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Resumen de Consideraciones higrogeoquímicas sobre el acuifero detrítico costero de Bou Ahmed (Marruecos)

Luis Molina Sánchez, Francisco Sánchez Martos

  • The salinity of the waters of the detritic aquifer of Bou Ahmed (Morocco) is very diverse. Based on their hydrogeochemistry, two types of water have been differentiated. The less saline group of waters (electrical conductivity less than 1.500 ìS/cm) is directly related to the surface waters of the two rivers that feed the aquifer. The more saline group (1.000 ìS/cm - 3.900 ìS/cm) corresponds to sampling points along the valley sides. Their greater salinity is a consequence of the longer contact time with the marly sandstones, which has allowed ion exchange processes to develop. In addition, waters have an elevated HCO3- content as a result of the influence of a deep source of CO2 .

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