Emissions Associated with the Energy Sector in Spain


  • Ángeles Cámara Sánchez Departamento de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad II, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España. E-mail: angeles.camara@urjc.es
  • Mónica Flores García Departamento de Dirección y Organización de Empresas, Universidad de Zaragoza, España. E-mail: monicafl@unizar.es
  • Patricia D. Fuentes Saguar Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia Económica, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España. E-mail: pfuesag@upo.es




Social Accounting Matrix, National Accounting, Environmental Accounting, Renewable Energy, Environmental Effects Assessment.


The greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere are an economic and environmental problem. In this work we make a detailed study of the emissions from the branches of the Spanish energy sector. To this end, we have developed for the Spanish economy a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) with Environmental Accounts, considering the six greenhouse gases that the Kyoto Protocol states. In this SAM, the energy sector appears disaggregated in eight sectors, including renewable branches, in order to distinguish the emissions of each type of energy. The analysis is performed using a linear multisector model applied to the SAM, which allows us to obtain the emissions, both direct and indirect, caused by each branch of the Spanish energy sector. Finally, we evaluate the impact in emissions caused by a shift in the household energy consumption towards renewable energy.


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