A Reflection on the Spanish Power System


  • José Folgado Blanco Ex Secretario de Estado de la Energía. España. E-mail: jfolgadob@yahoo.es




Electrical System, Energy Sources.


In this study, we conclude the necessity and urgency of carrying out a package of measures, preferably by consensus in a state agreement, to alleviate or eliminate the serious problems of the sector and implement a satisfactory level, with the three accepted principles of supply security, economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. We conclude that all sources of current supplies are necessary, but that diversification should give a growing strategic role to renewable and nuclear energy, which seem to be particularly conducive to enhance the pumping well. In addition, the enormous challenge of increasing the energy efficiency makes the effective measures to substantially increase rail freight a priority, which should be fostered with the expansion of new routes for passengers (AVE) and also encourage urban public transport and long distance networks with new parking facilities. Finally, it is vital to accelerate the setting of a rapidly growing park hybrid and electric vehicles which, at the same time, requires a substantial improvement in electrical distribution networks as well as to continue with planned investments to expand and improve high voltage network and international connections. Energy efficiency companies can play a critical role in order to gain energy efficiency in buildings and streetlights. The mentioned state agreement on energy status would make rules and institutions responsible for future electricity policy more effective.


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