Clasificaciones Factores de Riesgo Fisiopatología Manifestaciones clínicas y paraclínicas Criterios Profilaxis Tratamiento Referencias

Infective Endocarditis

he present review about infective endocarditis tries to clarify the concepts of one frequent infectious disease, in order to its definitions, classifications, etiological agents, risks factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings and diagnosis criteria, until the differential diagnosis, prophylaxis, antimicrobial treatment and therapeutic ways; based on the analysis of the medical literature with the objective to obtain practical guidelines and concepts to help the physician that face a patient with the suspect diagnosis of this pathology.

Key Words
Infective Endocarditis, etiology, diagnosis, treatment


Clasificaciones Factores de Riesgo Fisiopatología Manifestaciones clinicas y paraclinicas Profilaxis Referencias Criterios Diagnosticos Tratamientos