Use of Streeter-Phelps Model to estimate the dissolved oxygen of the Utcubamba River

  • Lenin Quiñones Huatangari Universidad Nacional de Jaén
  • Manuel Emilio Milla Pino Universidad Nacional de Jaén
  • Oscar Andrés Gamarra Torres Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas
  • Rolando Salas López Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas
  • José Federico Bazán Correa Universidad Nacional de Piura
Keywords: Self-purification, Water Quality, Dissolved Oxygen, Utcubamba River, Streeter Phelps


The Utcubamba river is born in the Leymebamba district at 3 100 m.a.s.l., in the province of Chachapoyas of the Amazon-Peru Region, it flows into the Marañón river, province of Bagua and has an approximate length of 253 km of main channel. The populations of Leymebamba, Chachapoyas, Pedro Ruíz Gallo, Bagua Grande, Cajaruro, El Milagro and Bagua, with a total population exceeding 150,000 inhabitants, are the main urban settlements on the banks of the river, or with direct influence on it. The objective of this research work was to use the Streeter-Phelps model to estimate the dissolved oxygen of the Utcubamba River. The methodology used was analytical and consisted in the first instance in selecting the sampling points that were taken on the main channel, from the data reported and documented by the Research Institute for Sustainable Development of Ceja de Selva, INDES-CES; subsequently, according to the hydraulic characteristics, the points where the model was used were determined, from this information the variables were selected, applying the respective equations. The model describes the behavior of the OD for the first 95.2 km, adequately characterizes the processes of self-purification and oxygen balance in river waters. In addition, it is proved that the waste has normal distribution through Shapiro Wilk whose value is 0.9687; This concludes that the model can be used to make inferences.


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Abstract 1159
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How to Cite
Quiñones Huatangari, L., Milla Pino, M. E., Gamarra Torres, O. A., Salas López, R., & Bazán Correa, J. F. (2020). Use of Streeter-Phelps Model to estimate the dissolved oxygen of the Utcubamba River. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 4(2), 12-16.
Research Paper
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