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Toni Ñaco del Hoyo
  • Universitat de Girona,
    Departament dHistòria i Història de l'Art, Facultat de LLetres, Plaça Ferrater Mora 1, 17071 Girona,
    Catalonia (Spain)
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No one will deny that the Principate meant an overall rearrangement of the Roman traditional power structures, particularly for the political and social actors who needed to relate themselves to the new regime after surviving the... more
No one will deny that the Principate meant an overall rearrangement of the
Roman traditional power structures, particularly for the political and social
actors who needed to relate themselves to the new regime after surviving the bloodshed of the civil wars. Through tradition and custom, some wealthy women deserved social appreciation for their discreet involvement in certain activities which also contributed to the stability and survival of Rome. The new political and diplomatic visibility shown by the women from the Augustan household somehow echoed the position progressively acquired by the matronae since the beginning of Rome’s history. Although female mediation became a new resource at the disposal of such influential women who successfully used it, this was hardly an invention from the Augustan Age, but a reinvention mostly based upon tradition.
CEDANT avails itself of an international Scholarly Advisory Board and carries out its activities in collaboration with specialists who are selected as appropriate according to the theme under study, and with respect for the broadest... more
CEDANT avails itself of an international Scholarly Advisory Board and carries out its activities in collaboration with specialists who are selected as appropriate according to the theme under study, and with respect for the broadest participation of the scholarly community and for the wide range of different methodologies.
Research Interests:
In Republican Rome there seemed to be a symbiotic relationship between apparently different phenomena: the results of ad hoc pillaging (i.e. spoils), both public and private supply requirements, and finally the compensation for the... more
In Republican Rome there seemed to be a symbiotic relationship between apparently different phenomena: the results of ad hoc pillaging (i.e. spoils), both public and private supply requirements, and finally the compensation for the military personnel involved in such actions. In this chapter, however, the accent will be placed on the relationship between those three factors in a single geographical setting – the Iberian Peninsula – during the first fifty years of Roman military intervention.
Research Interests:
With this volume, we aim to achieve pushing the historical and archaeological debates on Rome’s expansion to the West beyond the traditional boundaries. It is felt that the approximately 80 years of Roman history from c. 150 to 70 BC and... more
With this volume, we aim to achieve pushing the historical and archaeological debates on Rome’s expansion to the West beyond the traditional boundaries. It is felt that the approximately 80 years of Roman history from c. 150 to 70 BC and also of the wider history of the western Mediterranean, encapsulate a concatenation of long-run processes and
more casual events which can hardly be explained unless they are addressed by using the entire micro-region as a case study.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
In 125 BC a major natural catastrophe struck Numidia and the Roman province of Africa, according to several accounts appearing in the literary sources. Ergo, the intention of this chapter is to enquire into its eventual repercussions not... more
In 125 BC a major natural catastrophe struck Numidia and the Roman
province of Africa, according to several accounts appearing in the literary sources. Ergo, the intention of this chapter is to enquire into its eventual repercussions not only for North Africa, but also for adjacent areas, such as that new ‘boundary’ established in the north-western Mediterranean. In a highly volatile political context in Rome itself, marked by the Gracchi brothers’ attempts to push through reforms in different areas, it is interesting to determine the extent to which a disaster occurring in a very delimited area – North Africa and, therefore, the south-western Mediterranean in this case – influenced the economy and implementation of territorial expansion policies on the opposite side of the Mediterranean
In a thought-provoking book published in 1976, Charles Ebel suggested that large areas of Hispania—particularly Hispania Citerior—and southern Gaul (Gallia Transalpina, the future Narbonensis) had been militarily, politically and even... more
In a thought-provoking book published in 1976, Charles Ebel suggested that large areas of Hispania—particularly Hispania Citerior—and southern Gaul (Gallia Transalpina, the future Narbonensis) had been militarily, politically and even economically interconnected long before Pompey’s intense activity in Gaul during the Sertorian War. In this chapter I will contend that Ebel’s perceptions of the relevance of regional connectivity in the north-western Mediterranean due to Rome’s military needs are essentially correct, but not entirely for the reasons and for the chronology originally put forward in his celebrated book.
En ocasión del presente homenaje al Profesor Remesal, resulta muy apropiado proponer un estudio sobre el impacto de la logística militar sobre un territorio particular, aunque en este caso localizado en un período histórico distinto al... more
En ocasión del presente homenaje al Profesor Remesal, resulta muy apropiado proponer un estudio sobre el impacto de la logística militar sobre un territorio particular, aunque en este caso localizado en un período histórico distinto al propuesto en su obra sobre la Annona Militaris. Concretamente, centraremos nuestro análisis en las estrategias logísticas empleadas por el ejército romano operando en el NE de la Hispania Citerior a inicios de la República tardía (133-82 a.C.), junto con el reflejo en toda esa región de los conflictos bélicos que se sucedieron en territorios colindantes a lo largo de ese turbulento medio siglo de la historia de Roma.
Traditionally, Latin terms such as civitas stipendiaria and stipendiarii have served, in modern scholarly works, to define Roman provincial subjects as regular and permanent taxpayers to the Roman Republic. However, this paper argues... more
Traditionally, Latin terms such as civitas stipendiaria and stipendiarii have served, in modern scholarly works, to define Roman provincial subjects as regular and permanent taxpayers to the Roman Republic. However, this paper argues that alternative meanings for stipendiarius-not always related to Roman Republican taxation-may be uncovered from our literary and epigraphical evidence. When such texts are analysed in terms of their historical background, both the political and military dimensions of Roman Republican tax terminology appear to emerge.
This beautifully written and thought-provoking book addresses a fundamental question in Rome’s history of the Middle and Late Republic, and that is the relation between politics and the treasury during the core period of its empire... more
This beautifully written and thought-provoking book addresses a fundamental question in Rome’s history of the Middle and Late Republic, and that is the relation between politics and the treasury during the core period of its empire building, or as its title more cogently puts it: power and public finance. It is indeed true that James Tan’s volume –partly based upon his own PhD dissertation (2011) but thoroughly updated and enlarged thereafter- provides the reader with much more than what he has originally intended to discuss according to his long Introduction. As a matter of fact, what he has finally accomplished is to rewrite some relevant chapters of Rome’s Republican history, through the particular looking glass of the financial perspective of an ancient Mediterranean polity fully engaged in a quest for hegemony.
This paper aims to present and discuss the numismatic evidence from El Camp de les Lloses (Tona, Barcelona, Catalonia). This site is a small Late Republican vicus related to the roadbuilding activities connecting the central coast from... more
This paper aims to present and discuss the numismatic evidence from El Camp de les Lloses (Tona, Barcelona, Catalonia).
This site is a small Late Republican vicus related to the roadbuilding activities connecting the central coast from Catalonia with
the hinterland. Several manufacturing and other works concerning military logistics have been equally attested. According to
the archaeological record, this site has been dated between 125-75 BC.
The numismatic findings from the site are relevant and highly varied in issues (silver and bronze of Roman and Massalian
origin, etc.). However, most of the pieces (over 90%) belong to the Iberian bronze coinage, with practically no sign of wear.
As to the mints, the ones from the Ausetanian region (e.g. Ausesken, Eusti and Ore) exceed the others. Most recently, a hoard
containing Iberian bronze coinage (41 pieces) has been discovered. Unlike the former findings, on this occasion the amount of
issues from Laietanian and Ilergetan mints are in the majority. Such hoard has been dated at the time of the site abandonment.
Research Interests:
This paper wants to present and discuss the numismatic evidence from El Camp de les Lloses (Tona, Barcelona, Catalonia). This site is a small Late Republican vicus related to the roadbuilding activities connecting the central coast from... more
This paper wants to present and discuss the numismatic evidence from El Camp de les Lloses (Tona, Barcelona, Catalonia). This site is a small Late Republican vicus related to the roadbuilding activities connecting the central coast from Catalonia with
the hinterland. Several manufacturing and other works concerning military logistics have been equally attested. According to the archaeological record, this site has been dated between 125-75 BC. The numismatic findings from the site are relevant and highly varied in issues (silver and bronze of Roman and Massalian origin, etc.). However, most of the pieces (over 90%) belong to the Iberian bronze coinage, with practically no sign of wear.
As to the mints, the ones from the Ausetanian region (e.g. Ausesken, Eusti and Ore) exceed the others. Most recently, a hoard containing Iberian bronze coinage (41 pieces) has been discovered. Unlike the former findings, on this occasion the amount of issues from Laietanian and Ilergetan mints are in the majority. Such hoard has been dated at the time of the site abandonment.
Research Interests:
Ancient History, Military History, Classical Archaeology, International Relations, Roman History, and 36 more
Research Interests:
Ancient History, Military History, Classical Archaeology, International Relations, Roman History, and 40 more
in J. Principal, T. Ñaco del Hoyo, I. Mestres; M. Duran, (eds.), Roma en la Península Ibérica presertoriana. Escenarios de implantación militar provincial, Colección Instrumenta, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona 2017, 17-38.
Research Interests:
This article (submitted in 2010 !) focuses on the impact of the war between Rome and Mithridates VI on the Greek póleis. The latter, divided socially and politically, supported one side or the other depending on the policy of alliances... more
This article (submitted in 2010 !)  focuses on the impact of the war between Rome and Mithridates VI on the Greek póleis. The latter, divided socially and politically, supported one side or the other depending
on the policy of alliances proposed by the faction currently in power. In order to better understand the situation, several case studies from mainland Greece, the Aegean islands and Asia Minor (Delos-Athens, Cos-Rhodes, Pergamum and Heraclea Pontica) have been considered.
Research Interests:
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Research Interests:
FROM THE MARKETS TO THE ASSOCIATIONS. A Comprehensive View of the Greek Mercenary World in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods. First International Conference (12 November 2016, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan). Japan Society for the... more
FROM THE MARKETS TO THE ASSOCIATIONS. A Comprehensive View of the Greek Mercenary World in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods. First International Conference (12 November 2016, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - KAKENHI Grant Number JP16F16009 / JP15H01888.

ORGANISERS: Dr Takashi Fujii (Kwansei Gakuin University) & Dr Daniel Gómez-Castro (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow / Kwansei Gakuin University)
Research Interests:
En un episodio muy conocido del inicio de las Guerras Mitridáticas, situado en el año 88 a.C. y en ocasiones llamado las ‘vísperas efesias’, Mitrídates VI Eupátor rey del Ponto (c.120-63 a.C.) incentivó y planificó el asesinato masivo de... more
En un episodio muy conocido del inicio de las Guerras Mitridáticas, situado en el año 88 a.C. y en ocasiones llamado las ‘vísperas efesias’, Mitrídates VI Eupátor rey del Ponto (c.120-63 a.C.)  incentivó y planificó el asesinato masivo de la considerable población de origen romano o itálico (Rhomaioi) que residía en las póleis de la provincia romana de Asia, recientemente invadida por sus ejércitos, en lo que supuso el inicio de una larga confrontación entre Roma y el Ponto durante el siguiente cuarto de siglo. Según confirman varios textos, el rey promovió y coordinó la matanza masiva de entre 80.000 y 150.000 de esos Rhomaioi . Diseñado y ejecutado con precisión el ataque se produjo en toda la región exactamente en el mismo día, muy probablemente gracias a la ayuda de espías pónticos y en estrecha colaboración con la población local de muchas ciudades y de algunas islas de la provincia romana de Asia, aunque fracasó en Rodas y en otras pocas ciudades . Es nuestra intención en este artículo ahondar en una de las posibles motivaciones que condujeron a Mitrídates a promover ese ataque. Pretendemos confrontar los datos ya conocidos sobre el alcance de la masacre con ciertas informaciones procedentes del epígrafe efesio que contiene el reglamento sobre la recaudación del portorium o télos en toda la provincia, y cuyo apartado más antiguo ha sido fechado pocos años después de estos hechos, aunque en realidad haya fosilizado prácticas documentadas en las décadas precedentes.
Research Interests:
Therefore, my approach in this final chapter is twofold: I intend to consider some of Toner's specific contributions, which represent a true paradigm of the most recent study on the impact of disasters on Classical societies. Secondly, I... more
Therefore, my approach in this final chapter is twofold: I intend to consider some of Toner's specific contributions, which represent a true paradigm of the most recent study on the impact of disasters on Classical societies. Secondly, I will
respond to the question of whether the modern term humanitarian crises' can be applied to ancient disasters.
Research Interests:
The aim of this book is to illustrate that the actions of patronage and euergetism which helped the victims of catastrophes, were not an unusual occurrence in the Graeco-Roman world. Furthermore, it could be argued that the rationale... more
The aim of this book is to illustrate that the actions of patronage and euergetism which helped the victims of catastrophes, were not an unusual occurrence in the Graeco-Roman world. Furthermore, it could be argued that the rationale behind this aid had little to do with altruism, a concept that is more commonly related to modern day human rights or the implementation of 'humanitarian aid'
campaigns in response to catastrophes.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Review of the work of Claudio Vacanti, Guerra per la Sicilia e guerra della Sicilia. Il ruolo delle città siciliane nel primo conflitto romano-punico.
After studying the constitutional aspects of the Roman command structure in Hispania during the Second Punic War, the focus shifts to the particularities of Rome's administrative management of its furthest removed territories.
Research Interests:
This paper deals with the political and military use of confidential information gathered on behalf of the Roman Republic and the kingdom of Pontus during the reign of King Mithradates VI (c.120–63 BC). Unlike the Roman Empire, when spies... more
This paper deals with the political and military use of confidential information gathered on behalf of the Roman Republic and the kingdom of Pontus during the reign of King Mithradates VI (c.120–63 BC). Unlike the Roman Empire, when spies worked for well-organized intelligence agencies, in this period the available sources mention several other methods of gathering sensitive information which served such secretive purposes as well. This paper explores non-professional intelligence strategies employed in ancient politics and war at a time of extreme political and military turmoil.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Des termes cornme praefectus praesidii ou 'phrourarchos'; ont, parmi d'autres, été employés pendant la République pour se référer aux responsabilités confiées a un représentant officiel romain chargé d'une garnison dans une ville,... more
Des termes cornme praefectus praesidii ou 'phrourarchos'; ont, parmi d'autres, été employés pendant la République pour se référer aux responsabilités confiées a un représentant officiel romain chargé d'une garnison dans une ville, indépendarnment de son rangoLes garnisons ont entretenu un lien de plus en plus étroit avec la logistique de l'armée romaine, et aussi avec la conduite de la politique extérieure. Ces chefs de garnisons ont pu parfois agir en instruments politiques de l'impérialisme romain visa -vis des villes pérégrines dont ils avaient la charge. Abstract.-Terms such as praefectus praesidii or 'phrourarchos'; among others, have been used in order to describe the duties of the Republican officer in charge of a garrison settled in a town, independently of his personal status. A close link between garrisoning and the logistics of the Roman army and, up to a certain point, foreign politics has been equally established. In fact, those garrison chiefs may have played an active political role on behalf ofRoman Imperialism, whilst facing the non-Roman towns they were in charge of. Mots-clés.-Praefectus praesidii,phrourarchos, deditio, logistique romaine, garnison républicaine.

And 28 more

To date, Rome’s intervention to the West from the mid-second century BC, has not really been looked at with any sense of overview. Instead, there has been an unconnected series of micro-regional studies looking at particular areas, from... more
To date, Rome’s intervention to the West from the mid-second century BC, has not really been looked at with any sense of overview. Instead, there has been an unconnected series of micro-regional studies looking at particular areas, from the river Ebro in Spain round to Italy on the land front, and from the Balearic Islands to Corsica, Sardinia and even Sicily as regards the seaborne aspect. In contrast, the aim
of this volume is to push the historical and archaeological debates about Rome’s expansion, beyond these traditional geographical boundaries and the discipline-based previous research. The entire north-western Mediterranean is treated as a micro-region, and is addressed using various interdisciplinary approaches. The result, is to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the north-western Mediterranean in a period of historical crossroads, aided particularly by focusing on the connectivity and integration within this region as two interrelated issues. While Republican Rome enforced itself as an expansive power towards the West, all sorts of polities, military operations and individuals also played a significant role in creating interconnectivity and integration of the north-western Mediterranean into a new hybrid reality. In order to uncover such processes of hybridisation, contributors to this volume
were encouraged to focus on the historical, archaeological and numismatic material from several areas within the region, and to incorporate aspects of interdisciplinary methodologies, in order to address the region’s military, political, social and economic interconnections with Italy, Rome and each other, within the overall period.
During the 4th-1st century BC, Mediterranean polities, stateless formations and stronger powers fought for hegemony. Edited by Toni Ñaco del Hoyo and Fernando López Sánchez, this volume addresses interstate relations and warlordism... more
During the 4th-1st century BC, Mediterranean polities, stateless formations and stronger powers fought for hegemony. Edited by Toni Ñaco del Hoyo and Fernando López Sánchez, this volume addresses interstate relations and warlordism according to classical studies and social sciences.

Contributors are:
Manuel Álvarez Martí-Aguilar, Craige Champion, Altay Coşkun, Arthur M. Eckstein, Michael P. Fronda, François Gauthier, Daniel Gómez-Castro, Rafael Grasa, Fernando López Sánchez, Polly Low, Toni Ñaco del Hoyo, José Pascual, Jordi Principal, Boris Rankov, Louis Rawlings, John W. Rich, Nathan Rosenstein, Eduardo Sánchez Moreno, Nicholas Sekunda, Christopher Tuplin, Jeroen Wijnendaele, Sophia Zoumbaki.
Research Interests: During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while... more

During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while stronger powers -Carthage, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Republican Rome- expanded towards State formation, forceful military structures and empire building.

Edited by T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez, this volume presents the proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013), addressing the connection between war, warlords and interstate relations from classical studies and social sciences perspectives.

Some twenty scholars from European, Japanese and North American Universities consider the scope of ‘multipolarity’ and the usefulness of ‘warlord’, a modern category, in order to feature some ancient military and political leaderships.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
For millennia catastrophes, whether those caused by nature, or by human violence, have impacted on historical societies. In the Graeco-Roman world, as nowadays, the immediate consequences of such disasters only anticipated subsequent... more
For millennia catastrophes, whether those caused by nature, or by human violence, have impacted on historical societies. In the Graeco-Roman world, as nowadays, the immediate consequences of such disasters only anticipated subsequent measures applied by the public authorities, or whoever was in charge thereafter. This volume originated in a workshop funded by a Spanish research grant.

Two theoretical chapters deal with the actual meaning of catastrophes for the ancients, as well as how distorted our view of the remote past may be when applying modern terminology such as ‘humanitarian crises’ to events in the ancient world. The following chapters seek to explore such topics as collateral damage in war, earthquake recovery, breakdown of interstate relations, deportation, and postwar policies implemented on defeated societies.
Research Interests:
Proceedings of the workshop held at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona on March 2005 on 'war and territory in the Roman World'.
A detailed survey on the Roman Republican tax policies in the Western provinces for the Middle Republic (218-133 BCE).
Final workshop of the Research Project 'Spaces of Integration in Republican Rome. The NE of Hispania Citerior (133-72 BC), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (2015-2018), taken place at the Arts Faculty, Universitat de Girona, on... more
Final workshop of the Research Project 'Spaces of Integration in Republican Rome. The NE of Hispania Citerior (133-72 BC), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (2015-2018), taken place at the Arts Faculty, Universitat de Girona, on October 5, 2018.
Research Interests:
Second Research Seminar LIBERA RES PUBLICA. Forum of Spanish Historians of the Roman Republic (University of Girona, Arts Faculty, 21-22 September, 2017).
Research Interests:
Symplokê, a term usually translated as “interconectedness” in The Histories of Polybius, explains how regional and international powers rise and fall during Hellenistic times. The aim of this international conference, which will take... more
Symplokê, a term usually translated as “interconectedness” in The  Histories of Polybius, explains how regional and international powers rise and fall during Hellenistic times.

The aim of this international conference, which will take place in Barcelona on 23-25th May 2013, is to advance in our knowledge and also encourage the scholarly debate, both from a theoretical and a more practical perspective, on two interconnected issues within the history and the archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean for the last four centuries BCE:

1. ‘Multipolarity’ in international relations

2. Interstate warfare and ‘warlordism’

This conference intends to address traditional issues such as the nature of interstate violence in the Classical World and the interconnections and networks with a new set of historical and archaeological interpretative tools which may respond to some of our most present concerns. That is assessing, from a ‘multipolar’ perspective, the impact of war and interstate relations on global hegemonies in our modern world.

As we all know, we live in a ‘multipolar’ world fully dominated by ‘connectivity’ and networking. The bipolarity inherited from the worst years of the Cold War does not exist anymore.

Inevitably, such a present global reality pours in our modern interpretation of the past, even the distant and remote past, such as the Classical Antiquity. Recent books from two of the conference participants, Arthur Eckstein and Peregrin Horden & Nicholas Purcell have posed stimulating but also controversial questions regarding the theoretical debate on ‘multipolarity’, connectivity and interstate warfare. Also, the role of ‘warlords’ or ‘condottieri’ in the promotion of interstate war efforts has hardly been applied to the Classical World. Such a debate needs to be extended to earlier periods, such as the Fourth Century and the Hellenistic Age in Greece and Asia Minor, or the Carthaginian and Roman Republican expansion over the West.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
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Research Interests:
‘Roman Republican Institutions, a PhD Research Seminar'. Guest lecturer and discussant: Dr. F. J. Vervaet (University of Melbourne), with Gerard Cabezas-Guzmán, Gerard R. Ventós, Ferran Sisa-Martínez, Santi Sánchez-Coll. Sponsored by... more
‘Roman Republican Institutions, a PhD Research Seminar'. Guest lecturer and discussant: Dr. F. J. Vervaet (University of Melbourne), with Gerard Cabezas-Guzmán, Gerard R. Ventós, Ferran Sisa-Martínez, Santi Sánchez-Coll.  Sponsored by SGR2017-1688.
Research Interests:
Lecture: ‘Rethinking ‘civitas stipendiaria’ in the Republic’.
Research Interests:
Estrategias de implantación militar romana en el noreste de la Citerior 120-90 a.C. Jordi Principal Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya Toni Ñaco del Hoyo ICREA-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona La historia de la presencia romana en la... more
Estrategias de implantación militar romana en el noreste de la Citerior 120-90 a.C.

Jordi Principal
Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya
Toni Ñaco del Hoyo
ICREA-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

La historia de la presencia romana en la Península Ibérica, desde el desembarco en Ampurias con motivo de la Segunda Guerra Púnica (218 a.C.) y hasta la caída de Numancia (133), es la historia de su ejército, de sus acciones y de los daños colaterales. De acuerdo con el registro histórico, a los períodos de intensa actividad bélica siguieron otros de menor intensidad, en función de los resultados irregulares de una guerra que no fue planeada para ser tan larga como finalmente resultó. La República hizo un esfuerzo extraordinario para mantener a sus ejércitos en pleno funcionamiento, independientemente de su composición interna, de las necesidades logísticas y de una economía de guerra que consideraba a los indígenas como botín o potenciales reclutas auxiliares. Durante todo este período, las regiones de Hispania de más temprana pacificación, y en particular la costa del NE y su zona de influencia, jugaron un papel clave no sólo en relación con la logística militar, sino también con la capacidad de integración de las poblaciones locales al nuevo orden romano. Como se ha puesto de manifiesto recientemente en la monografía de F. Cadiou sobre el ejército romano en Hispania (Hibera en Miles de Terra, Madrid 2008), el establecimiento de guarniciones estuvo más relacionado con la necesidad de asegurar las líneas de suministro hacia los frentes de guerra interior que con el mantenimiento de un control político de los pueblos vencidos. De hecho, las bases romanas en el NE no sólo habrían cumplido tal propósito de manera eficiente, sino también habrían tenido un papel destacado en la organización del período de hibernada de las tropas, al final de las campañas anuales. Sin embargo, desde la caída de Numancia hasta el inicio de las guerras sertorianas (82), se detecta un hiato en la evidencia literaria sobre actividades bélicas, a excepción de casos aislados contra celtíberos y lusitanos. Este trabajo pretende aportar algo de luz a este panorama, en particular gracias al análisis, en su propio contexto histórico, de dos sitios arqueológicos (El Camp de les Lloses, Tona, Barcelona; y Montero 1, Camarasa, Lérida), que aportan información destacada sobre la estrategia de implantación militar romana en una de las áreas peninsulares de control inicial. Según los resultados preliminares, ambos sitios podrían haber sido puestos avanzados, relacionados con la logística y el reclutamiento. Su morfología, su cronología específica y período de actividad limitado, así como su cultura material muestran interesantes indicios para el estudio de la estrategia de implantación y del contexto general militar de la Hispania Citerior, a finales del siglo II a.C.
Research Interests:
Forthcoming seminar II LIBERA RES PUBLICA
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We are pleased to announce the International Conference "Connected Histories of the Roman Civil Wars (88-30 BCE)", to be held online on the 15th and 16th September 2022. The event will be a two-day workshop with five panels which will... more
We are pleased to announce the International Conference "Connected Histories of the Roman Civil Wars (88-30 BCE)", to be held online on the 15th and 16th September 2022. The event will be a two-day workshop with five panels which will cover the following topics: ‘Mobility and Acculturation’, ‘Punishments and Retaliations’, ‘Discourses and Representations’, ‘Strategies and Tactics’ and ‘Roman Wars and local Conflicts’. For further details on the confirmed speakers see the attached programme. Should you wish to attend and receive a Zoom link, please email the organisers (
Research Interests:
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