Combate tecnificado, distorsión de la percepción, testimonio y memoria fotográfica en la Gran Guerra

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Technology shaped a new form of combat proper of the WWI. This war, especially in the west, takes the form of a defensive war and generated the trench structure of warfare and front life. The inhabitation of this trench system is concomitant with a very peculiar way of perceiving the combat by the combatants. This kind of perception generates a singular war experience, and therefore a new kind of testimonies. Analyzing these testimonies we can deduce the features of that perception and of that experience and, all along, how in this moment it is thought that the only true witness is the combatant, defined as those that were under fire. But this conception which states that the only true witness is the one that has been under fire (in spite of their poor and traumatic non reliable experience) is not one that was prevalent between historians but between normal people. History, as a discipline, took a long time to consider combatants’ testimonies as a significant source
Bibliographic reference
Sánchez Durá, Nicolás (2015). "Combate tecnificado, distorsión de la percepción, testimonio y memoria fotográfica en la Gran Guerra". En: Ruíz Torres, Pedro (2015) Volver a pensar el mundo de la Gran Guerra. Institución Fernando el Católico. Zaragoza, 2015.