativas en lengua inglesa. Los datos empíricos sugieren que los patrones interactivos y las refutaciones argumentativas en inglés fomentan un ecosistema multimodal, educativo y profesional para los estudiantes del siglo XXI, que utilizan dispositivos tecnológicos y comunicación presencial, cara a cara, para interactuar entre sí y acceder a información ubicua.

Pueden ver y compartir la referencia completa, accediendo al artículo en los enlaces de abajo.

“Debates in English Language Education: A Multimodal, Collaborative Ecosystem”. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), Vol. 10.4: 33-50. 2020. Link Link2

CALL = Computer Assisted Language Learning; MALL = Mobile Assisted Language Learning

Posted in EFL, IFE, u-learning, Various: TIC, EFL, IFE, u-learning | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Comunicar en inglés: lo que aporta el aprendizaje ‘ubicuo’ (The Conversation España) / Communication in English: Ubiquitous Learning (The Conversation, Spain)

Este artículo subraya la importante necesidad de crear un ecosistema motivador y ubicuo de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa para comunicar correctamente, que es el propósito de aprender una lengua extranjera (Ubiquitous Life Long Learning Education). Los entornos ubicuos y contextualizados, que suceden a cualquier y desde cualquier lugar, responden a situaciones internacionales de comunicación en lengua inglesa.

This article highlights the important need to create a motivating and ubiquitous ecosystem for teaching and learning the English language in order to communicate correctly, which is the purpose of learning a foreign language. The ubiquitous and contextualised environments, which happen anywhere and at any time, respond to international communicative situations in English.

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Te invito a leer Educación, IFE y TIC para el siglo XXI

Este libro combina la docencia, el aprendizaje y la innovación con la investigación de Inglés para Fines Específicos (IFE), centrándose en la competencia lingüística, comunicativa y multimodal en lengua inglesa. Identifica retos, motivaciones y perfiles del alumnado universitario del siglo XXI, así como distintos enfoques de enseñanza-aprendizaje para IFE en modalidad presencial y no presencial, tomando como muestra el contexto de Inglés Aplicado al Trabajo Social, que puede adaptarse a otros entornos IFE en Educación Superior.

This book combines teaching, learning and innovation with research on English for Specific Purposes (ESP), pinpointing the linguistic, communicative and multimodal competence in the English language. It identifies challenges, motivations and profiles of 21st-century university students, as well as different teaching-learning approaches for ESP in face-to-face and online environments. This book shows the context of English Applied to Social Work, which can be adapted to other ESP settings in higher education.

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An ongoing debate about driverless cars

Thanks to my students, I know there is an interesting debate about driverless cars. How do you see the future with them in the market? How will our habits and behaviours change (as pedestrians, passengers, citizens)? What advantages and disadvantages (regarding work, safety, environmental issues, hackers, technology…) can you think of? Won’t we need to have a driving license any more?

Google, for example, has a self driving car called Waymo, which supports safe and easy journeys. What are your views?

Posted in Current Conversations: Your Opinions Count, EFL, IFE, Various: TIC, EFL, IFE, u-learning | 7 Comments


Me gustaría compartir algunos estudios que hemos realizado mi compañera Carmen Luján-García y yo. Aporto los enlaces a estas exposiciones, esperando que les sea útil. También podrán acceder a las publicaciones que han surgido de estos estudios. Cualquier información que quieran compartir, por favor, no duden en escribirnos. ¡GRACIAS!

(Congreso Virtual USATIC 2016)

(Congreso Virtual USATIC 2016)

(II Taller de Innovación Educativa de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles, 2016)

Posted in EFL, IFE, Various: TIC, EFL, IFE, u-learning, Vídeos y sugerencias para estudiantes, Videos on YouTube | Leave a comment

Big data: a threat to privacy? (ITT2)

Many people are talking about Big data, which could be described as massive amount of online information. Compared to small data, which describes data that can be smaller in volume and format, and can be analyzed by people, big data, on the contrary, is popular for its link to machine analysts.

Big data is commonly related to the 3 Vs addressing the volume, the variety and the velocity  at which the data is processed, which implies benefits to the process of big data analytics. But what about our rights to protect private information? Can we remain anonymous? How concerned are we about the impact of big data on our private lives? Can big data be a threat to our identity?

Data digital flow

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Climate change and technologies (ITT1)

New data from the NASA has registered last August 2016 as the warmest August in more than 100 countries all over the world (

Nowadays, most countries care about global climate change all over the world, proposing several ways to try to reduce the devastating changes of our land (food, animals, trees, citizens, etc). How do you think emerging countries should deal with these changes? How can technology improve or reduce the negative effects of climate change? Are global citizens aware of the world we are about to lose? Is it reality or fiction?

Posted in Current Conversations: Your Opinions Count, EFL, IFE | 8 Comments