Calculating the Structural Components of the Spanish Public Deficit (1992-2015)


  • Ignacio Martínez Fernández Universidad de Sevilla, Cátedra de Política de la Competencia, Sevilla, España. E-mail:
  • Luis Palma Martos Universidad de Sevilla, Cátedra de Política de la Competencia, Sevilla, España. E-mail:
  • Christian Chase Solán Universidad de Sevilla, Cátedra de Política de la Competencia, Sevilla, España. E-mail:



Public Deficit, Financial Deficit, Structural Deficit, Public Debt


As the Spanish economy slid into recession during 2009, the debate over the role of the public deficit came into the spotlight once again. However, there has been little emphasis on determining the causes and the nature of the imbalances in the government’s accounts. We study the structure of aggregate public budgets and use regression analysis to address these two issues. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, our results show that budget’s  stability was transitory and that, in reality, an average primary deficit of 3,30% of GDP prevailed throughout the years between 1992 and 2015.


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