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  • Fernando Díez holds a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Deusto. Executive MBA from INSIDE (International Inst... moreedit
The loss of organizational knowledge has emerged as a prevalent issue for 21st-century organizations. This systematic review aims to scrutinize knowledge transfer procedures applied to individuals in managerial and intermediate positions... more
The loss of organizational knowledge has emerged as a prevalent issue for 21st-century organizations. This systematic review aims to scrutinize knowledge transfer procedures applied to individuals in managerial and intermediate positions during generational change or knowledge management initiatives. Following the PRISMA statement [1], this review progressed through four stages, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and ultimately identifying 28 articles for the final analysis. Descriptive indicators and content-related metrics were employed in the study. Key findings include: (1) predominant investment in knowledge retention studies and procedure design is observed among large companies, primarily in the secondary sector; (2) digitalization emerges as a critical aspect of effective organizational knowledge transfer procedures and protocols; (3) intra-organizational communication styles are predominantly employed for knowledge transfer; (4) organizations prefer a collective approach to transferring both tacit and explicit knowledge. In summary, this research offers fresh insights into a pivotal area of business management, showcasing originality in its exploration of knowledge transfer within the realms of generational change and knowledge management.
Just when it seemed that the most difficult moments of the last great recession were behind us, 2020’s COVID-19 shakes up a globalized system once again. Phenomena such as large-scale cyber-attacks, financial crises, climate change or... more
Just when it seemed that the most difficult moments of the last great recession were behind us, 2020’s COVID-19 shakes up a globalized system once again. Phenomena such as large-scale cyber-attacks, financial crises, climate change or pandemics, which are emerging at an ever-increasing speed, have become endemic systemic risks. The interconnectedness even makes the transformation of the current development model seem inescapable. The renewed commons paradigm, made up of (self) transformative cooperative initiatives, and its crystallization in B corporations which go beyond the objective of generating economic profits, seeking to maximize their positive impact through innovative governance and leadership, seem to make possible greater environmental and social sustainability, and greater human justice, solidarity and autonomy. Through a bibliographic review to identify the unique characteristics of B-corporation leaders and their open and cooperative modes of governance, this article ...
Durante las últimas décadas, alrededor del mundo se ha promovido una agenda gubernamental e investigativa relacionada con el nuevo rol del conocimiento en la sociedad.
Previous research has demonstrated the benefits of peer feedback for improving student work. Gender, as an individual characteristic, is now receiving increased attention due to its influence on the peer feedback process. This study... more
Previous research has demonstrated the benefits of peer feedback for improving student work. Gender, as an individual characteristic, is now receiving increased attention due to its influence on the peer feedback process. This study examined the effects of gender and peer assessment training on the amount and content of peer feedback provided by assessors for poor, average and excellent writing samples, using a randomised controlled design. A total of 240 undergraduate psychology students participated in the study. Half of the participants received peer assessment training, while the other half received task instructions only. Participants were assigned to eight subgroups, providing peer feedback to writing samples attributed to fictitious male or female assessee. Analysis of 3017 feedback segments revealed that women provided a greater amount of peer feedback compared to men. Women also offered more positive verifications and suggestive elaborations for average and poor writing samples. Male assessees received more suggestive elaborations, while trained assessors provided more positive verifications. These findings suggest the need for a multifaceted training programme to bridge the gap between gender-based differences in peer feedback characteristics.
Purpose The pandemic has enhanced the global phenomenon of disinformation. This paper aims to study the false news concerning COVID-19, spread through social media in Spain, by using the LatamChequea database for a duration from... more
Purpose The pandemic has enhanced the global phenomenon of disinformation. This paper aims to study the false news concerning COVID-19, spread through social media in Spain, by using the LatamChequea database for a duration from 01/22/2020, when the first false information has been detected, up to 03/09/2021. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative analysis has been conducted with regard to the correlation between fake news stories and the pandemic state, the motive to share them, their dissemination in other countries and the effectiveness of fact checking. This study is complemented by a qualitative method: a focus group conducted with representatives of different groups within the society. Findings Fake news has been primarily disseminated through several social networks at the same time, with two peaks taking place in over a half of the said false stories. The first took place from March to April of 2020 during complete lockdown, and we were informed of prevention measures, t...
A number of studies have expressed that gender might be a source of difference and bias in peer assessment activities. However, evidence supporting this remains mixed and scant. The present study examined gender difference and accuracy... more
A number of studies have expressed that gender might be a source of difference and bias in peer assessment activities. However, evidence supporting this remains mixed and scant. The present study examined gender difference and accuracy bias between men and women assessors’ peer scoring of same-sex or opposite-sex writing samples using a quasi-experimental approach in which we implemented peer assessment training to explore if it could minimise gender difference and bias. Additionally, we also explored the effects on participants’ perceptions of trust and comfort in giving peer scores. A total of 145 (men = 25) psychology students enrolled in four separate courses participated in this study. Two of the classes received peer assessment training, while the other two only received task instructions. Participants were divided into eight scoring subgroups where they peer scored three writing samples of varying quality (poor, average and excellent) using a scoring rubric in Eduflow. We found that, regardless of their training condition, men and women assessors did not differ in their peer scores of men and women peers. Only untrained men assessors showed less trust in their abilities and discomfort when peer scoring women assessees’ writing samples.
Las variaciones acaecidas en la última década del siglo anterior han condicionado la cadena de mando, comunicación y relación del líder con sus equipos LIDERAZGO en las FAS E L siglo XX presentó sus credenciales de cambio desde,... more
Las variaciones acaecidas en la última década del siglo anterior han condicionado la cadena de mando, comunicación y relación del líder con sus equipos LIDERAZGO en las FAS E L siglo XX presentó sus credenciales de cambio desde, prácticamente, su inicio. Diferentes momentos y etapas de crecimiento y empobrecimiento económicos, proble-mas no resueltos entre naciones o regímenes intoleran-tes, entre otros, resultaron ser la causa o provocaron conflictos bélicos que afectaron, especialmente, al continente europeo. Finali-zada la segunda contienda, se dibujó una senda de alza y bienestar en los niveles de vida de muchos ciudadanos. Estados Unidos lideró la recuperación y se puso al frente del desarrollo tecnológico. Sus empresas modelaron un sistema de gestión centrado en los resulta-dos y, por ende, muy competitivo. Europa se rehízo de sus cenizas y decidió, tras siglos de enfrentamiento, agruparse en torno a una vi-sión, objetivos y valores comunes. El desconocido, hasta esa fecha, estándar de vida alcanzado, dotó a las sociedades más avanzadas de recursos en materia educativa, sanitaria, de transporte y comuni-caciones, de habitabilidad, de equipamientos deportivos y de ocio. La última parte del siglo aportó un valor añadido soñado por escri-tores o relatores del futuro: la posibilidad de comunicarse rápidamente y a mayor velocidad, tanto a nivel de audio como de video. Además, en el primer quinquenio del siglo entrante se añadió el potencial de relacionarse unos con otros en redes que permitían contacto, gene-rar networking, compartir datos e información. Las organizaciones transformaron su manera de entrar en contacto unos con otros, sea la propia plantilla, clientes, proveedores, etcétera. El inventario de ins-trumentos y métodos para comunicarse creció de manera inusitada. Las relaciones humanas sufrieron un impacto ignoto: las personas empezaron a trasladarse información o emociones en segundos, a golpe de clic. La pluma estilográfica o el más funcional bolígrafo, el folio, la carta y el sello nos transportaban a un pasado que parecía lejano. Incluso enviar un fax acabó resultando incómodo. La ciencia dedicada a bucear en los principios que regían en la dirección de empresas tomó carta de naturaleza en el citado siglo pasado: ¿Ciencia o Arte? ¿Norma o Habilidad? El management generó conclusiones sobre los medios más efectivos para gestionar recursos económicos, productivos y de tiempo. Las em-presas más eficientes alcanzaron un óptimo equilibrio entre los tres recursos. La investigación sobre los seres humanos alimentó los sistemas de gestión. Sin personas no existen las empresas. De su trabajo, esfuerzo, implicación y compromiso depende el rendimiento final. El equilibrio entre capital, medios materiales y tiempo no es posible lograrlo sin el concurso de las personas. Son juez y parte. Pero parte fundamental porque gracias a su co-nocimiento, experiencia y colaboración se consiguen resultados excelentes. Las relaciones entre personas en las organizaciones se basan en un continuo flujo de comunicación y colaboración con jefes, iguales o subordinados. Las Fuerzas Armadas son instituciones centenarias en unos pocos países. España se cuenta entre ellos, y en su currículum presenta agrupaciones que son las más antiguas del mundo en su ámbito. Las Fuerzas Armadas españolas atesoran una larga experiencia y una tradición transmitida, tanto entre unidades como entre personas y entre familias. Como organización también han tenido que asumir estos drásticos cambios. Y como grupo huma-no, su estructura de liderazgo incorpora y asume los avances nor-mativos, comportamentales y sociales. El liderazgo supone un desafío constante. Supone una prue-ba de fuego frente al proceso decisor del líder. El liderazgo se vertebra en los Ejércitos a partir de una triple fórmula: en el plano superior, el liderazgo estratégico, ligado a la visión, a la definición de políticas, a la determinación de fórmulas para la movilización de recursos. Por debajo, el liderazgo operativo, se ejerce de mane-ra más indirecta y vela por el cumplimiento de directivas e indica-ciones, más allá del cumplimiento de la misión, propia del liderazgo táctico. En un primer plano, el liderazgo táctico se enmarca en la
El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestión emocional de una muestra de alumnado que cursaba en modalidad híbrida, la docencia en tiempos de la COVID 19. Para ello, se ha analizado... more
El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestión emocional de una muestra de alumnado que cursaba en modalidad híbrida, la docencia en tiempos de la COVID 19. Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra de 163 estudiantes que cursan sus estudios en la Universidad de Deusto en modalidad híbrida (presencial y remoto), durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2020-21. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Emocional Rasgo (versión corta) TEIQue-SF [Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form], validado, traducido y adaptado a diferentes idiomas (Cooper y Petrides, 2010; Petrides, 2009). Se recogieron también variables sociodemográficas y ambientales mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados apuntan hacia la necesidad de metodologías activas en la docencia en remoto que promuevan las relaciones interpersonales y la motivación en el alumnado. Queda patente la relación entre la gestión emocional y el aprendizaje, y la vivencia del alumnado en cuanto al aburrimiento y desconexión en la docencia en remoto y el anhelo de contacto entre los/as estudiantes, y con el profesorado que les propicie motivación y cree un espacio de relación cercano. Las relaciones interpersonales se ven afectadas, se echan de menos, sobre todo la falta de contacto.
This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the lifelong learning methodology. The lifelong learning approach consists of three main perspectives: a personal and professional context and how... more
This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the lifelong learning methodology. The lifelong learning approach consists of three main perspectives: a personal and professional context and how to achieve self-motivation and remain over time; the formal and informal learning sources, and how all this occurs throughout the individual life. Leadership is a fundamental military trait and should be treated as an ongoing process. This study examines how influences the lifelong learning of the Spanish military leaders from the Army, Navy, and Air Force in their leadership style. The methodology resource used is an online Delphi technique through in-depth interviews as well as the Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software This research shows that from a lifelong learning perspective, military leadership is built continuously throughout life and is supported by more informal than formal learning systems. The key findings of this rese...
This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the lifelong learning methodology. The lifelong learning approach consists of three main perspectives: a personal and professional context and how... more
This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the lifelong learning methodology. The lifelong learning approach consists of three main perspectives: a personal and professional context and how to achieve self-motivation and remain over time; the formal and informal learning sources, and how all this occurs throughout the individual life. Leadership is a fundamental military trait and should be treated as an ongoing process. This study examines how influences the lifelong learning of the Spanish military leaders from the Army, Navy, and Air Force in their leadership style. The methodology resource used is an online Delphi technique through in-depth interviews as well as the Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software This research shows that from a lifelong learning perspective, military leadership is built continuously throughout life and is supported by more informal than formal learning systems. The key findings of this research show that the Spanish military commanders' leadership comes from an informal approach based on the different opportunities given at the workspace, individual job performance, and family support. From the formal system, the career ladder is supported both at the military academy and following regular training. The results show that a lifelong learning framework prepares Spanish military commanders to manage the highly complex environment in which they are involved.
Purpose-The pandemic has enhanced the global phenomenon of disinformation. This paper aims to study the false news concerning COVID-19, spread through social media in Spain, by using the LatamChequea database for a duration from... more
Purpose-The pandemic has enhanced the global phenomenon of disinformation. This paper aims to study the false news concerning COVID-19, spread through social media in Spain, by using the LatamChequea database for a duration from 01/22/2020, when the first false information has been detected, up to 03/09/2021. Design/methodology/approach-A quantitative analysis has been conducted with regard to the correlation between fake news stories and the pandemic state, the motive to share them, their dissemination in other countries and the effectiveness of fact checking. This study is complemented by a qualitative method: a focus group conducted with representatives of different groups within the society. Findings-Fake news has been primarily disseminated through several social networks at the same time, with two peaks taking place in over a half of the said false stories. The first took place from March to April of 2020 during complete lockdown, and we were informed of prevention measures, the country's situation and the origin of the virus, whereas the second was related to news revolving around the coming vaccines, which occurred between October and November. The audience tends to neither cross-check the information received nor report fake news to competent authorities, and fact-checking methods fail to stop their spread. Further awareness and digital literacy campaigns are thus required in addition to more involvement from governments and technological platforms. Research limitations/implications-The main limitation of the research is the fact that it was only possible to conduct a focus group of five individuals who do not belong to generation Z due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, although a clear contribution to the analysis of the impact of fake news on social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain can be seen from the privileged experiences in each of the fields of work that were identified. In this sense, the results of the study are not generalizable to a larger population. On the other hand, and with a view to future research, it would be advisable to carry out a more specific study of how fake news affects generation Z. Originality/value-This research is original in nature, and the findings of this study are valuable for business practitioners and scholars, brand marketers, social media platform owners, opinion leaders and policymakers.
A number of studies have expressed that gender might be a source of difference and bias in peer assessment activities. However, evidence supporting this remains mixed and scant. The present study examined gender difference and accuracy... more
A number of studies have expressed that gender might be a source of
difference and bias in peer assessment activities. However, evidence supporting this remains mixed and scant. The present study examined gender difference and accuracy bias between men and women assessors’ peer scoring of same-sex or opposite-sex writing samples using a
quasi-experimental approach in which we implemented peer assessment
training to explore if it could minimise gender difference and bias.
Additionally, we also explored the effects on participants’ perceptions of
trust and comfort in giving peer scores. A total of 145 (men = 25) psychology students enrolled in four separate courses participated in this
study. Two of the classes received peer assessment training, while the
other two only received task instructions. Participants were divided into
eight scoring subgroups where they peer scored three writing samples of
varying quality (poor, average and excellent) using a scoring rubric in
Eduflow. We found that, regardless of their training condition, men and
women assessors did not differ in their peer scores of men and women
peers. Only untrained men assessors showed less trust in their abilities
and discomfort when peer scoring women assessees’ writing samples.
This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching on assessment practices due to COVID-19 lockdown. A total of 936 Spanish teachers from all educational levels ranging from early childhood to university... more
This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching on assessment practices due to COVID-19 lockdown. A total of 936 Spanish teachers from all educational levels ranging from early childhood to university participated in this nationwide survey. Four aspects were explored: (1) changes in the use of assessment instruments (e.g. exams); (2) changes in assessment criteria, standards and grading; (3) changes in the delivery of feedback and use of rubrics; and (4) changes in students’ involvement in assessment (i.e. self- and peer assessment). In general, results are mixed, with some areas undergoing certain changes with the aim of adapting to the new situation (e.g. primary education teachers
lowering their grading standards), whereas many other assessment
practices have remained similar, especially among higher education
teachers. Unfortunately, some of the assessment practices have
worsened, such as students’ involvement in assessment which has
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Se presentan los resultados de dos análisis factoriales confirmatorios de una investigación sobre el impacto de los sistemas de gestión de calidad en el funcionamiento de los centros educativos (aplicación del modelo EFQM o el modelo... more
Se presentan los resultados de dos análisis factoriales confirmatorios de una investigación sobre el impacto de los sistemas de gestión de calidad en el funcionamiento de los centros educativos (aplicación del modelo EFQM o el modelo PCI). Se intenta probar la estructura de las dimensiones definidas teóricamente. En el primer análisis se comprueban los procesos de política en sus dimensiones de Comunicación, Planificación y Reconocimiento, y el segundo se centra en otros tres factores de procesos en el centro como son el clima, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y las relaciones con el entorno. La investigación se lleva a cabo en una muestra de 14 centros educativos de enseñanza básica o secundaria en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco.
If the workplace environment is good, the health and well-being of employees will be good too. This research aims to distinguish whether there are differences when it comes to being directed by a man or a woman and whether this affects... more
If the workplace environment is good, the health and well-being of employees will be good too. This research aims to distinguish whether there are differences when it comes to being directed by a man or a woman and whether this affects employees. An ad hoc questionnaire was applied, collecting personal information and including the MLQ-6 S. It was sent by mail and answered by 549 employees of 16 companies in the Basque Country, Spain. A total of 277 (50.5%) men and 272 (49.5%) women participated, among whom there were 63 managers. The methodology shows a double perspective of how employees understand and perceive the differences between male and female business leaders and how managers see themselves exercising this leadership. No significant differences have been perceived. Both men and women believe they make their employees feel good about exercising leadership (M = 42.11%, W = 48.00%) quite often. Employed women consider it more challenging to become leaders and reconcile their ...
The digital transformation means that companies are redefining the process of talent management. Previous models involved functions, practices and processes that ensured a correct flow of employees towards key positions or a generic... more
The digital transformation means that companies are redefining the process of talent management. Previous models involved functions, practices and processes that ensured a correct flow of employees towards key positions or a generic talent management view. The digital breakthrough, together with the growing panorama of competition for talent in the market, requires a different focus to enable well-grounded and agile decision-making processes in a sustainable world. The current research considers the functions that applied research has established as the limits of talent management, and that are the key topics in an employee life cycle, namely, talent attraction and acquisition, training, evaluation, and development. In addition, new tools such as employee advocacy and/or brand ambassadors have been added towards to draw conclusions about the future trends of talent management. This article examines the employee life cycle of talent attraction, and acquisition, training, evaluation, ...
The digital transformation means that companies are redefining the process of talent management. Previous models involved functions, practices and processes that ensured a correct flow of employees towards key positions or a generic... more
The digital transformation means that companies are redefining the process of talent management. Previous models involved functions, practices and processes that ensured a correct flow of employees towards key positions or a generic talent management view. The digital breakthrough, together with the growing panorama of competition for talent in the market, requires a different focus to enable well-grounded and agile decision-making processes in a sustainable world. The current research considers the functions that applied research has established as the limits of talent management, and that are the key topics in an employee life cycle, namely, talent attraction and acquisition, training, evaluation, and development. In addition, new tools such as employee advocacy and/or brand ambassadors have been added towards to draw conclusions about the future trends of talent management. This article examines the employee life cycle of talent attraction, and acquisition, training, evaluation, ...
This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT) on teachers' levels of well-being, emotions, and motivation. A total of 936 Spanish teachers participated in this nationwide survey from all educational... more
This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT) on teachers' levels of well-being, emotions, and motivation. A total of 936 Spanish teachers participated in this nationwide survey from all educational levels, thus allowing comparison among levels, which is a novelty and strength of our study. Four aspects were explored: (1) instructional adaptation to ERT; (2) well-being changes and the main challenges in this regard; (3) changes in emotions; and (4) changes in motivation and the main factors. Importantly, we explored a number of teacher characteristics (e.g., gender, age) for the three last aspects. Our results show that teachers felt the impact of ERT on their well-being, emotions, and motivation. Additionally, female teachers, teachers with students of low socioeconomic status (SES), in public schools, and primary and secondary teachers were the most affected groups. This indicates that the impact of ERT differed and some populations of teachers are more at risk of suffering burnout because of ERT.
En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las áreas... more
En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las áreas prioritarias y la congruencia entre objetivos y medidas. Los principales resultados evidencian un bajo interés en las principales barreras para la igualdad en el desempeño, como medidas de promoción o de selección, así como el carácter propositivo de los planes analizados.
In recent years, interest in informal learning in the workplace has intensified, with organizations being concerned about ways through which workers learn in the workplace beyond the knowledge acquired through formal learning. Every day... more
In recent years, interest in informal learning in the workplace has intensified, with organizations being concerned about ways through which workers learn in the workplace beyond the knowledge acquired through formal learning. Every day at the workplace, a series of lessons can be learnt through colleague interaction, in addition to another series of elements that act as a catalyst to enhance workers’ learning and knowledge. A qualitative approximation method was selected for this study. Furthermore, 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with employees with different responsibilities and from different organizational areas. The study results describe the manner in which learning occurs in the workplace and employees’ perception of different elements that act as catalysts to enhance their learning. While numerous elements specific to the job position held by employees are indicated, learning in the workplace responds to a model based on three pillars: a flexible worker with skills to...
Resumen En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las... more
Resumen En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las áreas prioritarias y la congruencia entre objetivos y medidas. Los principales resultados evidencian un bajo interés en las principales barreras para la igualdad en el desempeño, como medidas de promoción o de selección, así como el carácter propositivo de los planes analizados. Palabras clave: planes de igualdad; genero; normativa; empresa
RESUMEN: La literatura sobre talento, en particular en las dos últimas décadas, está focalizada en el talento colectivo y sus derivadas, en contraposición al talento individual, predominante a lo largo de la historia. Los autores realizan... more
RESUMEN: La literatura sobre talento, en particular en las dos últimas décadas, está focalizada en el talento colectivo y sus derivadas, en contraposición al talento individual, predominante a lo largo de la historia. Los autores realizan una pormenorizada revisión de los conceptos y etapas en su evolución en la literatura. A continuación llevan a cabo un análisis sobre el talento individual y el talento colectivo, invitando al lector a reflexionar sobre la importancia del talento en el siglo XXI. Palabras clave: Talento; inteligencia colectiva; equipos; aprendizaje organizacional ABSTRACT: Talent literature, particularly in the last two decades, has focused on collective talent and its derivatives, as opposed to individual talent, predominant throughout history. The authors carry out a detailed review of the concepts and stages in their evolution in literature. They then analyse individual and collective talent, inviting the reader to reflect on the importance of talent in the 21st...
If the workplace environment is good, the health and well-being of employees will be good too. This research aims to distinguish whether there are differences when it comes to being directed by a man or a woman and whether this affects... more
If the workplace environment is good, the health and well-being of employees will be good too. This research aims to distinguish whether there are differences when it comes to being directed by a man or a woman and whether this affects employees. An ad hoc questionnaire was applied, collecting personal information and including the MLQ-6 S. It was sent by mail and answered by 549 employees of 16 companies in the Basque Country, Spain. A total of 277 (50.5%) men and 272 (49.5%) women participated, among whom there were 63 managers. The methodology shows a double perspective of how employees understand and perceive the differences between male and female business leaders and how managers see themselves exercising this leadership. No significant differences have been perceived. Both men and women believe they make their employees feel good about exercising leadership (M = 42.11%, W = 48.00%) quite often. Employed women consider it more challenging to become leaders and reconcile their work-life. Men do not think so. Communication is the tool that women managers know best how to handle and where men seem to fail more. Working on it could achieve more business success and better health in employees.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Resumen En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las... more
Resumen En este artículo se evalúa la potencial efectividad de los planes de igualdad de las empresas vascas a través de un análisis cualitativo de su contenido tratando de identificar, desde el punto de vista del diseño del plan, las áreas prioritarias y la congruencia entre objetivos y medidas. Los principales resultados evidencian un bajo interés en las principales barreras para la igualdad en el desempeño, como medidas de promoción o de selección, así como el carácter propositivo de los planes analizados. Palabras clave: planes de igualdad; genero; normativa; empresa
En los últimos años se han intensificado el interés por el aprendizaje informal en el lugar de trabajo, siendo la preocupación por parte de las organizaciones conocer cómo los trabajadores aprenden en su lugar de trabajo más allá de los... more
En los últimos años se han intensificado el interés por el aprendizaje informal en el lugar de trabajo, siendo la preocupación por parte de las organizaciones conocer cómo los trabajadores aprenden en su lugar de trabajo más allá de los conocimientos adquiridos en el aprendizaje formal. Cada día en su lugar de trabajo se producen una serie de aprendizajes fruto de la interacción entre los compañeros, pero también otra serie de elementos que ejercen una función catalizadora de ese aprendizaje que de manera latente actúan sobre el aprendizaje y el conocimiento de los trabajadores. Para este estudio se seleccionó una aproximación cualitativa. Se realizaron 16 entrevistas en profundidad a empleados de diferentes áreas organizacionales y con diferentes responsabilidades. Emergieron diferentes resultados que fueron describiendo cómo se produce el aprendizaje en el lugar de trabajo y cómo los empleados perciben diferentes elementos que actúan de catalizadores de su aprendizaje. Si bien se ...

And 10 more

Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que el líder militar tiene un proceso de generación multifactorial a lo largo de toda su vida y, por lo tanto, es un proceso de construcción continua. El liderazgo militar se construye a lo... more
Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que el líder militar tiene un proceso de generación multifactorial a lo largo de toda su vida y, por lo tanto, es un proceso de construcción continua. El liderazgo militar se construye a lo largo de la vida, a través de los aprendizajes formal e informal, la influencia de los valores de referencia, los modelos percibidos durante su formación y el refuerzo de la familia.
La transformación digital está haciendo que las empresas redefinan el proceso de gestión del talento. El avance digital, junto con el panorama creciente de la competencia por el talento en el mercado de trabajo, requiere un enfoque... more
La transformación digital está haciendo que las empresas redefinan el proceso de gestión del talento. El avance digital, junto con el panorama creciente de la competencia por el talento en el mercado de trabajo, requiere un enfoque diferente para permitir procesos de toma de decisiones bien fundamentados y ágiles en un mundo sostenible.
Dicha sostenibilidad, por otro lado, pone a prueba la calidad del crecimiento del empleo y de la absorción, atracción y desarrollo del talento.
El análisis del uso de herramientas digitales en la gestión del talento en empresas españolas muestra las siguientes conclusiones: un rápido aumento en la cantidad y variedad de recursos digitales en el proceso de detección y atracción de talento y una utilización menor en la fase de desarrollo del talento
Las variaciones acaecidas en la última década del siglo anterior han condicionado la cadena de mando, comunicación y relación del líder militar con sus equipos
La efectividad de los equipos directivos en garantizar el aprendizaje en los centros educativos es un aspecto crucial para el éxito académico de los estudiantes, (UNICEF, 2021). Un liderazgo escolar se caracteriza por establecer una... more
La efectividad de los equipos directivos en garantizar el aprendizaje en los centros educativos es un aspecto crucial para el éxito académico de los estudiantes,  (UNICEF, 2021). Un liderazgo escolar se caracteriza por establecer una visión clara y compartida para el centro educativo (Bolívar, 2015; Villa Sánchez, 2015), al ser efectivo puede tener un impacto significativo en la calidad del aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos (Leithwood et al., 2004). La efectividad de los equipos directivos en garantizar el aprendizaje en un centro educativo es una pieza clave en el panorama educativo, pero debe considerarse en conjunto con otros elementos que influyen en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (Leithwood & Jantzi, 2005; Sarasola Bonetti et al., 2016; Bolívar, 2019;).
La irrupción de la pandemia ha tenido un impacto en la salud mental. Se analizan los principales mentales que afectan a los trabajadores y su impacto.
El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestión emocional de una muestra de alumnado que cursaba en modalidad híbrida, la docencia en tiempos de la COVID 19. Para ello, se ha analizado... more
El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestión emocional de una muestra de alumnado que cursaba en modalidad híbrida, la docencia en tiempos de la COVID 19. Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra de 163 estudiantes que cursan sus estudios en la Universidad de Deusto en modalidad híbrida (presencial y remoto), durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2020-21. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Emocional Rasgo (versión corta) TEIQue-SF [Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form], validado, traducido y adaptado a diferentes idiomas (Cooper y Petrides, 2010; Petrides, 2009). Se recogieron también variables sociodemográficas y ambientales mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados apuntan hacia la necesidad de metodologías activas en la docencia en remoto que promuevan las relaciones interpersonales y la motivación en el alumnado. Queda patente la relación entre la gestión emocional y el aprendizaje, y la vivencia del alumnado en cuanto al aburrimiento y desconexión en la docencia en remoto y el anhelo de contacto entre los/as estudiantes, y con el profesorado que les propicie motivación y cree un espacio de relación cercano. Las relaciones interpersonales se ven afectadas, se echan de menos, sobre todo la falta de contacto.