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Dan Rodríguez-García
  • .
    Departament d'Antropologia Social i Cultural
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
    Edifici B - Carrer de la Fortuna s/n
    08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)


    Twitter: @danrodriguezgar
In this article, I argue that persisting racial constructs in Spain affect conceptions of national belonging and continue to shape and permeate contemporary discriminations. I begin by describing several recent political events that... more
In this article, I argue that persisting racial constructs in Spain affect conceptions of national belonging and continue to shape and permeate contemporary discriminations. I begin by describing several recent political events that demonstrate the urgent need for a discussion about “race” and racialization in the country. Second, some conceptual foundations are provided concerning constructs of race and the corollary processes of racism and racialization. Third, I present data from various public surveys and also from ethnographic research conducted in Spain on mixedness and multiraciality to demonstrate that social constructs of race remain a significant boundary driving stigmatization and discrimination in Spain, where skin color and other perceived physical traits continue to be important markers for social interaction, perceived social belonging, and differential social treatment. Finally, I bring race into the debate on managing diversity, arguing that a post-racial approach—that is, race-neutral discourse and the adoption of colorblind public policies, both of which are characteristic of the interculturalist perspectives currently preferred by Spain as well as elsewhere in Europe—fails to confront the enduring effects of colonialism and the ongoing realities of structural racism. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of bringing race into national and regional policy discussions on how best to approach issues of diversity, equality, anti-discrimination, and social cohesion.
Rodríguez-García, Dan (2022) “The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain. Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism.” Social Sciences, 11(1):13.
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D. (2021) “Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries.” In International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Claude-Hélène Mayer and... more
Rodríguez-García, D. (2021) “Forbidden Love: Controlling Partnerships Across Ethnoracial Boundaries.” In International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Claude-Hélène Mayer and Elisabeth Vanderheiden. Switzerland: Springer, Chapter 48, pp. 923-942. ISBN 978-3-030-45995-6.
The freedom to love is something most of us take for granted. The reality is that partnerships across racial, cultural or religious lines have historically been problematized around the world. Laws prohibiting mixed unions were present in countless nations until very recently. This preoccupation with intermarriage is why it has been a leitmotiv in literature over the centuries and later on in cinema, from Shakespeare’s Othello and Romeo and Juliet, to Stanley Kramer’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. This chapter will provide a historical and anthropological analysis of state control over partnership formation, offering a number of cases around the world where nations have implemented anti-mixing laws. In these contexts, miscegenation (the mixing of people through marriage who were considered to be of different racial groups) was abhorred and treated as a deviance, as devoid of love, and, above all, as a threat to national integrity and the status quo. This exploration can help us to better understand the social, cultural, and political contexts in which restrictive views of coupling, family, and love have emerged, and to critically reflect on continued prejudices towards mixed unions that still exist in current times.
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D., Miguel Luken, V. de, Solana-Solana, M. (2021) “Mixed unions and their descendants in Spain: Demographic overview and theoretical considerations on the processes of mixedness.” In Joaquín Arango, Ramón... more

Rodríguez-García, D., Miguel Luken, V. de, Solana-Solana, M. (2021) “Mixed unions and their descendants in Spain: Demographic overview and theoretical considerations on the processes of mixedness.” In Joaquín Arango, Ramón Mahía, David Moya & Elena Sánchez-Montijano (dirs.) Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020, Barcelona: CIDOB.


This chapter offers a state of the art on mixed unions and their descendants in Spain, or what we have been generically calling ‘mixedness’. We first provide a demographic overview, mainly descriptive, on the evolution and main demographic patterns (evolution over time, typology and geographical distribution) both in relation to mixed unions and births from mixed unions. Second, we delve into the deep meanings of this reality based on first-hand ethnographic information, which allows us to raise some considerations about the meaning and social consequences mixedness and its relationship to dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion.
The Anuario  CIDOB de la Inmigración is a publication edited by CIDOB since 2007 that combines analysis with evaluation. From a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective, it analyses migration and migration policy characteristics and trends in Spain within European and international contexts. Published annually, it is particularly aimed at the academic community, the actors involved in managing migration – the political community, NGOs, associations, unions, etc. – and the media, but it also seeks to arouse the interest of the general public seeking to understand the state and evolution of the migration phenomenon.
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D., de Miguel Luken, V., Solana, M., Ballestín, B. (2021) “Generation 2.5. An analysis on the social integration of the children of mixed unions in Spain based on the data of the ILSEG Survey”. In Alejandro... more
Rodríguez-García, D., de Miguel Luken, V., Solana, M., Ballestín, B. (2021) “Generation 2.5. An analysis on the social integration of the children of mixed unions in Spain based on the data of the ILSEG Survey”. In Alejandro Portes and Rosa Aparicio (eds.), Los nuevos españoles: la incorporación de los hijos de inmigrantes. Barcelona: Ed. Bellaterra.
The purpose of this chapter is to shed some light on a population group hardly studied in Spain so far: the descendants of mixed or bi-national unions. This is the first exploitation of data for this particular population subgroup in Spain from a survey with an statistically representative and longitudinal sample, the ILSEG survey data. The chapter offers an overview of several key areas of social integration and mobility of immigrants and their descendants. The thematic areas analyzed are: national identity, religion, discrimination, academic success, job placement, knowledge and use of languages, and social networks. This is an invited chapter to a choral publication based on the exploitation of data from the Longitudinal Survey on the Second Generation (ILSEG), which is the most ambitious research so far for the analysis of the social integration of the second generation of immigrants in Spain ( The book is edited by Prof. Alejandro Portes (Princeton University), and Prof. Rosa Aparicio (Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset).
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2020) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”. In The Boundaries of Mixedness:... more
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2020) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”. In The Boundaries of Mixedness: A Global Perspective, edited by Erica Chito Childs, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367522926.
Spain, and in particular the region of Catalonia, has seen a significant increase in mixed unions between immigrants and natives, which, in turn, has given rise to a growing number of young people with mixed origins. Yet little is known about how these mixed families and individuals negotiate cultural differences and view their “mixed cultural capital.” Drawing on both 29 in-depth interviews with youth of diverse mixed cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds residing in Catalonia and 58 in-depth interviews with immigrants in mixed unions, this paper focuses on the role of language as a form of cultural capital. Do mixed families use a number of languages in their everyday lives? Which languages are transmitted, preferred, and used, and why? We find that mixed families are generally multilingual, as the knowledge of different languages is thought to contribute to communication with relatives, social integration, and social mobility. However, children and youth of mixed descent who belong to stigmatised ethnic or racial groups may resist learning or actively using the language of their immigrant parent to avoid stigmatization and socially imposed categories of “foreignness.” Therefore, stigmatization and prejudice may be limiting linguistic cultural capital in Catalonia, a key benefit of mixedness.
The concepts “ethnicity,” “multiculturalism,” and “transnationalism” refer to different manifestations and the growing acknowledgment of cultural diversity as one of the constituent features of societies in a globalized world. Thus, the... more
The concepts “ethnicity,” “multiculturalism,” and “transnationalism” refer to different manifestations and the growing acknowledgment of cultural diversity as one of the constituent features of societies in a globalized world. Thus, the first term refers to the awareness of belonging to a group with particular characteristics (e.g., territorial, cultural, religious, linguistic, customary) and the consciousness of us in relationship to them. “Multiculturalism” refers to a philosophy or social thinking reactive to cultural uniformity or assimilation and to a model of public policy in which the state plays an active part in the defense of minority rights and cultural diversity. Finally, the term “transnationalism” points out the existence of a continuum of stable personal relationships between migrants across borders that affects simultaneously a wide range of phenomena (including the sense of belonging) in more than one single country.
Intermarriage has been a subject of study in the social sciences for more than a century. Conventional wisdom (and some scattered research) holds that intermarriage is important to the social integration of immigrants and minority... more
Intermarriage has been a subject of study in the social sciences for more than a century.    Conventional wisdom (and some scattered research) holds that intermarriage is important to the social integration of immigrants and minority peoples in majority cultures and economies, but we still have a great deal to learn about dynamics of intermarriage and integration. Which groups are more likely to intermarry? Does crossing racial, ethno-cultural, national, religious or class boundaries at the intimate level lead to greater integration of individuals and groups that have not been considered part of the societal mainstream?

This special issue of The ANNALS investigates the intermarriage / integration nexus. The research within shows the extent to which intermarriage is related to pluralism, cultural diversity, and social inclusion/exclusion in the twenty-first century; we also evaluate the impact that mixed marriages, families, and individuals have on shaping and transforming modern societies. We identify patterns and outcomes of intermarriage in both North America and Europe, detecting boundaries between native majorities and ethnic minorities.

Obviously, intermarriage and mixedness are often deeply entwined with immigration, so we also scrutinize the relationship between intermarriage and various aspects of immigrant integration, whether legal, political, economic, social, or cultural. Does intermarriage, in fact, contribute to immigrant incorporation? How and to what degree?  Findings – whether quantitative, qualitative, or both – are presented in this volume for a wide variety of national contexts: Canada, the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden.

Specific findings include:

• Race and religion remain significant barriers to societal integration, and deep social cleavages exist even in countries with higher rates of intermarriage. Race is a significant barrier in the United States, and religion – Islam in particular – is a prominent barrier in Western Europe, where even “looking Muslim” is automatically a low-status attribute, making some basic social integration, from housing to employment, automatically more difficult.

• Diversity has never been greater in the United States, but social integration is context-bound and conditional:

  -  White immigrants have an easier time with various forms of integration (e.g. educational attainment, housing, and labor), but the opposite is true for black immigrants, who are less likely to marry black natives or out-marry with other groups.
  -  Asian Americans have become the most “marriageable” ethnoracial minority in America. Boundaries to integration in the U.S. for Asians have not disappeared, but the rising multiracial Asian population faces fewer social hurdles. This is particularly true for Asian women, who are seen as more desirable than Asian men, likely because of persistent ethnic stereotypes.
  -  The earnings gap between immigrants who marry natives and those who marry other immigrants has increased over time in the U.S.

• In the U.S. and France, immigrants with high levels of education are more likely to marry natural born citizens.

• British multiracial people with part white ancestry and their children do not necessarily integrate into the white mainstream.

• EU citizens generally have a strong identification with Europe – they tend to feel “European” and take pride in being so; this is particularly true of those with a partner from a different EU27 country.

• The key to integration can lie in children who are products of mixed unions and the role that these families have in shaping societies where plural identities are normalized. In Quebec, for example, parents in mixed unions tend to make decisions that transmit identity, values, and culture to their children in ways that contribute to the “unique social pluralism” of the Quebecois.

• Immigrants in Canada with Canadian-born partners have similar levels of political engagement as the third-plus generation with Canadian-born partners; however, immigrants with foreign-born partners have lower political participation.

• The regulation of mixed marriages in the Netherlands has historically been gendered, to the detriment of Dutch women.

• The link between intermarriage and immigrant integration in Spain is complex and varied: outcomes for some aspects of integration may show a direct connection, while other results indicate either no relationship or a bidirectional association; further, the outcomes may be moderated by factors such as country of origin, gender, or length of residence.

• The social, cultural, and achievement outcomes for children of mixed marriages in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden are always in between the outcomes for immigrant children and native children, suggesting that mechanisms of both integration and stigmatization, among other possibilities, play a role.

Together, these studies suggest a more complex picture of the nexus between intermarriage and integration than has traditionally been theorized, composing a portrait of what some scholars are calling “mixedness” – an encompassing concept that refers to intermarriage and mixed families, and the sociocultural processes attendant to them, in the modern world. We find that mixedness can be socially transformative, but also that it illuminates the disheartening persistence of ethnic and cultural divides that hinder inclusion and social cohesion.
Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada is a comprehensive collection of information on the Canadian immigration experience that offers a current, detailed synopsis and critical analysis of Canadian and Quebecois immigration issues.... more
Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada is a comprehensive collection of information on the Canadian immigration experience that offers a current, detailed synopsis and critical analysis of Canadian and Quebecois immigration issues. Key topics discussed include government jurisdiction over immigration and diversity; management of immigration flows; immigration and the labour market; citizenship, settlement, and socio-cultural integration; linguistic policies and linguistic pluralism; and partnerships and knowledge transfer between government, universities, and civil society. Each section of this volume features national and provincial perspectives in order to address the simultaneous processes of multiculturalism and “multinationalism” in Canada. The Introduction adds an international dimension to this collection, dialoguing with the book’s themes and chapters from a European viewpoint and drawing comparisons between both Canada and Spain and Quebec and Catalonia.

This book is designed to assist instructors, researchers, and practitioners working in the areas of either Canadian immigration and diversity or comparative migration studies and is also intended for scholars and policy-makers in new, fast-growing countries or regions of immigration, particularly in Southern Europe. This innovative resource includes the contributions of many of Canada's leading experts on immigration and provides a crucial transatlantic perspective on immigration and integration themes.

Contributors include: Naomi Alboim (Queen’s University), John Biles (Citizenship and Immigration Canada), Monica Boyd (University of Toronto), Elizabeth Coelho (University of Toronto), Zita De Koninck (Université Laval), Louise Fontaine (Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles du Québec), Annick Germain (INRS-Urbanisation Culture Société), Jack Jedwab (Association for Canadian Studies), Peter Li (University of Saskatchewan), Gérard Pinsonneault (Université de Montréal), Yves Poisson (Public Policy Forum), Maryse Potvin (Université du Québec à Montréal), Jeffrey G. Reitz (University of Toronto), Dan Rodríguez-García (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Joanna Anneke Rummens (University of Toronto), and Myer Siemiatycki (Ryerson University).
Catalonia has experienced several periods of intense migration throughout history. In fact, Catalonia’s social, cultural, demographic and economic configuration cannot be understood without the contribution of these flows. The last two... more
Catalonia has experienced several periods of intense migration throughout history. In fact, Catalonia’s social, cultural, demographic and economic configuration cannot be understood without the contribution of these flows. The last two decades have been a time of particularly intense new arrivals, mostly foreign. This requires a careful examination of the conditions and processes under which these new immigrants, with different sociocultural characteristics, are settling and being integrated into the host society. This book examines these processes using data from the 2007 National Survey of Immigrants (ENI), an extraordinary source yet little exploited at regional level. It focuses on issues related to history of migration, family geographies, language acquisition, social networks and social participation, and provides a series of reflections on the process of social integration in a time of economic crisis. The conclusions invite further consideration of the directions that immigration policies should take in the future in Catalonia and beyond.
Catalunya ha conegut diversos períodes d’intensa migració al llarg de la història. La seva configuració social i econòmica no es pot entendre sense l’aportació d’aquests fluxos humans. Les últimes dues dècades han constituït un nou moment d’intensa arribada de població al país; ara amb unes característiques diferents a moments anteriors, amb la presència de població majorment estrangera. Conèixer les condicions de vida d’aquesta població ens pot ajudar a entendre’n el procés d’assentament i d’inserció a Catalunya i en la societat catalana. L’Enquesta Nacional d’Immigrants (ENI), que va fer en tot l’àmbit estatal l’Institut Nacional d’Estadística l’any 2007, constitueix una font d’informació molt valuosa per a aprofundir en el coneixement de les característiques i les dinàmiques d’aquesta població immigrada. Aquest llibre ofereix una anàlisi d’alguns apartats d’aquesta enquesta per al cas de Catalunya. Se centra en aspectes relacionats amb la llengua, la història migratòria, les geografies familiars, les xarxes socials o la participació social i aporta un seguit de reflexions sobre els processos d’integració d’aquests nouvinguts en la societat catalana. Els investigadors i les investigadores que han dut a terme aquest estudi formen part del Grup de Recerca sobre Migracions (GRM) de la Universi¬tat Autònoma de Barcelona.
This book is a result of a R&D project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain (2006-2009) entitled “Transcultural theory of reproduction of human groups: the anthropology of kinship as a study of the socio-cultural... more
This book is a result of a R&D project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain (2006-2009) entitled “Transcultural theory of reproduction of human groups: the anthropology of kinship as a study of the socio-cultural patterns of childbearing and rearing children”, which aimed at 1) the development of theoretical models of transcultural procreation and rearing of children, 2) the development of ethnographic procreative models, and 3) the cross-cultural evaluation of their scope. Throughout its 17 chapters, the 17 authors analyse socio-cultural aspects embedded in the reproduction of human groups and the various ways to understand, organize and carry out the processes of procreation and upbringing of children in different parts of the world, addressing topics such as: the conceptions regarding the formation of human beings; the adoption and circulation of children; the translocal and transnational procreative interethnic relations; and the intersections between kinship and gender systems, educational systems and health systems. All this is grounded in both bibliographic and ethnographic fieldwork in different countries and continents.
Este libro es el resultado de un proyecto I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2006-2009) titulado “Teoría transcultural de la reproducción de los grupos humanos: la antropología del parentesco como estudio de los modelos socioculturales de procreación y crianza de los niños”, y encaminado a la elaboración de modelos teóricos transculturales de procreación y crianza de los niños, construyendo modelos etnográficos procreativos y estableciendo su alcance transcultural. A lo largo de 17 capítulos, se ofrecen avances sobre los aspectos socioculturales imbricados en la reproducción de los grupos humanos y en las diversas formas de entender, organizar y llevar a cabo los procesos de procreación y crianza de los niños en distintos lugares del mundo, abordando temas como: las concepciones respecto a la formación de los seres humanos, la adopción y circulación de niños, las relaciones procreativas interétnicas, translocales y transnacionales, y las intersecciones entre el parentesco y los sistemas de género, los sistemas educativos y los sistemas de salud. Todo ello a partir de trabajos bibliográficos y etnográficos realizados en diversos países/continentes.
Con el incremento de la inmigración internacional, la formación de parejas mixtas y familias transnacionales es un fenómeno en aumento, que tiene repercusiones a todos los niveles: desde los procesos de construcción identitaria, hasta la... more
Con el incremento de la inmigración internacional, la formación de parejas mixtas y familias transnacionales es un fenómeno en aumento, que tiene repercusiones a todos los niveles: desde los procesos de construcción identitaria, hasta la organización social a nivel institucional. Frente a países como el Reino Unido, Francia, Canadá o EE.UU, este fenómeno sólo ha empezado a estudiarse recientemente en los países del sur de Europa, y puede decirse que en el contexto español este trabajo es pionero. Este libro –centrado en los matrimonios mixtos, las dinámicas intergeneracionales de cambio y retención sociocultural, la situación de transnacionalidad, glocalización y la formación de identidades bi/trans-culturales de población de origen africano en Cataluña– se dirige tanto a especialistas como estudiantes en el ámbito de las migraciones de las distintas disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y humanidades (antropología, sociología, historia, geografía, psicología social, demografía), a técnicos y profesionales de la administración o de entidades que trabajen directamente con población inmigrada, y a cualquier persona que tenga interés en el tema de las migraciones, las relaciones interétnicas y el mestizaje cultural.
This is a study conducted in the UK on the processes of formation and choice of spouse and family among populations of sub-Saharan African descent. Documental research, statistical analysis, and ethnographic fieldwork were conducted among... more
This is a study conducted in the UK on the processes of formation and choice of spouse and family among populations of sub-Saharan African descent. Documental research, statistical analysis, and ethnographic fieldwork were conducted among Gambian population in 13 districts of Inner London. The aim was: 1) to analyse several crucial factors involved in the formation of the couple among the population studied (the migration Project and trajectory, mobility and personal networks, kinship systems at origin and destination; attitudes and behaviours towards endogamy and exogamy rooted in colonial history, religious affiliation to Islam, etc.) and to test their relevance; 2) quantitatively and qualitatively analyse patterns of endogamy and exogamy (unions within the same/different social group or category) and homogamy and heterogamy (unions between individuals of similar/different socioeconomic status). A number of hypotheses were tested: the principal hypothesis was that there is a prevalence of ethnic endogamy, and that when ethnic exogamy occurs, is within a pattern of social endogamy (homogamy) or hypergamy for the minority group, and of status exchange. Three secondary hypotheses were related to sex/gender (more control for the women in minority group as regards to couple formation, with pressure towards endogamy), religion (as a crucial factor involved in patterns of endogamy and exogamy, limiting the second), and age/generation (second generations are more exogamous that previous generations). All of these hypotheses were validated. A number of hypotheses were tested: the principal hypothesis was that there is a prevalence of ethnic endogamy, and that when ethnic exogamy occurs, is within a pattern of social endogamy or hypergamy for the minority group. Three secondary hypotheses were related to sex/gender (more control for the women in minority group as regards to couple formation, with pressure towards endogamy), religion (as a crucial factor involved in patterns of endogamy and exogamy, limiting the second), and age/generation (second generations are more exogamous that previous generations). All of these hypotheses were validated.


Resumen: Se trata de una investigación realizada en el Reino Unido sobre los procesos de elección del cónyuge y formación de la pareja y familia entre poblaciones de África sub-sahariana. Se realizó investigación documental, estadística, y trabajo de campo etnográfico con población gambiana en 13 barrios del Inner London. Se trataba de: 1) clarificar los factores más relevantes en la formación de la pareja de la población en cuestión (el proyecto migratorio; la movilidad y las redes personales; los sistemas de parentesco en origen y en destino; las actitudes y comportamientos sobre endogamia/exogamia en relación con la historia colonial; la afiliación religiosa al islam, etc.); analizar cuantitativamente y cualitativamente los patrones de endogamia/exogamia (uniones entre personas del mismo/diferente grupo o categoría) y de homogamia/heterogamia (uniones entre individuos de similar/diferente estatus socioeconómico). Se pusieron a prueba varias hipótesis: la principal era que hay un prevalencia de la endogamia étnica, y que cuando hay exogamia, ocurre dentro de un patrón de homogamia o de hipergamia para el cónyuge del grupo minoritario, y con intercambio de status. Se contrastaron también tres hipótesis secundarias relacionadas con tres factores clave: sexo/género (hay más control sobre las mujeres en cuanto a la elección de la pareja, con presión hacia la elección endógama); religión (es un factor crucial en los patrones de endogamia y exogamia, limitando la segunda); y edad/generación (las segundas generaciones son más exógamas que las anteriores). Todas las hipótesis se validaron, con algunos matices.
Rodríguez García, D. (1997) An Approach to Ethnic Endogamy and Exogamy: A Fundamental Aspect of Inter-ethnic Relations. M.A. Thesis, Master of Arts in Basic and Applied Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Social... more
Rodríguez García, D. (1997) An Approach to Ethnic Endogamy and Exogamy: A Fundamental Aspect of Inter-ethnic Relations. M.A. Thesis, Master of Arts in Basic and Applied Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

ABSTRACT: This is a theoretical analysis drawing on a comprehensive documentary study about the explanatory factors of endogamy/exogamy (partnership within/outside a particular group or social category) using a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary perspective, and including an ethnographic exploration and a preliminary test of crucial hypotheses on African immigrant populations in Catalonia.
Rodríguez García, D. (1997) Aproximación a la endogamia y exogamia étnica: un aspecto fundamental de las relaciones interétnicas.  Tesis de Master. Master en Investigación Básica y Aplicada en Antropología Social y Cultural. Deptartamento de Antropologia Social y Cultural, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

RESUMEN: Se trata de un análisis teórico a partir del estudio documental exhaustivo sobre factores explicativos de la endogamia/exogamia desde una perspectiva transcultural y multidisciplinar; además de una prospección etnográfica para la puesta a prueba preliminar de hipótesis cruciales con población inmigrada de origen africano en Cataluña.
This article analyzes the experiences of multiracial women of African descent in Catalonia, Spain—looking at their identity processes, social relations, experiences of racialization and discrimination, and strategies of resistance—using a... more
This article analyzes the experiences of multiracial women of African descent in Catalonia, Spain—looking at their identity processes, social relations, experiences of racialization and discrimination, and strategies of resistance—using a novel qualitative research method called “Relief Maps,” a very useful tool for the study of social inequalities from an intersectional and multilocational perspective. Relief Maps are a data collection tool and a means of visualizing and analyzing data—providing a graphical representation of interviewee narratives that discuss processes of social inclusion and exclusion. The maps represent three dimensions of experience: (1) psychological (indicating the respondent’s level of discomfort or well-being); (2) geographical (including at least five physical or experiential locations: e.g., home, street, work, school); and (3) social (examining seven social variables or aspects of identity: i.e., gender, ethnicity/skin color, age, sexual orientation, social class, physical appearance, and religion). In this way, the maps show where greater or lesser well-being or discomfort is experienced by the respondent based on each aspect of identity, thus indicating personal places of oppression, places of controversial intersections, neutral places, and places of relief. We argue that this supplementary investigative technique is highly relevant to research in the social sciences, particularly in the field of mixed-race, critical race, and ethnic studies, as it provides an intersectional, reflective, nuanced, and contextual lens for understanding complex social phenomena, leading to information of greater analytical strength.
In this article, I argue that persisting racial constructs in Spain affect conceptions of national belonging and continue to shape and permeate contemporary discriminations. I begin by describing several recent political events that... more
In this article, I argue that persisting racial constructs in Spain affect conceptions of national belonging and continue to shape and permeate contemporary discriminations. I begin by describing several recent political events that demonstrate the urgent need for a discussion about “race” and racialization in the country. Second, some conceptual foundations are provided concerning constructs of race and the corollary processes of racism and racialization. Third, I present data from various public surveys and also from ethnographic research conducted in Spain on mixedness and multiraciality to demonstrate that social constructs of race remain a significant boundary driving stigmatization and discrimination in Spain, where skin color and other perceived physical traits continue to be important markers for social interaction, perceived social belonging, and differential social treatment. Finally, I bring race into the debate on managing diversity, arguing that a post-racial approach—that is, race-neutral discourse and the adoption of colorblind public policies, both of which are characteristic of the interculturalist perspectives currently preferred by Spain as well as elsewhere in Europe—fails to confront the enduring effects of colonialism and the ongoing realities of structural racism. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of bringing race into national and regional policy discussions on how best to approach issues of diversity, equality, anti-discrimination, and social cohesion.
CITATION: Rodríguez-García, D. (2022) “The Persistence of Racial Constructs in Spain/ Bringing Race and Colorblindness into the Debate on Interculturalism.” Social Sciences, 11(1):13.
En base al análisis de 26 entrevistas en profundidad a hijas de parejas mixtas (con uno de sus miembros de origen magrebí) residentes en Barcelona y Granada, este artículo muestra cómo los procesos identitarios de estas jóvenes... more
En base al análisis de 26 entrevistas en profundidad a hijas de parejas mixtas (con uno de sus miembros de origen magrebí) residentes en Barcelona y Granada, este artículo  muestra  cómo  los  procesos  identitarios  de  estas  jóvenes  pueden  estar influenciados  por  la  percepción  de  su  musulmaneidad.  El  estigma  del  “moro”, construido  históricamente,  se  vehicula  a  través  de  marcadores  visibles  y estereotipados  que  sitúan  inmediatamente  a  la  persona  que  es  o  parece musulmana  en la posición  del “otro”,  dando pie  al trato  diferencial. La  mixticidad sirve  aquí, pues,  como  prueba  crucial  para rastrear  si la  diferencia  construida  se diluye con la mezcla o, si por el contrario, se perpetúa.
The recent rise in Spain of mixed unions between people born in different countries has brought about a significant increase in the number of multiethnic and multiracial individuals in the country. However, no research currently exists... more
The recent rise in Spain of mixed unions between people born in
different countries has brought about a significant increase in the
number of multiethnic and multiracial individuals in the country.
However, no research currently exists in Spain on the life
experiences and identity processes of these mixed-parentage
youth. Drawing on 124 in-depth interviews, this article examines
the narratives of ethnoracially mixed descendants from diverse
backgrounds in Catalonia, Spain. Our results show that identity
processes and experiences of being mixed are very
heterogeneous and multifaceted, and that some individuals have
more choices, versus constraints, when navigating mixedness. A
crucial factor affecting these outcomes is visibility – i.e. visible
markers of difference from the native society, such as phenotype,
language, or religious affiliation. We find that while ethnoracially
mixed individuals who have more outer characteristics shared
with the native majority population can develop more
advantageous, symbolic, and malleable identities, individuals
whose heritage involves an ancestry that is negatively minoritised
within the country of residence experience greater identity
mismatch, stigmatisation, and discrimination. This finding is at
odds with the ‘postracial’ or ‘colour-blind’ future that might
ostensibly be heralded by an ever-growing Spanish population of
mixed individuals.
Introduction to Special Issue: Re-constructing Ways of Belonging: Cross-country Experiences of Multiethnic and Multiracial People This special issue brings together nine articles on the experiences of multiracial and multiethnic... more
Introduction to Special Issue: Re-constructing Ways of Belonging: Cross-country Experiences of Multiethnic and Multiracial People

This special issue brings together nine articles on the experiences of multiracial and multiethnic individuals from nine different countries across the globe – the United Kingdom, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the United States, Japan, Singapore and Israel. The articles in this volume address the diverse experiences of the identification, socialising and mainstreaming of multiethnic and multiracial individuals in different national contexts. The collection consists of both qualitative and quantitative research from various disciplines in the social sciences and thus contributes to an interdisciplinary understanding and a multi-method approach to this reality. Through a cross-country analysis of the results provided by each paper, this Introduction proposes a conceptual framework for better understanding the realities of mixedness globally.
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2018) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39 (4):... more
Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Freedman, J.L. (2018) “Linguistic Cultural Capital among Descendants of Mixed Couples in Catalonia, Spain: Realities and Inequalities”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39 (4): 429-450. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2018.1487388

Free Access to E-Prints:
Research Interests:
Molina, J.L., Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Transnationalism.” In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. Callan (Ed.). New Jersey, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI:... more
Molina, J.L., Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Transnationalism.” In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. Callan (Ed.). New Jersey, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI:
Research Interests:
Solana-Solana, M., Ortiz-Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D. (2018) “Multilingüisme en famílies mixtes d’origen estranger a Catalunya”, Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 28: 111-126. DOI: 10.2436/20.2504.01.146
Research Interests:
Ortiz-Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M. (2016) Nois/es i joves de parelles mixtes a Catalunya: entre l’elecció i la constricció identitària. Research Report, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Secció de Filosofia i Ciències... more
Ortiz-Guitart, A., Rodríguez-García, D., Solana-Solana, M. (2016) Nois/es i joves de parelles mixtes a Catalunya: entre l’elecció i la constricció identitària. Research Report, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Secció de Filosofia i Ciències Socials. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18187.13601
Research Interests:
Rodríguez-García, D. (2016) “Advances in the Study of Mixedness: Evaluating the Relationship Between Mixed Unions and Social Integration”. UAB Divulga Journal. Barcelona Research and Innovation. Articles, Research Progress in... more
Rodríguez-García, D. (2016) “Advances in the Study of Mixedness: Evaluating the Relationship Between Mixed Unions and Social Integration”. UAB Divulga Journal. Barcelona Research and Innovation. Articles, Research Progress in Anthropology, April 11, 2016.
Research Interests:
This paper challenges the idea –rooted in classic assimilation theory– that intermarriage clearly erodes social and ethno-racial boundaries and negative attitudes between groups. Drawing on narratives from 58 immigrants of seven different... more
This paper challenges the idea –rooted in classic assimilation theory– that intermarriage clearly erodes social and ethno-racial boundaries and negative attitudes between groups. Drawing on narratives from 58 immigrants of seven different origin countries residing in Catalonia, Spain, who are in romantic partnerships with Spanish-born people, we focus on preferences and prejudices related to mixing. We find that the members of exogamous couples both suffer social discrimination regarding the crossing of ethnocultural borders, particularly from their respective family members – a rejection that is based on negative stereotypes and preconceptions linked to the partner's origin, phenotype or ethnocultural characteristics, such as religion, in intersection with gender. More significantly, we also find that ethno-racial prejudices (particularly when referring to marriage preferences for the respondents and their children) and discriminatory attitudes (towards one's own and other immigrant minority groups) also exist among intermarried couples themselves. In sum, we question the role of mixed unions as a diluter of differences and an accelerator of integration.

Published First Online (March 28, 2016):
Rodríguez-García, Dan (2012) “Introduction: Managing Immigration and Diversity in the New Age of Migration: A Transatlantic Dialogue”. Pp. 1-60 in Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of... more
Rodríguez-García, Dan (2012) “Introduction: Managing Immigration and Diversity in the New Age of Migration: A Transatlantic Dialogue”. Pp. 1-60 in Managing Immigration and Diversity in Canada: A Transatlantic Dialogue in the New Age of Migration, edited by Dan Rodríguez-García. Montreal and Kingston: Queen’s Policy Studies Series, McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN: 978-1553392897
The Introduction to this special issue of The ANNALS offers a comprehensive state of the art on the nexus between intermarriage (including mixed individuals and families) and societal integration. It addresses key theoretical and... more
The Introduction to this special issue of The ANNALS offers a comprehensive state of the art on the nexus between intermarriage (including mixed individuals and families) and societal integration. It addresses key theoretical and methodological research challenges, considers international and transatlantic comparisons, and also provides useful information to policy-makers and third-sector practitioners. Additionally, it summarizes and comments on the twelve articles—written by leading experts in the field—in this special issue, some of which deal with political and socioeconomic dimensions of integration, and others of which focus on cultural dimensions, daily life, and identity issues. The Introduction concludes that through the investigation of this very complex and multifaceted subject, we can explore the ever-complex dynamics of pluralism, cultural diversity, and social inclusion/exclusion in the twenty-first century and beyond, and evaluate the impact that mixed marriages, families, and individuals are having on shaping and transforming modern societies. Importantly, the study of the growing reality of “mixedness”—an encompassing concept that refers to both intermarriage, mixed families, and the sociocultural processes involved—can tell us not only about the socially transformative value of mixedness but can also shed light on the disheartening persistence of ethnic and cultural divides that hinder inclusion and social cohesion.
This article examines the nexus between intermarriage and sociocultural dimensions of the integration of immigrants in Spain. The data presented draw on ninety-four in-depth interviews conducted with immi- grants of seven different... more
This article examines the nexus between intermarriage and sociocultural dimensions of the integration of immigrants in Spain. The data presented draw on ninety-four in-depth interviews conducted with immi- grants of seven different origins in exogamous (mixed) and endogamous (same-origin) unions in Catalonia, the region with the highest rate of immigration and ethno- racial diversity in Spain. We apply a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analy- ses. We find that the relationship between intermar- riage and integration is complex and multidirectional: intermarriage has a direct effect on some dimensions of integration (e.g., the expansion and diversification of personal/social networks) but has no relationship (e.g., for identification with the society of destination) or a bidirectional relationship (e.g., for the learning of offi- cial languages) for others. Furthermore, we find that the outcomes are context-dependent and may be mod- erated by factors such as country of origin or gender. In sum, our results suggest a much more nuanced picture of the nexus between intermarriage and integration than has traditionally been theorized.


Rodríguez-García, Dan; Lubbers, Miranda; Solana, Miguel; Miguel-Luken, Verónica de (2015) “Contesting the Nexus Between Intermarriage and Integration: Findings from a Multidimensional Study in Spain”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 662 (1): 223-245.
Mixed Marriages and Mixed-race Children in Catalonia: From “charnegos” to “café con leche”? Abstract: As noted by historian Jaume Vicens Vives, Catalonia is “a product of many yeasts, and, therefore, a good slice of the country... more
Mixed Marriages and Mixed-race Children in Catalonia: From “charnegos” to “café con leche”?

As noted by historian Jaume Vicens Vives, Catalonia is “a product of many yeasts, and, therefore, a good slice of the country belongs to a biology and a culture of hybridity.” Furthermore, “mixedness” in Catalonia, the product of unions between natives and migrants (whether French, Andalusian, etc.), has always gone hand in hand with immigrant integration, including Francesc Candel’s “Other Catalans” or “charnegos,” the migrants who arrived in the 1940s-60s and who have long since become full citizens. However, little is known about both the extent and the social significance of mixed unions between the native population and recent foreign immigrants, who arrived during the international migration boom of the last decade. In this chapter, we show, first, the incidence and socio-demographic characteristics of this phenomenon at different times during the past and present in Catalonia. Second, we study social attitudes toward the current mixing, presenting first-hand information from mixed couples and their descendants that alerts us to trends in social discrimination, where racial appearance could limit the sense of belonging, the processes of socialization, and the social integration of the “new other Catalans.”

Keywords: immigration, intermarriage, mixedness, second generation, identity, discrimination, social cohesion.

Rodríguez-García, D.; Miguel Luken, V. de (2015) “Matrimonis mixtes i fills de la barreja a Catalunya: dels ‘xarnegos’ als ‘cafè amb llet’?” [Mixed Marriages and Mixed-race Children in Catalonia: From ‘charnegos’ to ‘café con leche’?] In: Migracions del segle XX i XXI a Catalunya. Una mirada Candeliana, Barcelona: Direcció General per la Immigració, Departament de Benestar Social i Família, Generalitat de Catalunya, Col·lecció Ciutadania i immigració núm. 11, Recerca i Immigració VII, Cap. 8, 193-218.

Matrimonios mixtos e hijos de la mezcla en Cataluña: de los “charnegos” a los “café con leche”?

Como ya señaló Jaume Vicens Vives, Cataluña es “fruto de varias levaduras y, por tanto, una buena rebanada del país pertenece a una biología ya una cultura de mestizaje”. Además, la mezcla o “mixticidad” en Cataluña producto de las uniones entre nativos e inmigrantes (franceses, murcianos, andaluces, etc.) ha ido siempre de la mano de la integración, incluidos los otros catalanes “charnegos” de Francesc Candel, que se han convertido ya en catalanes de pleno derecho. Todavía se sabe muy poco, sin embargo, sobre el alcance y significado social de la mezcla entre la población nativa y los inmigrantes extranjeros más recientes, llegados durante el boom migratorio internacional de la última década, y sobre la que se abren importantes interrogantes. En este capítulo mostraremos, primero, la incidencia y características sociodemográficas de este fenómeno en diferentes momentos del pasado y del presente. Segundo, estudiaremos las actitudes sociales hacia la mixticidad actual, presentando información de primera mano que alerta sobre tendencias de discriminación social donde el criterio fenotípico podría condicionar el sentimiento de pertenencia, los procesos de socialización y de integración social de los “nuevos otros catalanes”.

Palabras clave: inmigración, matrimonios mixtos, mixticidad, segundas generaciones, identidad, discriminación, cohesión social.

Matrimonis mixtes i fills de la barreja a Catalunya: dels “xarnegos” als “cafè amb llet”?

Com ja va assenyalar Jaume Vicens Vives, Catalunya és “fruit de diversos llevats i, per tant, un bona llesca del país pertany a una biologia i a una cultura de mestissatge”. A més, la barreja o “mixticitat” a casa nostra, producte de les unions entre nadius i forasters (francesos, murcians, andalusos, etc.) ha anat sempre de la mà de la integració, inclosos els altres catalans “xarnegos” de Francesc Candel, que han esdevingut ja catalans de ple dret. Encara se sap ben poc, però, sobre l’abast i significat social de la barreja entre la població nadiua i els immigrants estrangers més recents, arribats durant el boom migratori internacional de la darrera dècada, i sobre la qual s’obren importants interrogants. En aquest capítol mostrarem, primer, la incidència i característiques sociodemogràfiques d’aquest fenomen en diferents moments del passat i del present. Segon, estudiarem les actituds socials envers la mixticitat actual, presentant informació de primera mà que alerta sobre tendències de discriminació social on el criteri fenotípic podria condicionar el sentiment de pertinença, els processos de socialització i d’integració social dels “nous altres catalans”.

Paraules clau: immigració, matrimonis mixtes, mixticitat, segones generacions, identitat, discriminació, cohesió social.

Matrimonis mixtes i fills de la barreja a Catalunya: dels "xarnegos" als "cafè amb llet"?.
Since the beginning of the last decade the number of mixed unions has increased considerably in Spain. This study presents some findings that aim to clarify the relationship between mixed unions and social integration. Primary data have... more
Since the beginning of the last decade the number of mixed unions has increased considerably in Spain. This study presents some findings that aim to clarify the relationship between mixed unions and social integration. Primary data have been collected through in-depth interviews with information on personal networks. Results regarding network composition and structure suggest a higher presence of Spaniards in the networks of mixed unions, mainly relatives of the native partner, who enter sooner the networks and have more links to other immigrants. However, the role of the Spanish partner is not more central than that of the immigrant partner, nor the emotional proximity to native actors is higher in the case of mixed unions. The analysis of two particular networks suggests diverse and complex processes in the configuration of the relationships knits at destination.

Keywords: immigration, mixed unions, social integration, personal networks, mixed methodology.

Miguel Luken, V. de, Lubbers, M.J.; Solana Solana, M.; Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “Evaluation of the Relational Integration of Immigrants in Mixed Unions Based on an Analysis of their Personal Networks”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 150: 151-172. 

This paper presents a theoretical-historical analysis on the “mixophobia” or rejection of the mixture and its rhetoric as a state policy in Nazi Germany. The case of the mixophobic population policy of National Socialism, as reflected in... more
This paper presents a theoretical-historical analysis on the “mixophobia” or rejection of the mixture and its rhetoric as a state policy in Nazi Germany. The case of the mixophobic population policy of National Socialism, as reflected in the construction of the category “mixed” (mischling), will be discussed in depth. It will be argued the overlapping of this ideology and policies and racialist theories, Eugenics and Hygienism, leading to the anti-miscegenation laws of the Third Reich, aimed primarily at the Jewish population. The paper concludes that anti-miscegenation political rhetoric in Nazi Germany served as a legitimation of the socio-political interests of the state. This historical-anthropological and demographical-historical analysis can help us in today’s world to better understand and reflect critically on the social, political, and economic contexts in which reductionist views of sociocultural difference/diversity and hybridity emerge and are used to legitimize social systems of exclusion.


En este artículo se realiza un análisis socio-antropológico e histórico-demográfico sobre la mixofobia o rechazo a la mezcla y su retórica como política de Estado durante la Alemania nazi. Se analizará a fondo el caso de la política de población mixófoba del nacional-socialismo, reflejada en la construcción de la categoría mischling o “mixto”. Se argumenta que la imbricación de la ideología y política del nacional-socialismo con las teorías racialistas, el Eugenismo y el Higienismo, condujo a la legislación anti-mestizaje del Tercer Reich, dirigida principalmente a la población judía. Se concluye que el mestizaje o hibridismo representó en la Alemania nazi no tanto el peligro de enemigos exteriores, como la destrucción de las fronteras interiores, del status quo socio-político y económico, y que sirvió por tanto como legitimación de los intereses socio-políticos del Estado. Este análisis histórico puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor y a reflexionar críticamente sobre los contextos sociales, políticos y económicos en los que han surgido visiones reduccionistas de la diferencia sociocultural y la hibridez utilizadas para legitimar sistemas sociales de exclusión.

TO CITE: Rodríguez-García, Dan (2014) “La Mixofobia como política de Estado en la Alemania Nazi”. Revista de Demografía Histórica, XXXII (2): 117-146.
"Immigration, Intermarriage and Socio-cultural Integration: Towards a Multi-method Analysis" Since the beginning of the last decade, coinciding with the arrival of a considerable number of foreign immigrants to Spain, the amount of... more
"Immigration, Intermarriage and Socio-cultural Integration: Towards a Multi-method Analysis"

Since the beginning of the last decade, coinciding with the arrival of a considerable number of foreign immigrants to Spain, the amount of mixed or bi-national unions has grown considerably. However, very little is still actually known about the scope, internal dynamics, meanings and social consequences of this situation. In this paper we present the preliminary findings of two research projects in progress, in which the relationship between mixed unions and social integration/cohesion is being analyzed, from the study of seven immigrant origins forming mixed and non-mixed unions residing in Catalonia (Spain), and using a multi-method approach that includes the analysis of administrative data sources and 94 personal/social networks. The data presented here correspond to the analysis of one significant data source (ENI) and the descriptive analysis of some per- sonal networks. Our results suggest a multi-directional or segmented relationship between mixedness and social integration, which is much more complex than it has traditionally been theorized.

Keywords: immigration; mixed unions; mixedness; social integration; personal/social networks.


"Inmigración, uniones mixtas e integración sociocultural: hacia un análisis complejo multimétodo"

Desde principios de la última década, coincidiendo con la importante llegada de inmigración extranjera a España, las uniones mixtas o binacionales han aumentado considerablemente. Sin embargo, todavía se sabe muy poco sobre el alcance, las dinámicas internas, los significados y las consecuencias sociales de esta realidad. Presentamos aquí los avances de dos proyectos de investigación en curso donde se está intentando clarificar la relación entre uniones/hogares mixtos e integración/cohesión social, a partir del estudio de uniones mixtas y no mixtas de siete colectivos inmigrados residentes en Cataluña, aplicando una aproximación multimétodo que incluye la explotación de fuentes estadísticas administrativas y el análisis de 94 redes personales/sociales. Los datos que presentamos corresponden al análisis de una de las fuentes estadísticas más significativas (ENI) y al análisis descriptivo de algunos casos de redes personales. Todo apunta a una relación entre «mixicidad» e integración multidireccional o segmentada, más compleja de lo que tradicionalmente se ha teorizado.

Palabras clave: inmigración; uniones mixtas; mixicidad; integración social; redes personales/sociales.


"Immigration, unions mixtes et intégration socioculturelle: vers une analyse complexe multi-méthode"

Depuis le début de la dernière décennie, qui coïncide avec l’arrivée importante de l’immigration étrangère en Espagne, les mariages mixtes ou bi-nationaux ont considérablement augmenté. Cependant, on en sait encore très peu sur la dimension, la dynamique interne, les significations et les conséquences sociales de cette réalité. Nous présentons ici les résultats de deux projets de recherche en cours, où nous tentons de clarifier la relation entre unions mixtes et intégration/cohésion sociale à partir de l’étude de sept groupes d’immigrés en unions mixtes et non-mixtes résidant en Catalogne, ainsi qu’une approche multi-méthode qui comprend l’exploitation des sources de données statistiques et l’analyse de 94 réseaux personnels/sociaux. Les données présentées ici correspondent à l’analyse de l’une des sources statistiques les plus importantes (ENI) ainsi que de l’analyse descriptive de certains cas de réseaux personnels. Tout indique une relation entre mixité et intégra- tion multidirectionnelle ou segmentée, plus complexe que ce qui a traditionnellement été théorisé.

Mots-clé: immigration; unions mixtes; mixité; intégration sociale; réseaux personnels/sociaux.


"Immigració, unions mixtes i integració sociocultural: cap a una anàlisi complexa multi-mètode"

Des de principis de la darrera dècada, coincidint amb la important arribada d’immigració estrangera a Espanya, les unions mixtes o binacionals han augmentat considerablement. Malgrat això, encara se sap ben poc sobre l’abast, les dinàmiques internes, els significats i les conseqüències d’aquesta realitat. En aquest article presentem els avenços de dos projectes de recerca en curs on s’està intentant clarificar la relació entre unions/llars mixtes i integració/cohesió social, a partir de l’estudi d’unions mixtes i no mixtes de set col·lectius immigrats residents a Catalunya, aplicant una aproximació multimètode (quantitativa i qualitativa), que inclou la explotació de fonts estadístiques administratives i l’anàlisi de 94 xarxes personals/socials. Les dades que presentem aquí corresponen a l’anàlisi d’una de les fonts estadístiques més significatives (ENI) i a l’anàlisi descriptiva d’alguns casos de xarxes personals. Tot apunta a una relació entre «mixicitat» i integració multidireccional o segmentada, més complexa del que tradicionalment s’ha teoritzat.

Paraules clau: immigració; unions mixtes; mixicitat; integració social; xarxes personals/socials.

Rodríguez García, D.; Solana Solana, M.; Lubbers, M.J.; Miguel Luken, V. de (2014) “Immigració, unions mixtes i integració sociocultural: cap a una anàlisi complexa multi-mètode”. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60 (3): 627-657.
Se presentan los resultados parciales de dos proyectos de investigación sobre uniones mixtas e integración social en Cataluña, concretamente en relación con el análisis de narrativas sobre límites, condicionamientos y transgresiones... more
Se presentan los resultados parciales de dos proyectos de investigación sobre uniones mixtas e integración social en Cataluña, concretamente en relación con el análisis de narrativas sobre límites, condicionamientos y transgresiones (preferencias, recepción social, etc.) en torno a la mixicidad, en dos direcciones: las actitudes hacia la mixicidad, y las actitudes desde la mixicidad. Se concluye la existencia de preferencias y prejuicios étnico-culturales en todas direcciones: de la sociedad mayoritaria hacia minoría (inmigrantes y uniones mixtas), y de la minoría hacia la mayoría y hacia otras minorías. Se concluye también que la estigmatización y discriminación social hacia la mixicidad y la disonancia identitaria (diferencia entre la auto-identificación y la identidad impuesta por la sociedad) pueden condicionar procesos de socialización e integración social de los descendientes de uniones mixtas con genotipos distintivos.

Rodríguez García, D.; Solana Solana, M.; Lubbers, M.J.; Miguel Luken, V. de “Límites, condicionamientos y transgresiones, en torno a la mixicidad: análisis de narrativas de uniones mixtas en Cataluña”. Periferias, fronteras y diálogos. Actas del XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE: Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, pp. 827-843.
** Finalist AIBR Award for Best Article of Iberoamerican Anthropology 2014. This article contextualizes the field of “transnational kinship” with an international and comparative review that outlines the theoretical intersections... more
** Finalist AIBR Award for Best Article of Iberoamerican Anthropology 2014.

This article contextualizes the field of “transnational kinship” with an international and comparative review that outlines the theoretical intersections between transnational mobility, kinship, and gender. The article then presents a typology based on recurrent terminology and a proposal for operationalization, as well as a description of cases of “transnational kinship situations”. Finally, some important theoretical and methodological considerations are raised that address the risk of applying an analysis of transnational kinship that is too simplistic or reductionist, such as the uniform treatment, essentializing, and problematizing of realities that are often very heterogeneous, multi-causal, and changeable in their particular structures and processes, or the need to consider the interplay between structure and agency, and between the macro, meso, and micro levels of analysis, all of which can be useful for future examinations of this subject.

Key words: Kinship, migration, transnationalism, critical theory, macro/meso/micro levels of analysis, structure and agency.

** Finalista del Premio AIBR al Mejor Artículo de Antropología Iberoamericana 2014.

El artículo contextualiza teóricamente el ámbito del "parentesco transnacional", con una revisión teórica de alcance internacional y comparado, que incide en las intersecciones teóricas entre movilidad transnacional, parentesco y género. Presenta a continuación una tipologización basada en la terminología recurrente y una propuesta de operacionalización, así como la descripción de casos-tipo de "situaciones parentelas transnacionales". Todo ello conduce, finalmente, a plantear varias consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas sobre el riesgo de los análisis simplistas o reduccionistas de estas realidades, en relación con aspectos como el tratamiento homogéneo y el sesgo normativo, naturalizador y problematizador de situaciones que suelen ser muy heterogéneas, multicausales y transformativas en sus estructuras y procesos particulares, o la necesidad de considerar la interpelación entre estructura y agencia y los niveles macro, meso y micro, todo lo cual puede ser de utilidad en los análisis futuros de estas realidades.

Palabras clave: Parentesco, migraciones, transnacionalismo, teoría crítica, niveles de análisis macro/meso/micro, estructura y agencia.
The article discusses a number of historical cases of nations that have developed anti-miscegenation laws premised on a logic of “state mixophobia”, with instances as diverse as the Spanish colonization of the Americas and later of... more
The article discusses a number of historical cases of nations that have
developed anti-miscegenation laws premised on a logic of “state mixophobia”,
with instances as diverse as the Spanish colonization of the Americas and later
of Equatorial Guinea; England and Australia during the colonial and postcolonial
eras; the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Germany
during the Nazi period; and South Africa under apartheid. I argue that in all of
these cases, hybridity represented not so much the danger of external enemies,
but rather the destruction of internal borders: that is, a threat to the sociopolitical
and economic status quo. This historical-anthropological analysis can
help us in today’s world to better understand and reflect critically on the social,
political, and economic contexts in which reductionist views of hybridity
emerge and are used to legitimize social systems of exclusion.
En este artículo se analizan varios casos paradigmáticos de naciones que históricamente han elaborado leyes anti-mestizaje dentro de una lógica de “mixofobia de estado”: desde España y la América colonial hasta la Sudáfrica del Apartheid, pasando por Inglaterra y Australia en la era colonial y post-colonial, Estados Unidos en los siglos XIX y XX, la Alemania durante el período Nazi, o Guinea Ecuatorial durante la época colonial española. En todos estos casos, el mestizaje o hibridismo representó no tanto el peligro de enemigos exteriores, como la destrucción de las fronteras interiores: del status quo socio-político y económico. Este análisis histórico-antropológico puede ayudarnos hoy día a comprender mejor y a reflexionar críticamente sobre los contextos sociales, políticos y económicos en los que han surgido visiones reduccionistas de la hibridez utilizadas para legitimar sistemas sociales de exclusión.
"""RODRÍGUEZ-GARCÍA, Dan; SOLANA SOLANA, Miguel; DE MIGUEL LUKEN, Verónica; PASCUAL DE SANS, Àngels (2013). "La integración de la población inmigrada en Cataluña: un análisis a partir de la encuesta nacional de inmigrantes de 2007, y una... more
"""RODRÍGUEZ-GARCÍA, Dan; SOLANA SOLANA, Miguel; DE MIGUEL LUKEN, Verónica; PASCUAL DE SANS, Àngels (2013). "La integración de la población inmigrada en Cataluña: un análisis a partir de la encuesta nacional de inmigrantes de 2007, y una aproximación al impacto posterior de la crisis económica". Biblio 3W. Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Vol. XVIII, nº 1040. [ISSN: 1138-9796]

ABSTRACT: Catalonia and Spain as a whole have experienced in recent years a paradigmatic increase in their international immigration. This requires a careful examination of the conditions and processes under which immigrants are settling and being integrated into the host society. This paper examines these processes in the case of Catalonia using data from the 2007 National Survey of Immigrants (ENI), an extraordinary source yet little exploited at regional level. The ENI data for Catalonia reveals weak integration outcomes in some areas as well as significant differences in the results according to the origin and time of arrival of immigrants. Secondly, the article offers an approach to the impact of the economic crisis (post-2007) in these processes from secondary sources, both national and international. This approach suggests that the crisis has worsened living conditions and integration of the immigrant population. These findings invite further consideration of the directions that immigration policies should take in the future.


RESUMEN: Cataluña, y el conjunto de España, han experimentado en los últimos años un incremento paradigmático en cuanto a su inmigración internacional. En este escenario se hace imprescindible conocer en detalle la forma en que se está produciendo el asentamiento e integración social de la población inmigrada. En este artículo se hace un análisis de estos procesos en Cataluña utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes de 2007, una fuente todavía extraordinaria y poco explotada a nivel autonómico. Los datos de la ENI para Cataluña apuntan a una integración débil en algunos ámbitos importantes, y con diferencias significativas según el origen y momento de llegada de los inmigrantes. Secundariamente, el artículo ofrece una aproximación al impacto de la crisis económica (post-2007) en estos procesos, a partir de fuentes secundarias, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Esta aproximación apunta a que la crisis ha agravado las condiciones de vida y de integración de la población inmigrante, lo cual invita a la reflexión sobre la dirección que deben tomar las políticas de inmigración en el futuro. """
Résumé Cet article propose quelques considérations théoricométhodologiques autour de la mixité. Il cherche à mettre en évidence les limites, les pièges et les dérives de la littérature existante en ce qui a trait à la conceptualisation... more
Cet article propose quelques considérations théoricométhodologiques autour de la mixité. Il cherche à mettre en évidence les limites, les pièges et les dérives de la littérature existante en ce qui a trait à la conceptualisation de la notion de mixité. Après une contextualisation initiale (définition, variables et modèles liés au phénomène de la mixité), il s'agira d'indiquer les différents niveaux clés de complexité théorique et méthodologique du phénomène afin d'éviter les visions simplistes ou réductrices. Nous nous interrogerons donc sur la clarté de la notion d’« union mixte », l'équivalence entre mixité et intégration sociale, et nous soulignerons la complexité inhérente aux processus de configuration de l'identité ethnique résultante.

Mots clés : couples mixtes, endogamie/exogamie, mixité, hybridité, ethnicité, intégration sociale

This article offers some theoretical-methodological considerations concerning 'mixedness'. It seeks to highlight the limits, pitfalls and derivatives of current literature with respect to the conceptualization of 'mixedness'. After a preliminary contextualisation (definition, variables and main patterns linked to the phenomenon of 'mixedness', endogamy and exogamy), the aim will be to draw attention to the different key levels of theoretical and methodological complexity of the phenomenon, with the purpose of avoiding simplistic or restrictive analyses. We will therefore put into question the clarity of the notion of “mixed union”, the direct equation between hybridity and social integration, and will emphasize the inherent complexity of the processes of configuration of the resulting (mixed) ethnic identity.

Keywords: mixed unions, intermarriage, endogamy/exogamy, 'mixedness', mixity, hybridity, ethnicity, social integration.
RESUMEN: En los últimos años ha llegado a Cataluña un volumen muy importante de inmigrantes extranjeros, que vienen a añadirse a la importante inmigración de periodos anteriores pero ahora en un contexto político y social en el que el... more
En los últimos años ha llegado a Cataluña un volumen muy importante de inmigrantes extranjeros, que vienen a añadirse a la importante inmigración de periodos anteriores pero ahora en un contexto político y social en el que el catalán es la lengua oficial tanto por parte de la administración pública como por parte del sistema de enseñanza. El conocimiento del catalán se ha considerado un elemento esencial en el proceso de integración de la población inmigrada en la sociedad catalana. Utilizando los datos proporcionados por la reciente Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes del 2007, este artículo analiza el grado de conocimiento del catalán que manifiesta la población inmigrada, siempre en relación al conocimiento del castellano. Los datos indican que a pesar de la situación de oficialidad de la lengua catalana, su conocimiento es relativamente bajo y mucho menor que el del castellano, una circunstancia que invita a reflexionar sobre las implicaciones sociales de esta realidad.

Palabras clave: Cataluña, lengua, catalán, integración, inmigración

In recent years Catalonia has experienced a significant influx of international immigrants, adding to the already important internal migration flows of prior decades. Now, however, this immigration takes place in a political and social context in which Catalan is the language of official use in all branches of government administration as well as in the education system. Knowledge of the Catalan language has been considered an essential part of the process of integration for the immigrant population residing in Catalonia. Using the data provided by the recent 2007 National Survey of Immigrants, this article analyzes the immigrant population’s knowledge of Catalan in relation to their knowledge of Castilian (Spanish). The data indicate that in spite of the official status of the Catalan language in Catalonia, knowledge of Catalan among immigrants to the region is relatively low and much lower than that of Castilian, a situation that invites reflection on the social implications of this reality. 

Key words: Catalonia, language, Catalan, integration, immigration
" "
Resumen: Este artículo plantea una aproximación crítica a la gestión de los flujos de la migración irregular en España y a los principios legales y prácticas administrativas aplicadas por el Estado en los procesos de expulsión que... more
Este artículo plantea una aproximación crítica a la gestión de los flujos de la migración irregular en España y a los principios legales y prácticas administrativas aplicadas por el Estado en los procesos de expulsión que legitiman la existencia de los Centros de Internamiento para Extranjeros (CIEs). Se realiza una aproximación a la situación actual de los CIEs y se exponen las principales propuestas planteadas recientemente por el Gobierno español para mejorar la gestión de los CIEs como respuesta ante la presión ejercida por parte de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, especialmente después de las denuncias públicas respecto a la muerte de dos internos entre diciembre de 2011 y enero de 2012.

Palabras clave: Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros CIEs, flujos migratorios, política de inmigración, estatus legal irregular, expulsiones, control social.

This paper presents a critical approach to the management of irregular migration flows in Spain and legal principles and administrative practices implemented by the State in the process of expulsion that legitimize the existence of Immigrant Detention Centers (CIEs). It also provides a description of the current situation of the CIEs and it reports the most recent proposals made by the Spanish Government to improve the management of the CIEs in response to pressure exerted by the civil society organizations, especially after public protests regarding the death of two inmates in December 2011 and January 2012.

Keywords: Immigrant Detention Centers (CIEs), migratory waves, migration policy, irregular legal status, deportations, social control.
"Immigrant Detention Centers in Spain: Origin, Operation and Legal and Social Implications" This paper presents a critical approach to the management of irregular migration flows in Spain and legal principles and administrative... more
"Immigrant Detention Centers in Spain: Origin, Operation and Legal and Social Implications"

This paper presents a critical approach to the management of irregular migration flows in Spain and legal principles and administrative practices implemented by the State in the process of expulsion that legitimize the existence of Immigrant Detention Centers (CIEs). It also provides a novel and detailed description of the current situation of the CIEs, focusing on three aspects: 1) irregularities in the implementation of the Regulation, 2) the conditions of the inmates and of their facilities, and 3) the personal circumstances of detained migrants who are consistently exposed to the violation of their rights. Finally, it reports the most recent proposals made by the Spanish Government to improve the management of the CIEs in response to pressure exerted by the civil society organizations, especially after public protests regarding the death of two inmates in December 2011 and January 2012.

Keywords: Immigrant Detention Centers (CIEs), migratory waves, migration policy, irregular legal status, deportations, social control.

Electronic version:


"Los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros en España: origen, funcionamiento e implicaciones jurídico-sociales"

Este trabajo plantea una aproximación crítica a la gestión de los flujos de la migración irregular en España y a los principios legales y prácticas administrativas aplicadas por el Estado en los procesos de expulsión que legitiman la existencia de los Centros de Internamiento deExtranjeros (CIE). Se realiza además una descripción detallada y novedosa de la situación actual de los CIE, centrada en tres aspectos: 1) las irregularidades en la apli-cación del Reglamento, 2) el estado de las dependencias y 3) las condiciones personales de los migrantes detenidos, quienes están expuestos sistemáticamente a la vulneración de sus derechos. Finalmente, se exponen las principales propuestas planteadas recientemente por el Gobierno español para mejorar la gestión de los CIE como respuesta ante la presión ejercida por parte de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, especialmente después de las denuncias públicas respecto a la muerte de dos internos entre diciembre de 2011 y enero de 2012.

Palabras clave: Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE), flujos migratorios, política de inmigración, estatus legal irregular, expulsiones, control social.
"In recent years, Catalonia and Spain as a whole have experienced a dramatic, on-going increase in their volume of international immigration, consequently reaching a level of socio-cultural “mixedness” or ethnocultural hybridity that... more
"In recent years, Catalonia and Spain as a whole have experienced a dramatic, on-going increase in their volume of international immigration, consequently reaching a level of socio-cultural “mixedness” or ethnocultural hybridity that compares with countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom or France. The number of “mixed” (bi-national or bicultural) unions and families has increased steadily. Nonetheless, the causes, meanings and consequences of this current mixing have not yet been studied in depth; for example, research is needed on the relationship between mixing and social integration/mobility outcomes and on the ways in which the development of mixed/hybrid identities may lead to new ways of understanding national identity and belonging. Since the processes of both mixing and segregation can shed light on inter-group relations within a given society and on the extent to which social divisions may exist between certain groups, the findings derived from a thorough investigation and analysis of these processes in Catalonia may contribute greatly to the directions in which the Catalan society of the future is headed: ideally towards a society that is diverse (pluribus) yet cohesive (unum) and equitable. To produce a meaningful body of knowledge that helps to further this objective is, therefore, the ultimate goal of the project E PluribusUnum: Immigration, Hybridity and Social Cohesion by Dan Rodríguez-García, UAB Aposta Award-winner 2011.

RESUMEN: La importante llegada de inmigración extrajera de los últimos años, ha puesto a Cataluña, y a todo el Estado, al nivel de interculturalidad y mestizaje de otros países con más tradición de inmigración como Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido o Francia. El índice de uniones y familias mixtas (bi-nacionales) ha crecido exponencialmente. Sin embargo, todavía no se han estudiado en profundidad las causas, significados y consecuencias de este mestizaje en la actualidad; por ejemplo, la relación entre mestizaje e integración/movilidad social, o la formación de identidades híbridas que puedan llevar a nuevas formas de entender la ciudadanía. Dado que los procesos de mestizaje y segregación son un reflejo del alcance de las divisiones sociales y de las relaciones entre grupos dentro de la sociedad, el conocimiento derivado de una investigación en profundidad sobre esta cuestión tendrá un gran valor predictivo sobre cómo se está configurando la sociedad catalana del futuro; idealmente como una sociedad diversa (pluribus) y a la vez cohesionada (unum). Buscar un conocimiento que permita avanzar en este horizonte es el objetivo final del proyecto E Pluribus Unum: inmigración, mestizaje y cohesión social de Dan Rodríquez García, galardonado con un Premio Aposta 2011 de la UAB.
Introduction to the book that is a result of a R&D project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain (2006-2009) entitled “Transcultural theory of reproduction of human groups: the anthropology of kinship as a study of the... more
Introduction to the book that is a result of a R&D project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain (2006-2009) entitled “Transcultural theory of reproduction of human groups: the anthropology of kinship as a study of the socio-cultural patterns of childbearing and rearing children”, which aimed at 1) the development of theoretical models of transcultural procreation and rearing of children, 2) the development of ethnographic procreative models, and 3) the cross-cultural evaluation of their scope. Throughout its 17 chapters, the 17 authors analyse socio-cultural aspects embedded in the reproduction of human groups and the various ways to understand, organize and carry out the processes of procreation and upbringing of children in different parts of the world, addressing topics such as: the conceptions regarding the formation of human beings; the adoption and circulation of children; the translocal and transnational procreative interethnic relations; and the intersections between kinship and gender systems, educational systems and health systems. All this is grounded in both bibliographic and ethnographic fieldwork in different countries and continents.
Introducción al libro que es resultado de un proyecto I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2006-2009) titulado “Teoría transcultural de la reproducción de los grupos humanos: la antropología del parentesco como estudio de los modelos socioculturales de procreación y crianza de los niños”, y encaminado a la elaboración de modelos teóricos transculturales de procreación y crianza de los niños, construyendo modelos etnográficos procreativos y estableciendo su alcance transcultural. A lo largo de 17 capítulos, se ofrecen avances sobre los aspectos socioculturales imbricados en la reproducción de los grupos humanos y en las diversas formas de entender, organizar y llevar a cabo los procesos de procreación y crianza de los niños en distintos lugares del mundo, abordando temas como: las concepciones respecto a la formación de los seres humanos, la adopción y circulación de niños, las relaciones procreativas interétnicas, translocales y transnacionales, y las intersecciones entre el parentesco y los sistemas de género, los sistemas educativos y los sistemas de salud. Todo ello a partir de trabajos bibliográficos y etnográficos realizados en diversos países/continentes.

Introducción-Presentación del Simposio internacional: Forum Gestión de la inmigración y la diversidad en Québec y Canadá, celebrado en Barcelona en octubre de 2008.
En este capítulo se analizan los elementos estructurantes del modelo procreativo chino, que a su vez parecen ser también clave en la configuración de estrategias parentales transnacionales de la población china en la diáspora. La... more
En este capítulo se analizan los elementos estructurantes del modelo procreativo chino, que a su vez parecen ser también clave en la configuración de estrategias parentales transnacionales de la población china en la diáspora. La separación, dispersión y eventual reunificación de diferentes miembros de la unidad familiar genera transformaciones o re-configuraciones de los roles familiares y de las estrategias de cuidado/crianza que en parte rompen con aspectos del modelo de crianza tradicional, pero que por otra parte mantienen y activan elementos de ese modelo, como la cultura del xiao (piedad filial) o la red de relaciones de reciprocidad e inter-dependencia guanxi. Todo ello parece conformar un modelo procreativo específico entre la comunidad china en contextos de transnacionalidad.
In the past few years, both assimilationist and multiculturalist approaches to the management of immigration and diversity have been called into question. This article is an attempt to critically review and examine the key points of the... more
In the past few years, both assimilationist and multiculturalist approaches to the management of immigration and diversity have been called into question. This article is an attempt to critically review and examine the key points of the debate regarding assimilationism and multiculturalism, while arguing for an interculturalist model of socio-cultural incorporation that reconciles cultural diversity with social cohesion. This paper looks at both European and North American cases and contends that when support for diversity occurs within a framework of social justice and political equality, and when all members of society are permitted to fully participate in the public space, the result is a more cohesive, albeit plural, civic community.
"Rodríguez-García, D. (2010) General Notions and Concepts of Migrations and Cultural Diversity. Unit 2 in: Casado, I., Sanjuan, L., Grau, J. (Eds.) Healthcare in Intercultural Contexts: Training Materials for Health Professionals.... more
"Rodríguez-García, D. (2010) General Notions and Concepts of Migrations and Cultural Diversity. Unit 2 in: Casado, I., Sanjuan, L., Grau, J. (Eds.) Healthcare in Intercultural Contexts: Training Materials for Health Professionals. Barcelona: Institute for Health Studies, Ministry of Health of the Catalan Government, and Research Team in Basic and Applied Anthropology (GRAFO-UAB). ISBN: 978-84-938852-0-5.

ABSTRACT: interactive DVD and website for training healthcare professionals, distributed across Catalonia.
Rodríguez García, D. (2010) "Nociones y conceptos generales sobre migraciones y diversidad cultural". En: Casado, I., Sanjuan, L., Grau, J. (Eds.) Asistencia sanitaria en contextos interculturales: Materiales formativos para profesionales sanitarios, Unidad 2. Barcelona: Direcció General de Salut Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Grup de Recerca en Antropologia Fonamental i Orientada (GRAFO), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. CD y Web multimedia para la formación de personal sanitario. ISBN: 978-84-938852-0-5.

RESUMEN: Material en soporte digital (CD/DVD) que analiza los factores socioeconómicos y culturales que inciden en la salud y la atención sanitaria de diversos colectivos inmigrantes y minorías étnicas que residen en Cataluña. Encargado al Grup de Recerca en Antropologia Fonamental i Orientada (GRAFO-UAB) por el Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, y con difusión en el sistema sanitario de Cataluña."
España se ha convertido recientemente en un país de inmigración, y se enfrenta con urgencia y con poca experiencia a los desafíos derivados de este cambio estructural e irreversible. La información proveniente de la comparación... more
España se ha convertido recientemente en un país de inmigración, y se enfrenta con urgencia y con poca experiencia a los desafíos derivados de este cambio estructural e irreversible. La información proveniente de la comparación internacional y, en particular, de “países clásicos de inmigración”, puede resultar muy útil para encarar este reto en los “nuevos países de inmigración” como España y, en particular, en Cataluña. Este trabajo aporta información sobre experiencias, ejes y tendencias fundamentales de la acción estratégica en este terreno a partir de la comparación transatlántica tomando como referencia el caso de Canadá, uno de los países del mundo con más inmigración y con más éxito en su gestión, y cuya orientación en la gestión del fenómeno se basa en tres ejes fundamentales: integralidad, horizonte amplio y visión proactiva. El objetivo, en suma, es establecer conexiones y comparaciones entre los casos canadiense/quebequés y español/catalán que se considera que pueden ser de utilidad para la reflexión, el análisis y la orientación preventiva en política de inmigración en nuestro propio contexto. Esta información resultará especialmente útil a responsables políticos, técnicos de la Administración, investigadores, analistas y profesionales en general que trabajan directamente en el ámbito de las migraciones y la interculturalidad.
Se analiza la noción de ciudadanía, defendiendo que, en un contexto de globalización de los flujos migratorios y de incremento de las dinámicas transnacionales, cabe reformular la concepción clásica de la ciudadanía, de forma que... more
Se analiza la noción de ciudadanía, defendiendo que, en un contexto de globalización de los flujos migratorios y de incremento de las dinámicas transnacionales, cabe reformular la concepción clásica de la ciudadanía, de forma que considere, por un lado, los diferentes niveles de adscripción (infra-nacional y supra-nacional o trans-nacional) y, por otro lado, su multidimensionalidad (política, económica, social y cultural); es decir, que tenga en cuenta el rol de los derechos culturales y del capital cultural como aspectos primarios y no secundarios de la ciudadanía.
ABSTRACT Rodríguez García, D. (2008) “Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Intermarriage in Spain: Beyond Simplistic Notions of Hybridity”. Pp. 245-267 in Ralph Grillo (ed.) The Family in Question: Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural... more
ABSTRACT Rodríguez García, D. (2008) “Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Intermarriage in Spain: Beyond Simplistic Notions of Hybridity”. Pp. 245-267 in Ralph Grillo (ed.) The Family in Question: Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press - IMISCOE.


"Dan Rodríguez-García, in exploring the situation of Senegalese and Gambian (male) immigrants living in mixed unions with Spanish nationals in Catalonia, Spain, shows how cultural debates (including, for example, about circumcision) may be observed within the conjugal relationship itself. Intermarriage, involving the formation of transcultural and transnational families, constitutes a complex socio-cultural space, encompassing both the local and the global, in which social actors, rather than cultures as whole, fixed entities, are protagonists. Their responses are very diverse and Rodrı´guez-Garcı´a illustrates the dialogic aspect of family life as a negotiated intercultural order. Mixed marriages of the kind discussed by Rodríguez-García have an important transnational dimension, and indeed most of the families with which the present volume is concerned live transnationally, with transnationalism shaping their lives and the debates with which they are engaged."
This is a compilation prepared for the Migrations Program of the CIDOB Foundation. These contributions were made at the “European Seminar: Policies and Models of Welcoming,” held in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2006 at the CIDOB... more
This is a compilation prepared for the Migrations Program of the CIDOB Foundation. These contributions were made at the “European Seminar: Policies and Models of Welcoming,” held in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2006 at the CIDOB Foundation. First, the Introduction, by Dan Rodríguez-García, looks at immigration and models of immigrant social incorporation in different host societies, analysing the sociological and historical contexts of these models, their limitations, the key points of the current debates regarding those limitations, and the future trends. The second article, by John Biles and Lara Winnemore, is an analysis of the Canadian multicultural model, describing both the legislative context and the powers and services that are offered by the different levels of administration and stressing the need for bi-directionality and the decentralization of management. Finally, the latter article, by Inés Michalowski, is a comparative analysis of the conception and effectiveness of integration programs in three countries in Europe (Germany, France, and the Netherlands), evaluating in particular their programs for reception and welcoming.
"""This paper examines patterns of interethnic marriage in Toronto, Canada. Using data from the 2001 Canadian Census, the paper makes a major contribution to the literature on intermarriage: first, by relating various widely argued... more
"""This paper examines patterns of interethnic marriage in Toronto, Canada. Using data from the 2001 Canadian Census, the paper makes a major contribution to the literature on intermarriage: first, by relating various widely argued hypotheses concerning intermarriage to the results for Toronto, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and a perfect laboratory for investigating the scope of interactions between groups; second, by paying particular attention to how race/ethnicity, class, and gender intersect; and third, by using a large customized census data set (20 per cent sample). The results reveal the prevalence of ethno-racial endogamy and suggest the existence of socio-ethnic stratification and status exchange in patterns of intermarriage in Toronto, an officially multicultural context assumed to be structurally horizontal."""
This article presents a research project on immigration, health, and socio-cultural diversity, and offers preliminary information on the theoretical and socio-demographic context of this investigation. The objective of the project, funded... more
This article presents a research project on immigration, health, and socio-cultural diversity, and offers preliminary information on the theoretical and socio-demographic context of this investigation. The objective of the project, funded by the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain, is to analyse the socioeconomic and cultural factors involved in health and the access to the formal health system of a few major migrant communities and ethnic minorities living in high-priority neighbourhoods in Catalonia. The results of this project, which will come fundamentally from ethnographic research, aim to give suggestions for improving health conditions for the population and to provide to those professionals working in the public health care system with some conceptual and practical tools for improving intercultural communication between themselves and their patients, as well as for detecting, preventing, and resolving problems in everyday practice.
Online access:
Este artículo describe sucintamente un proyecto de investigación sobre inmigración, salud y diversidad sociocultural, ofreciendo información preliminar sobre el contexto teórico y sociodemográfico de la investigación. El objetivo del proyecto, que se enmarca dentro del Programa Salud en los Barrios del Departamento de Salud de la Generalitat de Catalunya (España), es analizar los factores socioeconómicos y culturales que inciden en la salud y la atención sanitaria de los colectivos inmigrantes y minorías étnicas que residen mayoritariamente en barrios de acción prioritaria de Cataluña: los factores que afectan a su salud, el acceso a los servicios sanitarios y a la relación que mantienen con ellos y con el personal sanitario que los atiende. Los resultados, obtenidos fundamentalmente a través de investigación etnográfica, pretenden orientar mejor la atención sanitaria y dotar a los profesionales de instrumentos conceptuales y prácticos para la detección de problemas, la prevención y resolución de conflictos, y la mejora de la comunicación intercultural.
Online access:
One of the consequences of international migration and the permanent settlement of immigrants in southern EU countries is the growing number of inter-country marriages and the formation of transnational families. Using both quantitative... more
One of the consequences of international migration and the permanent settlement of immigrants in southern EU countries is the growing number of inter-country marriages and the formation of transnational families. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, this article examines patterns of endogamy and exogamy (i.e., marriage within/outside a particular group or category) among African immigrants in Catalonia, focusing on bi-national Senegalese– and Gambian–Spanish couples. Socio-demographic profiles, transnationality, the dynamics of cultural change or retention, and the formation of transcultural identities are explored. The evidence presented suggests that social-class factors are more important than cultural origins in patterns of endogamy and exogamy, in the dynamics of living together and in the bringing-up of children of mixed unions. Such a conclusion negates culturalists’ explanations of endogamy and exogamy while, at the same time, emphasising the role of social actors as active subjects in these processes. I further argue that mixed couples and their offspring deal—to a greater or lesser extent—with multiple localisations and cultural backgrounds (i.e. here and there), rather than experiencing a ‘clash between two cultures’. Therefore, it would be a mistake to pretend that multicultural links do not exist and that they cannot be revitalised and functional. The paper starts and ends by addressing the complexities of processes of interculturalism, resisting an interpretation of hybridity and segregation as contradictory or exclusive realities.
Rodríguez García, D. (2004) “Immigració, parelles mixtes, transnacionalisme i educació dels fills. Repercussions a l’àmbit privat i institucional”. En: Besalú, X. y Climent, T. (coords.) Construint identitats. Espais i processos de... more
Rodríguez García, D. (2004) “Immigració, parelles mixtes, transnacionalisme i educació dels fills. Repercussions a l’àmbit privat i institucional”. En: Besalú, X. y Climent, T. (coords.) Construint identitats. Espais i processos de socialització dels joves d’origen immigrant, Barcelona: Mediterrània, pp. 100-128. ISBN:  84-8334-529-3
This online publication provides a critical definition of "Intermarriage", addressing the historical, theoretical and sociological context of the term, and using first-hand information from research conducted in different countries. We... more
This online publication provides a critical definition of "Intermarriage", addressing the historical, theoretical and sociological context of the term, and using first-hand information from research conducted in different countries. We conclude on the significance and complexity that surrounds this notion.
This chapter (written in 1999 and published in 2006) presents a multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological framework in which to place the study of endogamy/exogamy (partnering in/out of a particular group or category), considering... more
This chapter (written in 1999 and published in 2006) presents a multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological framework in which to place the study of endogamy/exogamy (partnering in/out of a particular group or category), considering the multiplicity of explanatory factors and analytical perspectives. The publication presents progress of the doctoral thesis of the author, which constitutes the first interdisciplinary case study on the subject of mixed marriages and transnational families in Spain.
Este capítulo (escrito en 1999 y publicado en 2006) presenta un marco teórico y metodológico multidisciplinar donde situar el estudio de la endogamia/exogamia (unión dentro/fuera de un determinado grupo o categoría), planteando la multiplicidad de factores explicativos y perspectivas de análisis. La publicación presenta avances de la Tesis doctoral del mismo autor, que supuso el primer estudio monográfico interdisciplinar sobre el tema en España, iniciando una nueva línea de investigación centrada en el estudio en profundidad de los procesos de mestizaje y segregación en contextos migratorios y en el análisis de los matrimonios mixtos y las familias transnacionales.
Una de las consecuencias de le inmigración y del asentamiento permanente de los inmigrantes en los países del sur de Europa, es el aumento del número de matrimonios mixtos o bí-nacionales y la formación de familias transnacionales.... more
Una de las consecuencias de le inmigración y del asentamiento permanente de los inmigrantes en los países del sur de Europa, es el aumento del número de matrimonios mixtos o bí-nacionales y la formación de familias transnacionales. Combinando el uso de metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas, este artículo analiza los patrones de endogamia y exogamia (matrimonio dentro / fuera de un determinado grupo o categoría) de inmigrados africanos en Cataluña, centrando la atención en las uniones entre hombres senegaleses y gambianos y mujeres españolas: características Socio-demográficas, situación de transnacionalidad, dinámicas intergeneracionales de cambio y retención socio-cultural y formación de identidades multi/trans-culturales. El trabajo sugiere que los factores sociales, situacionales y personales pueden ser más importantes qué el origen cultural "per se" a la hora de explicar los patrones de endogamia y exogamia y las dinámicas de convivencia y crianza de los hijos en las uniones mixtas, lo cual supone una crítica a las explicaciones extremadamente culturalistas. Por otro lado, las conclusiones apuntan a que las parejas mixtas y sus descendientes se manejan -en mayor o menor medida- en múltiples localizaciones y bagajes culturales, por lo que sería un error menospreciar o pretender que los vínculos multiculturales no existen o que no pueden ser revitalizados y funcionales. A lo largo del artículo se propone, pues, un análisis complejo de la interculturalidad, criticando una interpretación de los procesos de mestizaje y segregación como realidades contradictorias o exclusivas.
Analizando el caso de la inmigración senegambiana en Cataluña, en esta publicación se argumenta que se trata en la mayoría de casos de estrategias migratorias colectivas organizadas fundamentalmente por la familia, a la que el inmigrante... more
Analizando el caso de la inmigración senegambiana en Cataluña, en esta publicación se argumenta que se trata en la mayoría de casos de estrategias migratorias colectivas organizadas fundamentalmente por la familia, a la que el inmigrante –transmigrante– debe corresponder. La colectividad y la reciprocidad son tan importantes que es en gran medida a través de estas estructuras que se orienta la acción diaria de los individuos, su ciclo vital y los proyectos futuros. Se trata aquí de subrayar la importancia de la reciprocidad en un contexto de mundialización de los flujos transnacionales.
En las últimas décadas ha aumentado en todo el mundo el número de personas migrantes que mantienen relaciones sociales multidimensionales que vinculan sus sociedades de origen y de asentamiento. Esta mundialización de los flujos... more
En las últimas décadas ha aumentado en todo el mundo el número de personas migrantes que mantienen relaciones sociales multidimensionales que vinculan sus sociedades de origen y de asentamiento. Esta mundialización de los flujos migratorios y la tendencia al aumento de comunidades transnacionales, obliga a replantearse las categorías de análisis clásicas en el estudio de las migraciones. A través del caso de la población senegambiana residente en Cataluña, que generalmente mantiene un flujo permanente de contactos e información con sus países de origen, se trata de deconstruir la dicotomía ‘origen/destino’, enfatizando el dinamismo, la flexibilidad y la complejidad de los procesos transmigratorios. Esta realidad invita no sólo a un replantemiento en el análisis, sino también a cambios en las políticas migratorias.
During the last decades, the number of migrants who live their lives across different nation-states has grown dramatically. Recent terms such as globalisation, transmigration or hybridity indicate that the traditional notion of the geographic and the social space is changing. Analysing the case of Senegambian residents in Catalonia, I suggest that the dynamism, flexibility and complexity of transmigration processes challenges the hardened dichotomy ‘society of departure / society of destination’, a reality that leads to socio-political changes at a structural level around the globe.

And 2 more

“Daughters of Muslim/non-Muslim Interfaith Binational Couples in Spain: Mixedness, Identity and Discrimination.” Paper to be presented at the International conference: Identities and (trans)nationalisms in mixed families: transmission,... more
“Daughters of Muslim/non-Muslim Interfaith Binational Couples in Spain: Mixedness, Identity and Discrimination.” Paper to be presented at the International conference: Identities and (trans)nationalisms in mixed families: transmission, agency and social constraints. Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco. October 17-19, 2018.
“Mixedness among descendants of mixed-faith couples in Catalonia: ethnicity, gender and discrimination”. Paper presented at the IV International Conference in Anthropology AIBR. Granada, September 5, 2018.
“Ethnic Choices and Social Constraints: Multiracial Youth Negotiating Identity in Spain”. Paper presented at the 113th ASA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 12, 2018.
Invited Harney Lecture, Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. June 18, 2018. more
Invited Harney Lecture, Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. June 18, 2018.
Special event report available at:
Research Interests:
Symposium Organizer (Double Research Panel) and Chair (together with N. Irastorza, and S. Osanami Törngren), 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference: “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”,... more
Symposium Organizer (Double Research Panel) and Chair (together with N. Irastorza, and S. Osanami Törngren), 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference: “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”, Barcelona, 2-4 July 2018.
Research Interests:
Session 6 of the International conference: "New research challenges on intermarriage and mixedness in Europe and beyond". Co-Chaired and Co-Discussed together with Miri Song. Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 12-13 November 2015.
El propósito de este simposio fué reunir comunicaciones de diferentes disciplinas y enfoques metodológicos en torno a las parejas/familias mixtas o bi-nacionales en España, un laboratorio privilegiado para analizar procesos de... more
El propósito de este simposio fué reunir comunicaciones de diferentes disciplinas y enfoques metodológicos en torno a las parejas/familias mixtas o bi-nacionales en España, un laboratorio privilegiado para analizar procesos de transformación sociocultural en sociedades cada vez más diversas, y alcanzar al menos tres objetivos:

1)  Hacer un estado de la cuestión y mostrar resultados de investigaciones relevantes recientes o en curso sobre esta temática,

2)  Reflexionar sobre las potencialidades y limitaciones teóricas y metodológicas implicadas,

3)  Señalar carencias o aspectos de especial interés para contribuir a la agenda de la investigación futura. Se realizará una selección de las contribuciones más relevantes para proponer una publicación monográfica en una revista científica.
Double Research Panel organized for the 11th Annual IMISCOE Conference Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation. Madrid, August 29, 2014.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the Seminar: ¿Who Marries Whom? Past and Present. Barcelona, Spain, 16-17 January 2014.
Research Interests:
Invited conference presented at the Université Paris-Sorbonne. Paris, France, 14 November 2013.
Research Interests:
Invited conference presented at the Séminaire de l’Unité Migrations Internationales et Minorités, Institut National d’Êtudes Démographiques (INED). Paris, France, 12 November 2013.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the 11th Spanish Congress of Sociology. Madrid, Spain, July 10-12, 2013.
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Paper presented at the 33rd Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). Hamburg, Germany, May 21-26, 2013.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the 6th International Catalan Congress of Sociology, University of Perpignan Via Domítia. Perpignan, France, April 25-27, 2013.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the workshop “Comparative Perspectives on Settlement and Integration: The European Union and Canada,” 15th Metropolis Conference: “Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging,” The Hague, Netherlands, October 5, 2010.
Research Interests:
The Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum took place in the Palau Robert, Barcelona, Spain, on October 22-23, 2008. This two-day symposium, founded and directed by Dr. Dan Rodriguez-Garcia, and funded by the... more
The Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum took place in the Palau Robert, Barcelona, Spain, on October 22-23, 2008. This two-day symposium, founded and directed by Dr. Dan Rodriguez-Garcia, and funded by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Embassy in Spain, the Québec Government Office in Barcelona, the Ministry of Immigration of Spain, and the Directorate General for Immigration of the Catalan Government, brought together 15 internationally renowned Canadian experts, and ministers of immigration from different autonomous regions in Spain (Catalonia, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community, Madrid, and Andalusia) to examine and discuss crucial matters such as Government Jurisdiction over Immigration and Diversity; Management of Immigration Flows; Immigration and the Labour Market; Linguistic Policies; Citizenship, Settlement, and Socio-cultural Integration; and Partnerships and Knowledge Transfer between Government, Civil Society, and Universities. The objectives of the Forum were to promote and facilitate the exchange of ideas between European and Canadian networks, to help bridge the research-policy divide, and to produce information that could specifically be applied to the betterment of immigration and diversity management policies in Catalonia, Spain. Through taking into account the experiences of Canada as a whole and of Quebec in particular, the Forum had an important political impact, accomplishing a reorientation in several aspects of immigration policy in Catalonia, such as: the desire to establish new initiatives for hiring immigrant workers and for managing immigration flows (e.g., urging a reclamation of the power of autonomous regions to gain access to data on national immigration flows and to determine manageable flows to particular regions; asserting the need to move from a temporary to a permanent immigration policy; advocating for a point system policy that frames entry to the country and the workforce on a long-term basis rather than as a short-term first contract); the favoring and promotion of family reunification; and the push to develop better structures for fostering partnerships and knowledge transfer between government, civil society, and universities in Catalonia.

To see Pictures and Press release, go to:
Featured speaker, 2nd China-Europe Forum “China and Europe Facing the Challenge of Migrations.” CIDOB, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, Spain, October 4, 2007.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the 11th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Canadian Studies: “Identities in the Make: Migration and Cultural Change in the Twenty-first Century”. Madrid, Spain, November 18, 2006.
Research Interests:
Invited opening presentation for the International Seminar on Reception Models and Integration Policies; and Chair of Panel 1 (“Reception Models and Integration Policies”) and of Panel 2 (“The Role of Local and Regional Actors in... more
Invited opening presentation for the International Seminar on Reception Models and Integration Policies; and Chair of Panel 1 (“Reception Models and Integration Policies”) and of Panel 2 (“The Role of Local and Regional Actors in Reception and Integration Policies”). CIDOB, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs. Barcelona, Spain, October 19, 2006.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada, August 11, 2006.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Chinese Sociologists Association. Montreal, Canada, August 10, 2006.
Research Interests:
Paper presented at the IMISCOE Cluster B6 Workshop on “Debating Cultural Difference in Europe: The Family”. University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom, April 8, 2006.
Research Interests:
Invited Public Seminar, Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS). Toronto, Canada, January 27, 2005.
Research Interests:
Workshop co-organiser (E66), and presenter (“Comparing Hybridities: Migration, Intermarriage, Youth, and Multicultural/Hybrid Identities in Spain and Canada”) for the 9th International Metropolis Conference: “Co-operative Migration... more
Workshop co-organiser (E66), and presenter (“Comparing Hybridities: Migration, Intermarriage, Youth, and Multicultural/Hybrid Identities in Spain and Canada”) for the 9th International Metropolis Conference: “Co-operative Migration Management”. Geneva, Switzerland, September 29, 2004.
Research Interests:
This topical short documentary, Directed by Prof. Dan Rodríguez-García and produced by the INMIX-UAB (Research Group on Immigration, Mixedness, and Social Cohesion), features interviews with multiethnic and multiracial youth living in... more
This topical short documentary, Directed by Prof. Dan Rodríguez-García and produced by the INMIX-UAB (Research Group on Immigration, Mixedness, and Social Cohesion), features interviews with multiethnic and multiracial youth living in Catalonia, Spain, who talk about their mixed heritage and its meaning for them, their identity and sense of belonging, and their experiences of discrimination and agency. Through these narratives, MIXED VOICES reveals that the positive, empowering experiences of mixedness—a growing reality in Spain as well as across the globe—can coexist with negative stereotypes and prejudices and the continued stigmatization and discrimination of racialized groups, who are more constrained in their identity options. In this way, the documentary highlights the socially transformative aspects of mixedness while alerting us to persistent social divisions that hinder social inclusion and cohesion. MIXED VOICES was produced as part of the MIXED-YOUTH Research Project (“Social Relations and Identity Processes of Children of Mixed Unions: Mixedness—Between Inclusion and Social Constraints,” CSO2015-63962-R), for which a total of 152 Spanish-born individuals from very diverse ancestries were interviewed. The material for this documentary was recorded in 2020 in Catalonia, Spain, in the midst of a full lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each participant self-recorded their video, which may have affected the sound and image quality in some cases. All participants have given their consent to use their recordings for the purposes of this documentary. For more information about the documentary, click on “Show more” under the Youtube video screen.

Youtube link:
Television interview on the effects of Covid19 on sociocultural relations: “What changes can the coronavirus crisis cause in human relations?". Interviewed for the Catalan televisión (TV3) news, April 26, 2020. ----------- Short... more
Television interview on the effects of Covid19 on sociocultural relations: “What changes can the coronavirus crisis cause in human relations?". Interviewed for the Catalan televisión (TV3) news, April 26, 2020.
Short interview video available here:
Full interview video available here:
Full transcript of the interview available here:
We have recently inaugurated The INMIX Lab! A proper work space for the consolidated Research Group on #Immigration, #Mixedness, and #SocialCohesion (INMIX) at UAB. Good vibes!! 😊🎉... more
We have recently inaugurated The INMIX Lab! A proper work space for the consolidated Research Group on #Immigration, #Mixedness, and #SocialCohesion (INMIX) at UAB. Good vibes!! 😊🎉
¡Participa en el Proyecto de investigación MIXED_YOUTH sobre hijos e hijas de parejas mixtas! Si tienes entre 14 y 29 años, eres residente en Cataluña y tus padres son de países diferentes, puedes participar en el proyecto de... more
¡Participa en el Proyecto de investigación MIXED_YOUTH sobre hijos e hijas de parejas mixtas!
Si tienes entre 14 y 29 años, eres residente en Cataluña y tus padres son de países diferentes, puedes participar en el proyecto de investigación sobre hijos/as de parejas mixtas que está elaborando el Grupo de investigación en Inmigración, Mestizaje y Cohesión social (INMIX) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Las entrevistas personales son confidenciales y tienen una gratificación económica.
Para más información, dirigirse a:

Participa en el Projecte de recerca MIXED_YOUTH sobre fills i filles de parelles mixtes!Si tens entre 14 i 29 anys, ets resident a Catalunya i els teus pares són de països diferents, pots participar en el projecte de recerca sobre fills/es de les parelles mixtes que està elaborant el Grup de recerca en Immigració, Mestissatge i Cohesió social (INMIX) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Les entrevistes personals son confidencials i tenen una gratificació econòmica.
Per a més informació, us podeu adreçar a:

Participate in the MIXED_YOUTH Research project on descendants of mixed couples!
If you are between 14 and 29 years old, you are a resident of Catalonia and your parents are from different countries, you can participate in the research project on children of mixed couples that is being developed by the Research Group on Immigration, Mixedness and Social Cohesion (INMIX) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
Personal interviews are be confidential and have an economic gratification.
For more information, please contact:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “The Mash of Cultures: Integration and Mixedness”. Interview for Social Science Space (SAGE Publishing). Dec. 14, 2015. more
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) “The Mash of Cultures: Integration and Mixedness”. Interview for Social Science Space (SAGE Publishing). Dec. 14, 2015.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4444.9048
Research Interests: