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Artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY 4.0). / Open access article under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). Resumen: Se analiza el... more
Artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY 4.0). / Open access article under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). Resumen: Se analiza el vínculo entre algunos epitalamios neolatinos y las relaciones de sucesos de los siglos XV y XVI. Ello permite establecer los límites entre la ficción poética y la historia. Palabras clave: poesía neolatina; epitalamio; relaciones de sucesos; ficción poética; historia. Abstrat: This article studies the link between some neo-Latin epithalamia and the accounts of events written in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This allows to differentiate poetic fiction from history.
This article analyzes the antiepithalamium included in the poem Dirae written  by Pedro Ruiz de Moros.
Los versos de Virgilio y Catulo son fuente de un rito nupcial romano que consistía en el lanzamiento de nueces durante la procesión nupcial (deductio). Sin embargo, los comentaristas y gramáticos antiguos no sabían con exactitud el... more
Los versos de Virgilio y Catulo son fuente de un rito nupcial romano que consistía en el lanzamiento de nueces durante la procesión nupcial (deductio). Sin embargo, los comentaristas y gramáticos antiguos no sabían con exactitud el sentido de este acto simbólico. En este artículo se repasan las hipótesis antiguas y su recepción en la crítica posterior, con especial atención al simbolismo de la fertilidad.
En la vindicación juanramoniana del arte de lo breve suele apreciarse una suerte de declaración poética que casa perfectamente con la esencia del microrrelato (Gómez Trueba 2009). En efecto, su “basta lo suficiente” ha devenido eficaz... more
En la vindicación juanramoniana del arte de lo breve suele apreciarse una suerte de declaración poética que casa perfectamente con la esencia del microrrelato (Gómez Trueba 2009). En efecto, su “basta lo suficiente” ha devenido eficaz proclama de una forma de narración que aspira al fulgor estelar de un cometa. No poco contribuye a ese fulgor el poder expansivo de la alusión, pues, como si de ondas generadas por la piedra en el estanque se tratase, el relato puede ampliar sus límites referenciales gracias al recurso de la intertextualidad (Valls 2008: 24-25; Andres-Suárez 2010: 79-104)1. Este afán por lo “breve expandido” ya estimulaba a los poetas griegos del período helenístico y a sus imitadores latinos. Calímaco de Cirene, adalid de una escuela preocupada por la innovación, la calidad artística y la perfección formal, dejó escrita, para escándalo de los amigos de la copiosidad, la célebre sentencia mega biblion, mega kakon (“Un libro grande es un mal grande”)2. En la década de l...
Varias incoherencias en la biografía tradicional de Pedro de Esquivel evidencian la necesidad de revisar las fechas del proyecto cartográfico y de la muerte del matemático. Para ello se analizan los cuatro principales testimonios y los... more
Varias incoherencias en la biografía tradicional de Pedro de Esquivel evidencian la necesidad de revisar las fechas del proyecto cartográfico y de la muerte del matemático. Para ello se analizan los cuatro principales testimonios y los datos de la vida del humanista Diego de Guevara
This paper analyses the erotism in the latin nuptial poetry of the 15th–16th centuries in the epithalamia by Giovanni Pontano, Eliseo Calenzio, Ioannes Secundus, Calimachus Experiens, Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Matteo Canale,... more
This paper analyses the erotism in the latin nuptial poetry of the 15th–16th centuries in the epithalamia by Giovanni Pontano, Eliseo Calenzio, Ioannes Secundus, Calimachus Experiens, Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Matteo Canale, Marcantonio Aldegati, Publio Fausto Andrelini and Bartolomeo Ferrino.
A critical edition, annotated translation and commentary of the epithalamium in honor of Felipe II and Isabel of Valois, written in 1560 by the humanist Diego de Guevara.
The author analyses the Latin translation of Villamediana's Faetón made by Vicente Mariner. First, he makes an approach to the source (manuscript or edition?) and, in consequence, to the date of Mariner's translation.... more
The author analyses the Latin translation of Villamediana's Faetón made by Vicente Mariner. First, he makes an approach to the source (manuscript or edition?) and, in consequence, to the date of Mariner's translation. Second, he analyses some aspects of the Latin poem.
Pese a que siempre lo negó, Erasmo utilizó la colección de proverbios de Polidoro Virgilio y este, a su vez, hizo lo propio con la de Erasmo
espanolEste trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer la edicion critica y la traduccion espanola del Epithalamium (Barcelona, 1514) de Martin Ivarra en honor de Inigo Lopez de Mendoza (IV Duque del Infantado) e Isabel, la hija de Enrique... more
espanolEste trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer la edicion critica y la traduccion espanola del Epithalamium (Barcelona, 1514) de Martin Ivarra en honor de Inigo Lopez de Mendoza (IV Duque del Infantado) e Isabel, la hija de Enrique «Fortuna», infante de Aragon. Las paginas previas y las notas de la traduccion situan el poema en el marco historico de la boda y en la tradicion literaria del epitalamio. EnglishThis work aims to offer the critical edition and Spanish translation of Martin Ivarra's Epithalamium (Barcelona, 1514) in honor of Inigo Lopez de Mendoza (IV Duke of Infantado) and Isabel, daughter of Enrique «Fortuna», infant of Aragon. The previous pages and the notes on translation help to explain the historical circumstances of the wedding and the literary aspects of the epithalamic tradition.
This paper trieas to study some reformist ideas found in the 'Adagiorum opus' (1498-1550), written by the Italian humanist Polydore Vergil. It also shows that Erasmus, a former friend of him, may have had some influence on... more
This paper trieas to study some reformist ideas found in the 'Adagiorum opus' (1498-1550), written by the Italian humanist Polydore Vergil. It also shows that Erasmus, a former friend of him, may have had some influence on this book.
This paper briefly examines some aspects of Neo-Latin epithalamia written by Spanish poets in the 15th-16th centuries, allowing us to understand the extent of their dependence on the ancient Latin epithalamia.
Este trabajo revisa los comentarios latinos de varios autores (siglo XV al XVIII) que intentan explicar el sentido del symbolum pitagórico A fabis abstineto, tomando como referencia principal los Adagia de Erasmo de Rotterdam y su... more
Este trabajo revisa los comentarios latinos de varios autores (siglo XV al XVIII) que intentan explicar el sentido del symbolum pitagórico A fabis abstineto, tomando como referencia principal los Adagia de Erasmo de Rotterdam y su influencia en la tradición. El elenco de autores es amplio, entre los que cabe destacar a Filippo Beroaldo, Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, Gregorio Giraldi, Piero Valeriano, Konrad Gesner y Johann Albert Brömel. Las hipótesis varían en función de la moralidad cristiana o de la formación del autor, si bien se modulan generalmente sobre las cinco tipos de argumentos ofrecidos por los escritores griegos y romanos: político (no implicarse en política); religioso-escatológico (no tocar lo que es sagrado ni, mucho menos, comer aquello que contiene el alma de los muertos); generativo (una derivación del anterior, pues en la Antigüedad se creía que los muertos ejercían una acción benefactora sobre los campos y la fecundidad humana); cosmogónico (relacionado con el anterior: de la podredumbre inicial surgió el hombre y germinó el haba); natural o dietético.
This paper deals with the two main translations into Spanish of the work entitled De rerum inuentoribus by Polidorus Virgilius, both of which were published in the 16th century. Furthermore, several testimonies from Spanish writers and... more
This paper deals with the two main translations into Spanish of the work entitled De rerum inuentoribus by Polidorus Virgilius, both of which were published in the 16th century. Furthermore, several testimonies from Spanish writers and scholars have been analysed in order to show that the Italian humanist was considered as an authority from the 16th to the 18th century. Nevertheless, in some cases Polidorus’ auctoritas was treated with derision.
In classical literature the description of the spring is often associated with the `locus amoenus.´ Given the encomiastic character of the Latin epithalamia written during the Roman imperial period, some poets added this description to... more
In classical literature the description of the spring is often associated with the `locus amoenus.´ Given the encomiastic character of the Latin epithalamia written during the Roman imperial period, some poets added this description to highlight the idea that nature itself was at the disposal of the spouses. At the same time, the spring flowers were a symbolic prelude of sexual union. The Neolatin epithalamium has inherited this legacy.
Critical edition of 'the Epithalamium' (1570) written by Jerónimo Ramírez in honour of Philip II and Anna of Austria.
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Pedro Simón Abril se sirve de la edición aldina (Venecia, 1505) de las 'Aesopi fabulae' para la que dice ser su traducción directa del griego. Y lo hace, como ciceroniano, recurriendo al léxico de Cicerón.
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The author analyses the Latin translation of Villamediana's Faetón made by Vicente Mariner. First, he makes an approach to the source (manuscript or edition?) and, in consequence, to the date of Mariner's translation. Second, he analyses... more
The author analyses the Latin translation of Villamediana's Faetón made by Vicente Mariner. First, he makes an approach to the source (manuscript or edition?) and, in consequence, to the date of Mariner's translation. Second, he analyses some aspects of the Latin poem.
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The paper contains the critical edition of a Latin text written by Ambrosio de Morales (1574) which has been ignored by researchers. The study of this text will provide a better knowledge of the "Crónica General" and the "Antigüedades de... more
The paper contains the critical edition of a Latin text written by Ambrosio de Morales (1574) which has been ignored by researchers. The study of this text will provide a better knowledge of the "Crónica General" and the "Antigüedades de las ciudades de España", two essential works in vernacular language of the humanist from Córdoba.
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This paper analyses the erotism in the latin nuptial poetry of the 15th–16th centuries in the epithalamia by Giovanni Pontano, Eliseo Calenzio, Ioannes Secundus, Calimachus Experiens, Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Matteo Canale,... more
This paper analyses the erotism in the latin nuptial poetry of the 15th–16th centuries in the epithalamia by Giovanni Pontano, Eliseo Calenzio, Ioannes Secundus, Calimachus Experiens, Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Matteo Canale,
Marcantonio Aldegati, Publio Fausto Andrelini and Bartolomeo Ferrino.
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Estudio de la polémica entre Polidoro Virgilio y Erasmo sobre la primacía del proyecto paremiográfico. El autor concluye que se leyeron (y copiaron) mutuamente.
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A study about the symbolic image of the ape in Latin texts of the Renaissance from three related genres; the adage, the fable and the emblem.
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The author analyses some critical notes that Erasmus introduces in 'Adagia' to explain the adages or obscure passages of ancient authors.
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The author analyzes the seccuess of the fable De cassita (ENN., sat. inc. 2, 21-58 apud GELL. 2, 29, 3-19) in the Renaissance out of Noctes Atticae, that si, in the collections of fables.
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In the prelims of the Ephitalamium composed by Diego de Guevara for the wedding of Felipe II and Isabel de Valois (1560), there are three letters exchanged betwen Diego and his master Ambrosio de Morales. This paper offers the critical... more
In the prelims of the Ephitalamium composed by Diego de Guevara for the wedding of Felipe II and Isabel de Valois (1560), there are three letters exchanged betwen Diego and his master Ambrosio de Morales. This paper offers the critical edition and Spanish translation of these letters, who show some interesting aspects about the process of edition of the book, specially of the nuncupatory letter.
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Influencia del De rerum inventoribus en la literatura española, en especial en varios pasajes de la 'Silva de varia lección' de Pedro Mexía
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The date of cartografic projet and the death date of Pedro de Esquivel should be reviewed, as required by various incoherences detected in the Pedro de Esquivel’ traditional life. In order to do it, the four main evidences and the dates... more
The date of cartografic projet and the death date of Pedro de Esquivel should be reviewed, as required by various incoherences detected in the Pedro de Esquivel’ traditional life. In order to do it, the four main evidences and the dates about humanist Diego de Guevara’ life are analysed.
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Análisis de la polémica que enfrentó al franciscano inglés Henry Standish con Erasmo a partir del adagio incluido en la "Chiliades".
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This paper trieas to study some reformist ideas found in the 'Adagiorum opus' (1498-1550), written by the Italian humanist Polydore Vergil. It also shows that Erasmus, a former friend of him, may have had some influence on this book.
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The paper includes the critical edition and annotated translation of three Latin poems written by an anonymous hand in the last white pages of a printed book of the XVIe century. The author of the paper proposes a possible authorship of... more
The paper includes the critical edition and annotated translation of three Latin poems written by an anonymous hand in the last white pages of a printed book of the XVIe century. The author of the paper proposes a possible authorship of Manuel da Costa for these poems.
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Critical edition and first Spanish translaton of Manuel da Costa's Proteus, a jurist and poet from Portugal and professor at the Salamanca University. The poem is important because of the historic relevance of the event which inspires it;... more
Critical edition and first Spanish translaton of Manuel da Costa's Proteus, a jurist and poet from Portugal and professor at the Salamanca University. The poem is important because of the historic relevance of the event which inspires it; moreover it is a very goog example of epideictic rheroric of nuptial subjetc in the Renaissance.
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En la discusión que Erasmo y Polidoro Virgilio mantuvieron sobre quién de los dos había sido el primero en recopilar adagios, la tradición suele dar la razón a Erasmo. Sin embargo, Polidoro no solo fue el primero, sino que su colección... more
En la discusión que Erasmo y Polidoro Virgilio mantuvieron sobre quién de los dos había sido el primero en recopilar adagios, la tradición suele dar la razón a Erasmo. Sin embargo, Polidoro no solo fue el primero, sino que su colección sirvió a Erasmo de fuente silenciada. A su vez, Polidoro hizo lo mismo con el libro del holandés.
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This paper deals with the passages belonging to the 'Adagia' which were expurgated in the Antwerpen Index. In addition the author analyses the supposed moderation showed by Arias Montano in some compromising, but not expurgated, passages.
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This paper provides some information about Diego de Guevara’s life. In order do it, various evidences are used: some of them have not been carefully studied by his biographers, some others have even been ignored. These evidences suggest... more
This paper provides some information about Diego de Guevara’s life. In order do it, various evidences are used: some of them have not been carefully studied by his biographers, some others have even been ignored. These evidences suggest that the birth and death dates settled by tradition should be reviewed.
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A critical edition, annotated translation and commentary of the epithalamium in honor of Felipe II and Isabel of Valois, written in 1560 by the humanist Diego de Guevara.
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This paper offers a Latin poem written by Pedro del Frago, conceived like a Christian oratio, to celebrate Isabel de Valois’ arrival in Spain (1560). That poem is as a pretext for doing long annotations in which the author defends the... more
This paper offers a Latin poem written by Pedro del Frago, conceived like a Christian oratio, to celebrate Isabel de Valois’ arrival in Spain (1560). That poem is as a pretext for doing long annotations in which the author defends the Council of Trent and the Catholic struggle against the heresy. Frago has also
introduced some topics of the epithalamium in the poem, perhaps under the influence of the humanist Diego de Guevara.
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This paper analyses the bride’s journey in three neolatin epithalamia of the XVth century written by Elisio Calenzio, Matteo Canale and Gabriele Altilio. Wese epithalamia project a modern deductio between poetry and historical reality.
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Estudio literario del epitalamio latino de los siglos XV y XVI a partir de ochenta poemas nupciales