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En esta obra destacados expertos analizan las dimensiones política y jurídico-económica que rodean a la crisis económica en Grecia y que facilitan las claves para entender el resultado de las elecciones de enero de 2015. En la primera... more
En esta obra destacados expertos analizan las dimensiones política y jurídico-económica que rodean a la crisis económica en Grecia y que facilitan las claves para entender el resultado de las elecciones de enero de 2015. En la primera parte del libro se cubren varios de los aspectos políticos de la crisis. Se analizan los resultados de las dobles elecciones de 2012, con especial atención a dos de los protagonistas de las mismas – SYRIZA y Aurora Dorada- y a los cambios que se han producido en la competición partidista. Se traza el origen de las iniciativas ciudadanas que, en muchos casos, están contribuyendo a paliar los devastadores efectos de la crisis en la capital. El Estado aparece en el punto de mira como razón última de la crisis y se ilustra en detalle a través del papel de los principales medios de comunicación. Asimismo, se analiza la interacción entre el gobierno griego y los líderes de la Unión Europea durante la primera fase de la crisis y la influencia que esta ha tenido en sus países vecinos de los Balcanes. La segunda parte del libro está dedicada a la dimensión jurídico-económica de la crisis. En una situación sin precedentes en la Eurozona en la que se cerraron los mercados internacionales para Grecia y el gobierno se vio abocado a sentarse a negociar con numerosos organismos internacionales, el papel de los expertos jurídicos y económicos en el complejo proceso de negociación, primero, y de implementación de sus resultados, ha sido crucial.
Research Interests:
This chapter analyses the effects of the current economic crisis on the political attitudes and behaviors of the Spanish youth. Given the well-known fact that young people are more sensitive to societal transformations due to their more... more
This chapter analyses the effects of the current economic crisis on the political attitudes and behaviors of the Spanish youth. Given the well-known fact that young people are more sensitive to societal transformations due to their more limited life experiences, and the dramatic increase of youth unemployment, we expect young people to echo the crisis to a greater extent than the rest of society. The direction of these changes is found to be twofold: on the one hand, a cohort of more sophisticated and critical citizens is appearing amongst those that are between 26 and 35 years old and, on the other, extreme economic hardship results in deeper frustration and apathy towards the political system, especially amongst the younger unemployed in the 18 to 25 years old group.
Page 1. Educación cívica: Estado de la cuestión y propuesta para el análisis del caso español* Gema García Albacete e Irene Martín Cortés Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ...
This paper focuses on the analysis of political disaffection. After discussing and defining this notion, the article shows that disaffection affects more widely, though not exclusively, third-wave democracies. The close link between... more
This paper focuses on the analysis of political disaffection. After discussing and defining this notion, the article shows that disaffection affects more widely, though not exclusively, third-wave democracies. The close link between levels of disaffection and the history of democratization in each country explains its higher incidence among new democracies. For this very reason, political disaffection could also run high among more established democracies. However, regardless of its incidence in each particular country, political disaffection reveals a distinctive nature in new democracies because of the absence of a democratic past in many of these cases. Thus, disaffection constitutes a key element to explain the lower propensity of citizens of new democracies to participate in every dimension of political activity.
This chapter analyses the effects of the current economic crisis on the political attitudes and behaviors of the Spanish youth. Given the well-known fact that young people are more sensitive to societal transformations due to their more... more
This chapter analyses the effects of the current economic crisis on the political attitudes and behaviors of the Spanish youth. Given the well-known fact that young people are more sensitive to societal transformations due to their more limited life experiences, and the dramatic increase of youth unemployment, we expect young people to echo the crisis to a greater extent than the rest of society. The direction of these changes is found to be twofold: on the one hand, a cohort of more sophisticated and critical citizens is appearing amongst those that are between 26 and 35 years old and, on the other, extreme economic hardship results in deeper frustration and apathy towards the political system, especially amongst the younger unemployed in the 18 to 25 years old group.